代写ENGE808-Advanced Measuring Systems Assessment 2A代做迭代
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ENGE808-Advanced Measuring Systems
Assessment 2A
Due Date May 14, 2024
From Measurement Systems Application and Design (E. O. Doebelin) book:
Read Chapters 5-6, and
Solve the following problems
1. The torque wrench in Fig. 1 is claimed to produce an output voltage e,,
proportional to the torque applied by force f to the nut. irrespective of the point of force application Lf, as long as Lf > 3L. Investigate the validity of this claim.
Figure: 1
2. From the block diagram of Fig. 2, obtain the transfer function (e0 /Ti)(D), assuming 2 is small enough to neglect. Investigate the effect of system parameters on dynamic accuracy and stability.
Figure: 2
3. In the system of Fig. 3:
1. For F = 0 and heat off, R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 and e0 = 0.
2. The gage factor of the gages is + 2.0, and the temperature coefficient of resistance of the gages is positive.
3. The modulus of elasticity of the beam decreases with increased temperature.
4. The thermal-expansion coefficient of the gage is greater than that of the beam.
5. Assume the gage temperature is the same as that of the beam immediately beneath it.
Figure: 3
At time t = 0, an upward force F is applied and maintained constant thereafter. After oscillations have died out, at a later time t1 the radiant-heat source is turned on and left on thereafter. Sketch the general form. of e0 versus t, justifying clearly by detailed reasoning the shape you give the curve.
4 . A pressure pickup as in Fig. 4 has the following characteristics:
R = 3.0 in, rr, = 2.5 in, rt = 0.5 in,
E = 28 x 106 lb/in2
= 0.05 in
μ = 0.26
;· = 0.3 lbf/in'
gage resistance = 120 ohms
gage factor = 2.0
battery voltage = 5.0 V
(a) Calculate the sensitivity in mV/(lb/in2).
(b) What is the natural frequency in vacuum?
(c) Based on below equation, what is the maximum allowable pressure for 2 percent nonlinearity?
Figure 4: Diaphragm-type strain gage pressure pickup
5 . For aliquid-filled transducer/tubing system, modify the text analysis to get a formula
for ωn. if the tubing is made of two sections of different lengths and diameters.
6 . Compute the resistance change of 100-ohms coils of Manganin and gold chrome for 50,000 lb/in2 pressure and 100 'F temperature changes.
7. Read Chapter 5. Summarize the chapter in minimum 300 words. This should be typed and clearly presented.
8 Read Chapter 6. Summarize the chapter in minimum 300 words. This should be typed and clearly presented.