代做CSCI-UA.202: Operating Systems (Undergrad): Spring 2021 Final Exam代做Python程序
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Final Exam (Given remotely)
I C and Assembly (11 points)
1. [6 points] The function below, written in C, compiles. However, it is buggy.
uint64_t* multiply_by_3(uint32_t x) {
uint64_t y;
uint64_t* z;
y = x * 3;
z = &y;
return z;
Describe the bug in the code, using no more than two sentences.
The function returns the address of a local variable, which is never correct, since after this function is called, its stack frame. goes out of scope.
2. [5 points] Here is a program excerpt in x86-64 assembly:
movq $1, %rax
movq $2, %rbx
movq $3, %rcx
movq $4, %rdx
movq $5, %rdi
pushq %rax
pushq %rbx
pushq %rcx
pushq %rdx
pushq %rdi
popq %r8
popq %r9
popq %r10
popq %r11
popq %r12
After this excerpt executes, what values are in each of the registers? Fill in the table below.
register value
%rax 1
%rbx 2
%rcx 3
%rdx 4
%rdi 5
%r8 5
%r9 4
%r10 3
%r11 2
%r12 1
II Concurrent programming (24 points)
3. [15 points] In this problem you will simulate a simplified auction, encapsulated in a monitor, Auction. Your job is to finish the implementation of Auction. Here is the specification:
– Auction has NUM_BIDS slots to hold bids; an auction can happen only when all of these slots are full.
– There are endless buyer threads, each of which makes a bid by calling the Auction::RegisterBid() method. If there are no free slots to hold bids, this method must wait. Otherwise, this method inserts its bid into a free slot (after which the slot is no longer free). After it does so, the method returns; in particular, the method does not wait for the results of the auction.
– There are one or more auctioneer threads, which each call the Auction::SelectWinner() method. This method simulates a single auction. Per the first bullet, this method can proceed only if all slots are occupied. Otherwise, it waits. When it does proceed, it computes the maximum bid from among all candidate bids in the Auction, clears all of the slots, and returns the maximum bid.
– You must follow the class’s concurrency commandments.
– Don’t wake threads unnecessarily.
Hint: Write helper functions, for example to determine whether there are free slots.
Where indicated, fill in the variables and methods for the Auction object. Remember to follow the concurrency commandments.
Auction auction; // global
class Auction {
void RegisterBid(uint32_t amount);
uint32_t SelectWinner();
uint32_t bids[NUM_BIDS]; // bids[i] == 0 means that slot i is free
memset(bids, 0, sizeof(bids));
Auction:RegisterBid(uint32_t amount)
// We use 0 to mean "slot free"
assert(amount > 0);
class Auction {
void RegisterBid(uint32_t amount);
uint32_t SelectWinner();
uint32_t bids[NUM_BIDS]; // bids[i] == 0 means that slot i is free
mutex m;
cond cv_auctionready;
cond cv_roomforbid;
int get_avail_slot();
uint32_t find_max();
memset(bids, 0, sizeof(bids));
Auction:RegisterBid(uint32_t amount)
// We use 0 to mean "slot free"
assert(amount > 0);
int idx;
while ((idx = get_avail_slot()) < 0) {
cond_wait(&m, &cv_roomforbid);
bids[idx] = amount;
if (idx == NUM_BIDS-1)
cond_signal(&m, &cv_auctionready);
uint32_t winning_bid;
while (get_avail_slot() >= 0)
cond_wait(&m, &cv_auctionready);
winning_bid = find_max();
memset(bids, 0, sizeof(bids));
cond_broadcast(&m, &cv_roomforbid);
return winning_bid;
// helper functions
int i;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BIDS; i++)
if (!bids[i])
return i;
return -1;
uint32_t max = bids[0];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BIDS; i++)
if (bids[i] > max)
max = bids[i];
return max;
4. [4 points] Recall the multiple reader, single writer example that we saw in class. Pseudocode is below and on the next page. As discussed in class, this example implements a policy: “any waiting writer executes ahead of any waiting reader.” Consider this example with the following alternate implementation of doneWrite:
Database::doneWrite() {
if (WR > 0) {
broadcast(&okToRead, &mutex);
if (WW > 0) {
signal(&okToWrite, &mutex);
Does this modified example prioritize the execution of readers? If so, explain why. If not, explain why not. Use no more than two sentences.
No, it does not change whose execution is prioritized, it just results in needless wakeups of readers. The policy on which threads get to proceed is enforced by the while statements on lines 20 and 47, not the broadcasting and signaling.
