帮写Applied Finance Project on Chinese Migrants Remittances调试Haskell程序

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Applied Finance Project on Chinese Migrants Remittances

The STATA file china_migrants.dta contains data on selected variables for 1,431 Chinese rural migrants working in the Jinan municipality in Shandong province of China.  The STATA do file china_migrants_.do should be consulted as a starting point, though some additional basic STATA commands will also be needed. The following table describes the variables in the STATA dataset:

Variable Name

Variable Description


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant remitted money to their household of origin in rural China, and equals zero otherwise.


The amount remitted to their household of origin in rural China in the last 12 months expressed in Yuan. 


The monthly labour market earnings received by the migrant in the last month expressed in Yuan.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant is female, and equals 0 otherwise


The age of the migrant expressed in years.


The square of the age of the migrant expressed in years.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant is married, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant has no children, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant has primary school education or less, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant has middle school education, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant has senior school education or better, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant has a registration card (Hukou) that permits the migrant to work legally in Jinan, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant has worked in Jinan municipality for 12 months or less, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant’s current job provides one free meal per day, and equals 0 otherwise.


A dummy variable that adopts a value of 1 if the migrant’s current job provides free medical care, and equals 0 otherwise.

(a) Summarise the data in the first instance and comment on the characteristics of the data in this case.

(b) You could perform. some t-tests based on average differences in the probability of remitting between those with and without a registration card, and gender.

(c) You could do the same for the amount remitted.   

(d) The following relationship could be specified as a starting point:

remiti  = β0 + β1agei + β2age_sqi +  β3femalei   +  β4 no_childi  

+  β5urban_12i  +  β6cardi  + β7log(mwage)I + ui   [1]

 where i =1,……….,1431.

This is a Linear Probability Model.   

(d) The following relationship could be specified as a starting point:

amounti  = β0 + β1agei + β2age_sqi +  β3femalei   +  β4 no_childi  

+  β5urban_12i  +  β6cardi  + β7log(mwage)I + ui   [2]

 where i =1,……….,1431.

This would be a simple OLS regression model.
