代做IOM 302 E-Business Models and Strategies 2nd SEMESTER 2023/24代做留学生SQL语言程序

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IOM 302 

2nd SEMESTER 2023/24

Assignment 002: Individual Report Writing

Year 4

E-Business Models and Strategies

Due Date: 23:59 9th June 2024


Assignment 002

Here are two topics. Please choose one of them for your report writing.

Topic 1:

You are required to select a local brand as the case company to complete this assignment based on the following scenario. The local brand should be a time-honoured brand in your hometown or the one you are familiar with, which has the need to further promote its business online.

Suppose that you are a senior consultant in one of the world-leading consulting companies. One of your customers (as the local brand) has been faced with the challenges on how to reposition their business strategies online and cope with the digital transformation. In this vein, the client asks you to conduct a professional consulting project to critically analyse their e-business models and strategies and then provide correlative suggestions to further promote their brands online.

Topic 2:

As we all know, the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about remarkable impacts on various industries. Suppose that you are planning to start your own business with the use of AI to focus on e-business. At current stage, you are reaching several stakeholders to raise venture capitals. To convince the stakeholders to invest into your business, you are required to develop a report to comprehensively present several key sectors they are interested in, including the e-business models and strategies.

No matter which topic you choose, please strictly follow the requirements and template below to complete your report. Any missing elements will result in mark reduction.  

1. Cover Page (available on Learning Mall)

2. Front Page: designed by your own, presenting the information on the report title, the name of the case company etc.

3. Main body of the report, your work MUST cover at least the following sections:

Section 1: Introduction

Introduce the background information of the company.

Section 2: E-Business Model and Strategy Analysis

2.1 E-Business Model

Describe and or critically analyse the business models of the company with the emphasis on online business.

The elements of business model have been introduced in lectures. You are required to select several components you think are necessary.

2.2 E-Marketing Tool(s)

Describe and or critically analyse the e-marketing tool(s) of the company.

2.3 E-Business Strategy

Describe and or critically analyse the business strategies of the company with the emphasis on online business strategies.

2.4 Anything else (optional)

If there is anything else that you think is important to support your analysis, please specify in this part.   

If you choose Topic 1, please include Section 3 into your report.

If you choose Topic 2, please include Section 4 into your report. 

Section 3: Suggestions

Based on above critical analysis, please demonstrate your independent understandings on how to reposition and improve the e-business models and strategies as well as how to cope with the digital transformation to seize more market opportunities.

Section 4:

Challenges and solutions

Please present what could be the key challenges of your business and demonstrate how you are going to cope with them to seize more market opportunities.  

Section 5: Conclusion

Briefly make conclusions based on the work you developed.

Section 6: Appendices (if any)

Section 7: Reference

Essential Requirements:

§ You should provide enough information to support your analysis.

§ Your stimulating and well-founded analysis is essential, not a cut and paste of website content.

§ Check your completed work for internal consistency. For example, make sure that you attempt to solve the key issues you have identified. Don't say X is the major problem and then recommend a solution to Y.

§ Try not to be overly descriptive. Remember you are trying to identify, analyze, and solve the problems of the case using the relevant theories or knowledge from the course.

§ Please implement what you learned from the lectures and tutorials and further extend in the context of your analysis.

§ Referencing of all non-original material is essential.

§ No matter which topic you choose, please strictly follow the requirements and template below to complete your report. Any missing elements will result in mark reduction.  

§ The use of Generative AI for content generation is NOT permitted on coursework in this module.

General Requirement

§ Due Date: Your work must be submitted no later than 23:59 9th June 2024. Any submission later than the deadline will result in mark deduction referring to the university rules.

§ Total Marks: 75%

§ Word Count: 3,500 – 4,000 words (excluding references) using the Harvard referencing protocol.

§ Submission: Your report should be submitted through Turnitin via Learning Mall with a signed and dated cover page by the due date. Cover page could be found on Learning Mall module page.

§ Document type: word (PDF is not acceptable).

§ Reference: Harvard reference is preferred.

§ Naming: Your work should be named using the following items and sequences:

Report: Module ID_Assignment lD _Student ID.

E.g., IOM302_002_123456

Marking Scheme

The assessment compromises of the following criteria:

1. Report appearance (10%)

2. Writing and Reference (10%)

3. Analysis (80%)

3.1 Analysis on the company (40%)

3.2 Suggestion on e-business models and strategies repositioning or Challenges and solutions on the start-up business (40%)

Percentage Mark


Criteria - Knowledge, Understanding and Application


Excellent, outstanding performance

An excellent piece of work which:

1. demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the management tools for comparison and analysis

2. demonstrates wide and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the key issues raised by the question; is independently analytical and critically evaluative, thus extending the understanding of the subject to get very comprehensive conclusions

3. makes excellent contribution to the group work

4. maintains excellent overall consistency and performance, strong connections among each sessions are presented

5. is well presented to a professional standard with appropriate use of tables and graphs

6. is well structured with high quality writing style.

7. has no or very limited writing mistakes

8. is fully and correctly referenced


Commendable performance

A very good piece of work which:

1. demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of the management tools for comparison and analysis

2. demonstrates very clear knowledge and understanding of the key issues raised by the question; is independently analytical and critically evaluative, thus extending the understanding of the subject to get comprehensive conclusions

3. makes good contribution to the group work

4. maintains good overall consistency and performance, connections among each sessions are presented

5. is well presented to a professional standard with appropriate use of tables and graphs

6. is well structured with good quality writing style.

7. has limited writing mistakes

8. is fully and correctly referenced


Good, average performance






A good piece of work which:

1. demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the management tools for comparison and analysis

2. demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the key issues raised by the question with a certain level of independent analysis and evaluation, to get relatively clear conclusion

3. makes relatively good contribution to the group work

4. maintains a certain level of overall consistency and performance, limited connections among each sessions are presented

5. is reasonably well presented with appropriate use of tables and graphs

6. is logically structured with reasonably good quality writing style.

7. has some writing mistakes

8. is fully referenced with some mistakes


Satisfactory performance

A satisfactory piece of work which:

1. demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the management tools for comparison and analysis

2. demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the key issues raised by the question with mainly descriptive and little independent analysis as well as critical evaluation, to reach limited conclusion

3. makes limited good contribution to the group work

4. presents certain level of conflicts and limited connections

5. is not well presented with inappropriate use of tables and graphs

6. is structured with limited logic flow   

7. has many writing mistakes

8. is referenced with many mistakes or inadequacy


Failed, poor performance

A poor piece of work which:

1. demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the management tools for comparison and analysis

2. demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the key issues raised by the question mainly descriptive and little independent analysis to reach limited conclusion

3. makes limited or no contribution to the group work

4. presents many conflicts and poor performance

5. is poorly presented with inappropriate use of tables and graphs

6. is not logically structured

7. has many writing mistakes

8. is not referenced or referenced with many mistakes or inadequacy



