代做FCP001 Creative Practice代做Prolog
FCP001 |
Creative Practice |
Assessment Item Name |
Reimagined Object |
Weighting |
30% |
Individual/Group |
Individual |
Due Date |
Week 4, Saturday 10pm |
Assessment item description
A description of the assessment item is as follows:
Design an object for a friend, family member, or loved-one, using a human-centred and highly ideational and iterative approach. |
Subject learning outcomes (SLOs)
On successful completion of this assessment item, students should achieve the following outcomes:
SLO1 |
Conduct design research, using a variety of methods and sources. |
SLO2 |
Make critical and creative use of design research. |
SLO3 |
Use design approaches that are important to contemporary design practice. |
SLO4 |
Use a variety of materials, mediums, and design knowledges with a sense of experimentation. |
SLO6 |
Communicate visually, verbally, and textually. |
Assessment item brief
For this assessment item you are required to produce the following:
In this project, which is based on the Australian Design Centre’s Object Therapy project, you will reimagine (redesign) a treasured, worn, or broken object that belongs to a friend, family member, or loved-one. Your design work will follow a human-centred design philosophy, generating and using extensive ethnographic research into your object owner; your design work will also use highly ideational and iterative creative methods. Your final designed object will be rendered as an experimental collage work that incorporates photographic images of the initial object. All of your research and creative work will be documented in a Behance project page that follows best practices around digital accessibility and inclusion. *Please note that large language models such as ChatGPT should not be used to generate any of your ethnographic research, collages, and sketches. You can, however, use large language models to briefly introduce yourself to the contexts, theories, histories, readings, etc. of the project, similarly to how you might use Wikipedia. All large language model information that is important to your work must be verified in reliable sources. |
Assessment item submission requirements
For this assessment item you are required to submit the following:
A Behance page that contains the following (submit the URL link): • Your observing, immersing, and engaging ethnographic research and object inventory (label each of these categories and include a wide range of your research, not only that which directly connects to your final object) • Your six ideation sketches and five collage iterations • Your collage rendering of your final reimagined object • A short video (30 seconds maximum) in which you describe the affordances of your final reimagined object |
Assessment item grading criteria
For this assessment item you will be graded according to the following criteria:
1 |
Conduct ethnographic research. |
20% |
1 |
B2 |
2 |
Make critical and creative use of your ethnographic research in your ideational and iterative work. |
30% |
2 |
B3 |
3 |
Use a human-centred design approach. |
20% |
3 |
A1 |
4 |
Use the medium of collage with a sense of experimentation. |
10% |
4 |
E1 |
5 |
Communicate in a digitally accessible and inclusive way. |
20% |
6 |
C2 |