代写COMP8101 – Advanced Topics in Data Engineering

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COMP8101 – Advanced Topics in Data Engineering
Assignment 2 – Spatial Data
Deadline: October 31, 2023, 5pm
The goal of this assignment is to develop techniques for indexing and searching spatial data.
Part 1 (50%, index development)
You are asked to write a program, which constructs an R-tree for a set of polygons using bulk-loading. You
are going to read the data from two files given to you. Your program should compute the MBRs of each polygon
and then bulk-load the MBRs to an R-tree. You are going to use the z-order curve for sorting the MBRs. You
can find information about z-order at the lecture notes and at the following links:
You are given two input files: coords.txt and offsets.txt. The first file contains coordinates of points at the form

,. The second file includes records of the form ,,, where id is a unique
identifier of a polygon object and startOffset (respectively, endOffset) is the line number in the file coords.txt
where the coordinates of the points that form the polygon begin (respectively, end). For example, the first line
in file offset.txt is “0,0,11” which means that object with id=0 is a polygon with 12 vertices; the coordinates of
the first vertex are in line 0 of file coords.txt (i.e., -82.010671,32.183124), the coordinates of the second vertex
are in line 1 of file coords.txt, …, the coordinates of the 12th vertex are in line 11 of file coords.txt.
By reading the two files (concurrently), access the coordinates of each polygon object and then compute the
MBR of each object. For each MBR, compute the coordinates of the geometric center (by taking the mean of
each dimension) and then compute the z-order value of the center. Use this value as the sorting key and “pack”
the MBRs to form the leaf nodes of the R-tree. Then, construct the upper levels of the tree recursively. Please
note that you do not have to sort the MBRs of R-tree nodes to form the upper levels, but you should just place
them to non-leaf nodes in the order they are generated. For the tree construction, assume that each R-tree node
has maximum capacity 20 and minimum number of entries 0.4*20 = 8 (the root of the R-tree is an exception
because it can have less than 8 entries). This means that if the last node at each level has less than 8 entries, you
need to adjust the number of entries in that node and the previous one at the same level, such that the last node
has exactly 8 entries and the previous sibling less than 20. The leaves of the R-tree have entries of the form [id,
MBR], where MBR is the MBR of the object (in the form [x-low, x-high, y-low, y-high]) with identifier id. The
non-leaf nodes contain entries of the form [id, MBR], where id is the identifier of the R-tree node pointed by
the entry and MBR is the MBR of all the entries in the pointed node (again, the MBR is in the form [x-low, xhigh, y-low, y-high]).
If you are using Python, you may use function interleave_latlng from the following module:
to convert a pair of (x,y) coordinates to a z-order code. In this function, note that lat=latitude=y-coordinate and
lng=longitude= x-coordinate, so you should call interleave_latlng(y,x) to get the z-order value for an (x,y) point
(note that the return value is a string). You can sort the produced strings.
Alternatively, you are free to write your own z-order value computation function, if you wish to do so.
Your program should take as command-line arguments the two files that are given to you. At the program output
you should print the number of vertices per level, for example:
500 nodes at level 0
25 nodes at level 1
2 nodes at level 2
1 node at level 3
Your program should write to output text file Rtree.txt all nodes of the tree in order of their id. The format of
each each line of Rtree.txt should be as follows:
[isnonleaf, node-id, [[id1, MBR1], [id2, MBR2], …, [idn, MBRn]]]
where isnonleaf=1 if the node is not a leaf (isnonleaf=0), node-id is the id of the node and then follow the
entries of the node. For each entry, id is either a node-id, if the entry points to a node (isnonleaf=1), or an
object-id if the entry points to an object (isnonleaf=0). The MBR is of form[x-low, x-high, y-low, y-high] and
it is either the MBR of a node (if isnonleaf=1) or the MBR of an object (if isnonleaf=0). For example, the first
line of Rtree.txt could be as follows:
[0, 0, [[5868, [-170.844179, -170.707084, -14.373776, -14.287277]], ..., [3060, [-157.850181, -
157.848054, 21.301518, 21.303834]]]]
The vertex at the last line of Rtree.txt should be the root (since it is the last finalized node).
Part 2 (20%, range queries)
Implement range query evaluation using the R-tree that you constructed. The input of the query should be an
R-tree and a rectangle W and the objective is to find the object MBRs that intersect W. The function that
implements range search should take as input the node-id of the R-tree root, the query rectangle W in the form
[x-low, x-high, y-low, y-high]. To verify the correctness of your function, you are given file Rqueries.txt,
which includes range queries W of the form:

where x-low is the lower bound of W and x-high is the upper bound of W on the x-dimension (the bounds for
the y-dimension are defined correspondingly). For each query, output the ids of the objects whose MBR overlaps
with the window W of the query (filter step).
Your program should take as command-line arguments the R-tree file that you have created in Part 1 and the
queries file Rqueries.txt. It should first construct the R-tree, by reading the contents of the Rtree.txt file and then
read and evaluate each query from the query file. For each query, it should print at the output the line of the
query (starting from line 0), the number of query results in parenthesis, and the ids of the results, i.e., the
identifiers of the objects whose MBR intersects the query range.
0 (7): 2527,2712,8371,5042,7080,7656,7944
Part 3 (30%, kNN queries)
Implement the best-first nearest neighbor search algorithm. The version that you should implement is the
incremental NN algorithm, which uses a priority queue (heap) to organize the accessed R-tree entries based on
their distance to the query point. The heap should include node MBRs and object MBRs. When an object MBR
is de-heaped, it is the next nearest neighbor object to q.
Write a function that takes as input the root of the R-tree and a query point q, and computes and outputs the k
nearest neighbor object-ids to q in the R-tree, based on the object MBRs.
Your program should take as command-line arguments the R-tree file you created in Part1, file NNqueries.txt
and number k (number of nearest neighbors). It should first construct the R-tree, by reading the contents of the
Rtree.txt file and then read and evaluate each query from the query file. For each query, it should print at the
output the line of the query (starting from line 0), the number of query results in parenthesis, and the ids of the
results, i.e., the identifiers of the k objects whose MBR is the nearest to the point (x,y) of the corresponding line
in the query file.
Example (for k=10):
0 (10): 9311,7001,803,5361,6764,3905,1642,3260,4669,5762
Deliverables: You should submit your 3 programs and a single PDF file which documents the programs and
includes any additional comments. You can use a programming language of your choice, but your program
should be OS-independent. Please submit a single ZIP file with all requested programs and documents to
Moodle on or before 5:00pm, October 31st, 2023. Make sure all contents are readable. Please do not submit any
data files, your input files should be the same as given (please don’t rename them or use any self-modified files).
Please feel free to post your questions on Moodle forum or contact the TA of the course if you encounter any
difficulty in this assignment. We would be happy to help.
