代写LIT208 The Short Story Final Assessment帮做R程序
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Please choose one of the following questions and write a 2000-word essay with reference to TWO short stories studied on this module, taking care to engage with secondary sources as necessary.
The essay should be submitted on LMO no later than Monday 27 May 2024.
1. ‘With Chekhov, the modern short story seems to spring into being fully formed, in all its ambivalence and sophistication and one might add in its balance of humour and futility.’ (Tessa Hadley) EITHER compare Chekhov’s ‘The Lady with the Dog’ with another short story studied on the module that can be said to be Chekhovian OR compare two Chekhovian short stories studied on the module.
2. ‘[T]he short story encapsulates the essence of literary modernism, and has an enduring ability to capture the episodic nature of twentieth-century experience. ’ (Dominic Head) To what extent do you agree that the short story can capture the experience of modernity?
Answer the question with reference to two short stories studied on this module.
3. Compare the representation of women in two short stories studied on this module, which are EITHER from different cultures OR from different periods, with a consideration of the specific historical contexts in which they were created.
4. ‘[T]he power of many of the finest short stories comes from the provisionality of conclusions that refuse to tie up loose ends and, on rereading, deliver more than ironic reversal by providing pleasure rather than a dominant effect of relief or plot catharsis. ’
(Andrew Kahn) Discuss the open ending of two short stories studied on this module.
5. To what extent do you agree that the short story is particularly suitable for certain genres, such as the supernatural, the detective, and the science-fiction? Answer the question with reference to two short stories studied on this module.
This assessment counts towards 80% of the module mark. Please note that resit is unavailable for this assessment. The resit for LIT208 takes place in August 2024 in the form of an essay (100% of overall mark).
The essay should be 2000 words in length (with a margin of 10%). The word count excludes Works Cited but includes in-text citations. Please state your word count.
Please read the essay questions carefully and state which one is being attempted (excluded from the word count). The essay should be structured and focused. Marks are awarded to essays which provide a close reading of the texts. Engagement with a range of secondary sources is highly recommended; good, reliable sources include academic books and journal articles (for example, weekly recommended reading on LMO).
The use of Generative AI for content generation is not permitted on any assessed coursework on this module.
As a good academic practice, referencing is essential. Both primary and secondary sources need to be referenced, and page numbers should be provided for direct quotations. For the correct format of referencing, please refer to the Harvard Referencing Guide (available on the University Library website). Please note that all submissions are subject to Turnitin originality check (Turnitin reports will not be made available but markers will look carefully at the detailed reports as well as the percentages).
When submitting the essay, please attach a cover sheet and upload a Word file on LMO by the end of Monday 27 May 2024. The submission should be named: Name_Student No._LIT208_CW.doc(x). The recommended font and spacing are Times New Roman
12pt and 1.5 spacing.
Marking will be conducted by teaching staff on the module according to the University Marking Descriptors. Comments on the essays may be released early; all marks are provisional until confirmed and released by Registry.