代写EC204: Economics 2代做留学生SQL 程序

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Assessment criteria

EC204: Economics 2 - Jennifer Smith

1.    Basic details

Assessment type

Assignment 2 - Essay


22 April 2022



2. Questions/required work

Completion of a 1000-word essay on a topic/subject set by the lecturer. The essay will be due for submission electronically on Tabula and should be correctly referenced and completed as an individual assignment.

3. Assessment criteria

Your work will be assessed on the following criteria:

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your understanding of key concepts and principles in intermediate macroeconomics.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your ability to apply rigorous knowledge of theoretical models which underlie macroeconomic analysis.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your understanding of the uses, applications and limitations of theoretical models.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your proficiency in demonstrating your knowledge of macroeconomic policy.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your ability to demonstrate knowledge of

macroeconomic policies and understand the role of theory in analysing their effectiveness.

Subject Specific and Professional Skills

Your aptitude in selecting and applying appropriate economic models and techniques to particular

problems especially those of a policy nature.

Subject Specific and Professional Skills

Your ability to produce concise and analytical reports relating to economic problems and issues.

Subject Specific and Professional Skills

Your demonstration of analytical thinking, reasoning and application.

Cognitive Skills

Your ability to abstract and simplify economic

problems through the application of theoretical models.

Cognitive Skills

Your ability to analyse and formulate models for understanding and solving problems.

Cognitive Skills

Your ability to analyse competing models and hypotheses in a critical way.

Key Skills

Your skill in communicating knowledge and

understanding of economics in written, graphical and in mathematical forms.

Key Skills

Your ability to present your ideas in a clear and concise way to an audience.

Key Skills

Your ability to conduct individual and collaborative

research into an Economic topic, using world wide web and library resources.

Key Skills

Your proficiency in reviewing the relevant literature and evidence.
