CS :

ECON1210 Introductory Microeconomics Midterm Examination Date:  March 17,

Quiz #1 Thursday, 26JUL2018 AD699: Data Mining for Business Analytics 1.  

IEOR 153 - Quiz 2 Practice Problems Spring 2024 1.  Four 

ITD102: Introduction to Computer Systems Workbook 2: High Level Technologies (23C2) This document

ECON0060: Problem Set 2 Due date: Monday, January 22 before your tutorial. Please attach a copy of the

COMP9414 24T2 Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1 - Artificial neural networks

DECO 1400 Web Design and Implementation Assessments Website Design Design

MScCS+ Project 23-24 1.  Introduction All MSc CS+ students undertake an

BUSANA 7001 - Predictive and Visual Analytics for Business 2024 S1,&

Basic Econometrics Individual Assignment This is an individual assignment where you must work alone.  You
