- 首页 >> CSENGR3821/9921 - Network Engineering, GE
Semester 1, 2020 - Workshop 7
Implement “Hidden Primary” domain name server,
with client facing secondary domain name servers
Project Background
• Evaluate the available Free, Libre and Open Source (FLOSS) Domain
name services for your Linux system in the Network Lab or Devuan/
Debian/Ubuntu/Kali VM on your BYOD
• A “hidden primary” name server is used to maintain dynamic updates
for clients that move around your network
• The “public secondary” name servers are the client facing servers that
process all the client domain name requests
• Install the domain name server software on your target VMs
• Configure the first domain name server with with a number of entries
including, www, ftp, mail, for the test domain;
• Setup a two domain name servers in a “primary/secondary” or “master/
slave” configuration, including access control lists (ACLs) limiting
access to the services by IP; one primary server, with one secondary
servers. Such that client machines can not access the “hidden” server.
• Enabled logging of client requests
• Test that these domain name servers are performing zone transfers on
zone updates, from primary to secondaries
• Depending on the software chosen, eg bind9, configuration typically is
stored in;
• Test the client domain name requests from the secondary name server
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The document should contain;
•Clearly document all of the steps required to add new domain name server to
your target machines/VMs
•Clearly document the steps to configure new DNS zone files
•Clearly document the steps used to test zone transfers on zone updates
•Provide as an appendix configuration files
•Provide as an appendix relevant snippets from log files to demonstrate zone
•Provide as an appendix relevant snippets from log files to demonstrate
fulfilling client requests
•Reference of all resources used and clearly mark quotations and citing
resources in your main body of work
There is no minimum or maximum page limits, as this document can vary
between the different technologies used. Include relevant detail on the install
process so that it can be used as a guide for yourself or others in the future.
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Layout Format:
Reports should be submitted in PDF Format ONLY. It must have standard
margins, single spacing, and no more than one line gap between paragraphs.
Arial/Helvetica fonts only, size 12 for the content. You should include your
name and student number on the TOP LEFT HAND Side only. Please name all
files with your FAN.
For appendices of log files containing wide lines, please use a suitable smaller
fixed width font.
Should be of the format;
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