代做ECON 3750 Project Final Draft Directions and Rubric代写留学生Matlab语言程序

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Project Final Draft Directions and Rubric

ECON 3750

March 2024

You will be required to submit a 1-4 page paper analyzing a big dataset using the methods we have discussed in class. For this assignment, you should find a big dataset on a topic you find interesting. Datasets should have at least 25 predictor variables. You can find many big datasets at kaggle.com. Your final draft should have the following:

1.  A discussion of the dataset you are analyzing and the research questions you hope to answer

2.  Preliminary regression analysis (including linear regression)

3.  Classification analysis

4.  Cross validation

5.  Bootstrapping

6.  Linear model selection and regularization

7.  Nonlinear models

8.  Tree-based methods

Include your results. Analyze, compare, and contrast your findings using different methods. You should also compare your results to the null model. If space is an issue, you may add results tables to an appendix at the end.

The final draft is due on the last day of class (April 18).

Make sure to submit your R files and dataset along with your paper.  You should follow proper APA guidelines and have a bibliography.





Content (20 points)

Two or more content

requirements are

missing from the project.

One content requirement

is missing from the project.

All content requirements are met, but the paper’s analysis is lacking.

All content requirements are met, and the paper includes good analysis of results.

Code (20 points)

Major errors are spread throughout the code.

The code has many minor

errors or a few major errors.

The code has a few

minor errors.

The code is well written with no errors.

Mechanics (4 points)

The paper is filled with distracting grammatical errors.

The paper has many

grammatical errors that distract from the overall message.

The paper has a few

grammatical mistakes, but they do not distract from the message.

The paper is written

with no or very minor

grammatical mistakes.

Bibliography (4 points)

A proper APA bibliography is not included.

A proper APA bibliography is included.
