CS :

MECE5397: Assignment 1 - design of a beamDue date: 8:00am on Mar. 21In this assignment, your task is to optimize the cross

COMP2017 COMP9017 Assignment 2Due: 11:59PM Tuesday 28 March 2023 local Sydney timeThis assignment is worth 5% + 30% of your

COMP41280: First Assignment Upload a single PDF file with your answers through Brightspace. Only one submission attempt is

ACCT5930 Assessment Task 2 - Term 1 2023Date Friday 31 March 2023 (Week 7)Location Online in MoodleTime 12pm (noon-day time)

STAT 2011 Probability and Estimation Theory – Semester 1, 2023Computer Practical Sheet Week 4If you want the same (pseudo-)

FIT3152 Data analytics – 2023: Assignment 1Your task Analyse the country level predictors of pro-social behaviours to

CS/INFO 5304 Assignment 1: Data PreparationCredit: 94 pointsGrade: 20% of final gradeSubmission: Files that need to be

COMPENG 3SK3Project 2 1 BackgroundNewton’s Method in OptimizationCourse ID: Instructor: Due date:COMPENG 3SK3  

COMP6451 T1 2023Assignment 1Total Marks: 30Due: 17:00 March 10, 2023(All rights reserved - distribution to 3rd parties and

ECON 178 WI 2023: Homework 2Due: Tuesday Feb 21, 2023 (by 2:00pm PT)Instructions: The homework has a total of 40 points. The
