代写ITECH3107 Mobile Device Programming
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Assignment 1 – Student Attendance System
Due Date: 11:59pm, Friday, 27th October (end of Week 8)
This assignment will test your Android development skills and is worth 30% of your overall course mark.
Android Development
This assignment requires you to develop an Android application which uses several Activities which are related
through the use of Intents. To write the application you will need to use the Android Studio Integrated
Development Environment (IDE).
Your application must perform all tasks listed in this document and be capable of running on any Android device
with a minimum API version of 23 (i.e. Android 6.0 "Marshmallow") up to the latest version of Android.
Your application should be created to display correctly on an emulated Google Pixel 4 device. However, by using
appropriate layouts (e.g. ConstraintLayout) the application should also be able to display correctly on any Android
device with any sized screen and resolution.
Warning: If your application is not created using the latest version of Android Studio and the minimum SDK
requirements listed below, your submission may not be marked.
Plagiarism Policy
The Federation University policy on plagiarism can be found at the following location:
I highly recommend that you familiarise yourself with what is and what is not considered plagiarism, but I'll
summarise the key aspects below:
• For this assignment, if you use any external resources to assist with your programming, please reference
them using comments in code. For example, if you implemented an algorithm based on a Stack Overflow
post, you should acknowledge this. You must also specify any help/sources you consulted in completing
this assignment using the form on Moodle, prior to submitting your assignment.
• Do NOT share code with fellow students. These are individual assignments, not group projects. If the
same code is found in multiple students’ projects, you’ll be reported to the Academic Integrity Officer and
risk getting zero for the assignment and having a plagiarism flag put on your record.
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Application Specification
Project Settings
Your Android application should have the following settings:
Minimum SDK: API 23
Target / Compilation SDK: Latest
Project/Application Name: FedUni Student Attendance
For example, FedUni Millionaire 12345678
Company URL: au.edu.federation.itech3107.studentattendance
For example, this would make the package name:
Application Description
A client has approached you to develop a student attendance system in Android.
In this first iteration of development, the client only wants you to develop a “proof-of-concept” app that includes
the main functionality. The key requirements for this iteration include:
• The teachers should be able to register and login after registration. Students won’t be able to access this
• Teacher should be able to add units/courses such as ITECH3106 (add at least 3 courses/units for testing
• Teacher should be able to add students using their student id and names to each course.
• Teacher should be able to add starting and ending dates for the courses/units as per the timetable.
Consider one class per week. You need to use calendar API for this purpose.
• Teacher can click the course/unit which displays a new page for marking attendance.
• In the new page provide functionality to choose current date. For choosing date, you should
display a dropdown list to choose the current date from.
• For taking attendance, page should display list of students with their ids. Display a checkbox
against each student to tick it if the student is present. Provide a save button at the bottom to
save the attendance.
• The system should save the attendance for each class separately. You need to use a database to
save students’ list and attendance.
• You can use appropriate APIs wherever required.
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Table 1. Question values and safe money.
Programming Requirements
You may be required to include both Activities and additional classes in your application to achieve the
requirements in an elegant manner. There is no limit to the number of additional classes you can include in your
app but you should aim for clean and logical design of your program. You should also follow the best practices for
Android such as not hardcoding strings into layout files and follow other Java programming conventions.
Version Control
In order to demonstrate iterative development of your solution for the client, it is expected that you will utilise
GitHub (or any other ) to create a repository for your assignment and make regular commits to this repository.
This will help you to demonstrate that the solution is your own work, while also allowing you to further
experience the GitHub environment. Your repository can be private, but please provide access to the Unit
Submission and marking process
Create a single zip file containing the Android Studio project of your FedUni Student Attendance application and
upload it to the upload location on Moodle for Assignment 1 of this course. You can easily export your project as
a zip by selecting File > Export to Zip File…. There is no written component to this assessment besides the code in
the completed project.
Assignments will be marked on the basis of fulfilment of the requirements as specified in the marking guide
(which can be found on the last page of this document). You may be required to attend an interview with your
marker to discuss certain aspects of your assignment.
In addition to the marking criteria, marks may be deducted for failure to comply with the assignment
requirements, including (but not limited to):
• Incomplete functionality,
• Incomplete submissions(e.g. missing files)
Refer to the course description for details of the policy on marking of late assignments.
Any applications for extensions or special consideration should be made as early as possible, and in all cases prior to the
deadline for submission.
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ITECH3107 Assignment 1 Marking Criteria
Student ID:
Requirement Marks
App functionality / design for Teacher
Registration screens behaves correctly with suitable UI
Three fields with user id and two password fields (second for confirmation of the password)
Login screens behaves correctly with suitable UI /5
Adding courses behaves correctly with suitable UI
Options to add and delete courses are provided and working correctly.
Adding students to the units works correctly.
Option to add student id and student name are provided and working correctly.
Adding timetable to each course with one class per week for 12 weeks
Appropriate views are used for adding timetable.
Teacher can select a date to mark attendance
Dropdown option is provided to select one of the 12 dates to mark attendance.
Marking attendance works correctly with suitable UI
Checkbox is provided for each student which can be ticked. Save button provided to save the
Teacher can retrieve previous attendance by specifying a date
Appropriate view is provided to view the attendance using a selected date.
General programming / other
Use of Activities / additional classes /5
Code style / comments /5
Robustness of code (does it crash unexpectedly?) /5
Use of GitHub for version control /5
Mark out of 30% /30