May-Aug 2024
Submission Due Date: week10 ~ 9th July2024 (Tuesday) by5pm.
Read all the instructions carefully·
1) This is a group assignment. A group consists of exactly 5 members. Referring to the excel file named “Assignment Group.xlsx” in CN, group leader should pick up a group number and write the names of your group members.
2) Group Leader (GL) are required to submit both PDF assignment report (softcopy) and working Excel File (softcopy) by the Microsoft Form. The link to the form. is given in CN, under the task “Group Assignment” .
3) Rename the file as below. For example:
a. PDF report: BB113_BBS1063 Assignment_G01 .pdf
b. MS Excel: BB113_BBS1063 Working Excel_G01 .xlsx
4) The assignment MUST be submitted by the group leader through the link in CN by the deadline. Late submission is unacceptable, and marks will be deducted as shown below:
ONE (1) day, 20% will be deducted from your total assignment marks.
TWO (2) days, 40% will be deducted from your total assignment marks.
THREE (3) days, 60% will be deducted from your total assignment marks.
Any submission after the three days mentioned above will not be accepted. This assignment will contribute 20% towards your final grade.
5) Your assignment’s report MUST be typed using MS Word with the following format:
• Font style. Times New Roman • Text alignment: Justified
• Font size: 12 points • Spacing: 1 .5
• Page margin: Normal • Page Size: A4
• Insert Page Number except Cover page
In the digital age, mobile phone has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, profoundly influencing various aspects of our behaviour, communication, and mental well-being. The objective of this assignment is to study frequency and duration of phone use and its potential effects on mental health and well-being.
This assignment will enable students to apply statistical methods to real-world data, enhance their understanding of survey design and data analysis, and provide insights into the role of social media in modern society.
1 . Download the survey form. and distribute it to at least 50 students at UCSI University.
2. Clean and organize the data to ensure it is in a format suitable for analysis.
3. Analyze the data using statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, or other data visualization techniques.
4. Write a report that includes an introduction, a description of your data and methodology, results, a discussion of your findings and a conclusion. Ensure the report is well-written, clearly organized, and free of grammatical errors.
5. Group leader to submit your report (with correct file label) to Turnitin for plagiarism and AI checking. Assignment content which is completed by generative AI is not allowed and will be graded zero. Maximum similarity from each source must be less than 1%, except those common words. Please refer to the login guideline below.
6. Submit the finalised report and excel fileto CN.
1) The page limit of the report is 12 pages (excluding the cover page).
2) Students may use the visualisation methods other than those mentioned in the lecture notes or tutorial to present the data and findings
3) Students must use Ms. Excel to run your analysis.