1 // assume that these variables are initialized in a constructor
2 state variables:
3 AR = 0; // # active readers
4 AW = 0; // # active writers
5 WR = 0; // # waiting readers
6 WW = 0; // # waiting writers
8 Condition okToRead = NIL;
9 Condition okToWrite = NIL;
10 Mutex mutex = FREE;
12 Database::read() {
13 startRead(); // first, check self into the system
14 Access Data
15 doneRead(); // check self out of system
16 }
18 Database::startRead() {
19 acquire(&mutex);
20 while ((AW + WW) > 0){
21 WR++;
22 wait(&okToRead, &mutex);
23 WR--;
24 }
25 AR++;
26 release(&mutex);
27 }
29 Database::doneRead() {
30 acquire(&mutex);
31 AR--;
32 if (AR == 0 && WW > 0) {
33 signal(&okToWrite, &mutex);
34 }
35 release(&mutex);
36 }
39 Database::write(){ // symmetrical
40 startWrite(); // check in
41 Access Data
42 doneWrite(); // check out
43 }
45 Database::startWrite() {
46 acquire(&mutex);
47 while ((AW + AR) > 0) {
49 WW++;
50 wait(&okToWrite, &mutex);
51 WW--;
52 }
53 AW++;
54 release(&mutex);
55 }
57 Database::doneWrite() {
58 acquire(&mutex);
59 AW--;
60 if (WW > 0) {
61 signal(&okToWrite, &mutex); // give priority to writers
62 } else if (WR > 0) {
63 broadcast(&okToRead, &mutex);
64 }
65 release(&mutex);
66 }
5. [5 points] In the EStore lab (lab 3), in the fine-grained locking section (part C), you should have introduced multiple locks, each covering a unit of code or data smaller than the entire inventory. The purpose was to allow multiple threads to operate on the inventory concurrently. But introducing multiple locks makes code more prone to deadlocks.
What did you do to avoid deadlock? Or, if you did not get this aspect of the assignment correct, what should you have done to avoid deadlock? Limit your answer to three sentences, but be precise.
III Virtual memory (19 points)
6. [4 points] In this problem, you will describe how the implementation of malloc() can exploit paging so that the system (as a whole) can detect certain kinds of underruns, which are a kind of illegal memory reference. Consider this code:
int *a = malloc(sizeof(int) * 100); /* allocates space for 100 ints */ int *b = &a[10]; /* b points to the 10th element of array a */
*(b - 20) = 5; /* This is an underrun, and is an illegal memory reference . */
When the above executes, the process would ideally page fault as a result of an illegal memory reference, at which point the kernel would end the process.
Assume that malloc() can manipulate the virtual address space of the process (for example, using mmap(), or else you can assume that malloc() itself is a system call).
Describe how the implementation of malloc() can arrange for page faults when there are underruns like the one above. Do not write more than three sentences.
This was a variant of a question on the midterm. Lay out the allocated memory so that the first legitimately allocated byte is on the first byte of a newly allocated page (this “wastes” the latter part of a page). Mark the prior virtual page (before the array) as “not in use” (this does not cost physical memory). At that point, memory references before the beginning of the array will generate page faults.
7. [15 points] The code below is from WeensyOS (lab 4); this code creates the kernel’s page table just after WeensyOS boots up. For reference, the code is ink-hardware.c; you’re welcome to pull up the whole fileif the context will be helpful.
1 // virtual_memory_init
2 // Initialize the virtual memory system, including an initial page table 3 // ‘kernel_pagetable‘ .
5 static x86_64_pagetable kernel_pagetables[5];
6 x86_64_pagetable* kernel_pagetable;
8 void virtual_memory_init(void) {
9 kernel_pagetable = &kernel_pagetables[0];
10 memset(kernel_pagetables, 0, sizeof(kernel_pagetables));
11 kernel_pagetables[0].entry[0] =
12 (x86_64_pageentry_t) &kernel_pagetables[1] | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;
13 kernel_pagetables[1].entry[0] =
14 (x86_64_pageentry_t) &kernel_pagetables[2] | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;
15 kernel_pagetables[2].entry[0] =
16 (x86_64_pageentry_t) &kernel_pagetables[3] | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;
17 kernel_pagetables[2].entry[1] =
18 (x86_64_pageentry_t) &kernel_pagetables[4] | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;
20 virtual_memory_map(kernel_pagetable, (uintptr_t) 0, (uintptr_t) 0,
23 lcr3((uintptr_t) kernel_pagetable);
24 }
Assume that, before virtual_memory_init() executes, the boot loader has configured virtual memory to set up an identity mapping (“virtual address x maps to physical address x”) for all virtual addresses that virtual_memory_init() uses when executing (its instruction addresses and the memory addresses that it loads from and stores to). If that assumption confuses you, you can ignore it. The purpose of virtual_memory_init() is to construct and configure the kernel’s page tables (Lines 9–21) and then to load the physical address of the level-1 (L1) page table into the x86-64’s %cr3 register (Line 23), thereby telling the MMU to translate virtual addresses according to this page table. This question asks you to walk through each of the seven (7) lines of code in lines 9–21, and describe the specific function of each line. (There are seven (7) lines of code because a line of code is defined as code that ends in a semicolon, even if that line breaks across multiple literal lines.) Your answer should cover the following.
– What does each line of code specifically do to construct the kernel’s page table?
– What are the contents of the L1, L2, L3, and L4 page tables?
– Once virtual_memory_init() completes execution, which virtual address ranges are mapped to which physical address ranges?
IV I/O (14 points)
8. [9 points] Consider a disk with the following characteristics:
– The disk has 8 platters (and 8 corresponding heads); changing which head is active has zero cost.
– The disk makes 128 rotations per second.
