代做HPSC0011 STS Perspectives on Big Problems 2024-2025调试Haskell程序

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HPSC0011 STS Perspectives on Big Problems

Course Syllabus


Course Information

This module introduces students to the uses of STS in solving big problems in the contemporary world. Each year staff from across the spectrum of STS disciplines – History, Philosophy, Sociology and Politics of Science – come together to teach students how different perspectives can shed light on issues ranging from climate change to nuclear war, private healthcare to plastic pollution. Students will develop research and writing skills.

This year’s topic is: The State of the Oceans

The UN has declared 2021 -2030 the Ocean Decade. The slogan is ‘the science we need for the Ocean we want’. Implicit in this statement is the idea that the Ocean is a realm that can be made to suit humanity’s needs and preferences through scientific knowledge production. Many scientists acknowledge that the ocean remains understudied, and there is still much left to discover in terms of ocean life and ocean processes. There is the also potential for the development of new materials from undiscovered resources such as the polymetallic nodules found on the ocean floor. But the science of the ocean extends from its depths, upwards, to the land and sky. It is implicated the stability of the atmosphere and climatic and weather patterns.

In days past, the ocean facilitated the Age of Discovery, when nations developed the capacity to ferry men and women to the ‘new world’, both in the interest of exploration and later forcefully, with the goal of exploiting them for labour. Mercantilism and colonialism and the history of shipping and oceanography co-evolved hand in hand. Today, the seas hold the undersea cables that allow global, digital connectivity, facilitating a new form. of trade route and cultural exchange. The STS1Book this year illustrates the concept of ‘mutual shaping’--that the ocean shapes human society and the technologies that we build, and that our social norms, power dynamics and technologies impact the ocean in turn.

Aims & objectives

To demonstrate and explore the ways that STS provides perspective that contribute to the understanding of major problems facing humanity.


• The possession of empirical and theoretical knowledge of big problems from interdisciplinary STS perspectives, and the written communication skills to account for such knowledge

• The skills to analyse and contribute to such knowledge

• A deeper grasp of the varied character of STS and its interdisciplinary relevance to a wider world

Assessment 1 (25%)

ESSAY PLAN (assignment 1)

Key info:

Word limit: 1000 words (as per the STS handbook, you have a 10% margin, which here means 900-1100 words)

Deadline: 27 November 2024, 5 pm.

The purpose of assignment 1 is to produce some “building blocks” which will be useful to you in writing the final essay (assignment 2).

It is therefore essential to first understand what you will be asked to do for the final essay.

In a nutshell:

• Your final assignment (#2) will be to summarise one of the topics presented over the weeks of the class and to explain the STS concepts, and readings that were discussed in the class. You will also be expected to include and engage readings that were not assigned to you.

• This assignment (#1) consists in identifying the topic that you have selected, identifying an STS concept, and identifying reading(s) that you will be incorporating into your essay #2.

The purpose of this assignment: this is an opportunity to practice and get feedback on some of the skills and “pieces” you will need for your final essay.

Assessment 2 (75%): Essay

1)FINAL ESSAY (assignment 2):

Key info:

2000 words, due 8 January 2025, 5pm. Word count margin: 1800 – 2200 words

Your task in this essay is to summarise a topic discussed during one of the sessions.

In the main part of your essay you should:

• Identify the topic.

• Explain your interest in the topic.

• Include the STS concepts or ideas that were introduced along with the topic. Explain what they mean and how they are related.

• Use at least two module essential readings, and at least one relevant reading that you have found on your own and reference these appropriately. You may also draw on lecture content and on media items such as newspaper articles, documentaries, commentaries, etc.