– Each sector is 4096 bytes.
– There are 1024 tracks per platter.
– Inner tracks have fewer sectors than outer tracks, specifically for a given platter, the number of sectors on track i is 4 · i, for i = 1; : : : ; 1024.
– The track-to-track seek time is 0 milliseconds.
– The average seek time for a read is 10.5 ms; for a write it is 12 ms.
– The maximum seek time is 16 ms.
– Ignore the time to transfer the bits from the disk to memory; that is, once the disk head is positioned over the sector, the transfer happens instantaneously.
For the questions below, you will generally want to be working with powers of 2. To that end, here is a potentially helpful table:
26 = 64 |
211 = 2048 |
27 = 128 |
212 = 4096 |
28 = 256 |
213 = 8192 |
29 = 512 |
220 bytes = 1 megabyte (MB) |
210 = 1024 |
230 bytes = 1 gigabyte (GB) |
What is the storage capacity of the disk in bytes or gigabytes? Explain briefly (for example by showing your work).
226 · (210 + 1) 64 GB. Each platter has Σi(1)1(2)4 (4 · i) sectors. There are 4096 bytes/sector, and 8 platters.
The total bytes are thus:
8 · 4096 · (4 · i)
= 23 · 212 · 22 · i
= 217 · (1024 · 1025/2)
= 217 · 29 · (1024 + 1)
= 226 · (210 + 1)
236 bytes = 64 GB
Now, assume that we have two disks of the kind above, connected to the same machine. We arrange to make them exact replicas of each other; this is known as RAID-1, and we now refer to a logical sector, recognizing that we can fetch a logical sector’s data from either of the two identical disks. You can do the question below even if you did not answer the prior question.
If the two-disk system is at capacity (that is, storing the maximum amount of data), what is the minimum time in seconds to read all logical sectors into memory? (Assume that there is enough RAM to store all of the data.) Explain briefly, for example by showing your work.
32 seconds. The system can read two different tracks in parallel at the same time, one from disk 1 and one from disk 2. So the system can divide up the tracks, for example reading cylinders 1-512 from disk 1 and cylinders 513-1024 from disk 2. The answer is thus the time taken to read half of the tracks on a disk. A disk has 8 platters * 1024 tracks/platter = 213 tracks. Half of those tracks is 213/2 = 212 tracks. We can read one track per rotation, and there are 128=27 rotations/second, so: 212 tracks * 1 rotation/track * 1 second/27 rotations = 25 = 32 seconds.
9. [5 points] Assume an operating system (OS) that presents a completely synchronous I/O interface to processes. This means: (1) if a system call requires the OS to perform. I/O, that system call blocks until the I/O is complete; and (2) there is no way for a process to ask the OS whether a given call would block. (As a technical point, there is no memory mapping of files.) Assume a process that has four user-level threads.
How many I/O requests from this process can be pending at the OS at once? Explain your answer in no more than two sentences.
1 request. The operating system does not “see” the user-level threads: it sees the process as a unit. Because any I/O-inducing system call blocks the entire process, there is no way for a single process to achieve I/O parallelism in this setup.
V File systems and crash recovery (24 points)
10. [4 points] In the classic Unix file system, the i-node is an imbalanced tree. The purpose of the imbalance is to optimize access to short files: for short files, one can get the fileblock-to-diskblock mappings by looking directly in the inode, with no need to seek to indirect blocks. Your friend has an idea: let’s avoid such seeks even for large files, by expanding the number of direct blockslots in an inode to 223 ( 8 million) such slots. This idea would indeed eliminate seeks to indirect blocks even for fairly large files. But it has a substantial disadvantage.
State the disadvantage of your friend’s idea. Use no more than two sentences.
Inodes aren’t sized dynamically (each has a fixed, reserved location on the disk), so every inode would now have to be enormous, which is wasteful since most files are small. Thus, we are wasting space on disk and in memory (inodes are cached in memory).
11. [6 points] Your friend wants to build a file system that tolerates crashes. Your friend proposes write-behind journaling. In this proposal, there is a journal, but the file system writes to the journal only after checkpointing (“checkpointing”, recall, means applying an operation to the on-disk data structures). Specifically, (1) the file system writes a TxnEnd record for a given transaction only after the TxnBegin record and all journal entries for the given transaction are written, and (2) the file system writes individual journal entries only after checkpointing the operation described by that entry. The recovery protocol looks for incomplete operations (those that are part of a transaction that lacks a TxnEnd record) and undoes those operations, similar to the way that recovery works for undo-only logging.
Assume that a crash can happen at any time. Does your friend’s proposal work? If so, argue that it is correct. If not, explain why not. Use no more than four sentences.
This does not work. It violates the golden rule of atomicity (never modify the only copy). In more detail, there are certain operations that require writing to more than one place on the disk, for example, appending to a file (which might require writing to an indirect block, updating a bitmap, and updating the inode itself). If the machine crashes in between these different disk updates, then because the operation is not complete, the system never got to the point of writing a journal entry. Thus, the on-disk data structures are now inconsistent, and there is no indication in the logs. The recovery process as described does not detect or fix this issue.