代做Overview – Final Test 125.740 – 2024 Semester 2代写数据结构语言程序

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Overview - Final Test 125.740 - 2024 Semester 2

24 October

In-person supervised test. Location to be determined.

You will have THREE (3) hours

Bring your laptop.

Arrive at 8.30am to set up and ensure you have access to Stream, Word and Excel.

Test runs from 9.00am – 12 noon.

Test will be in 3 sections

A: 2 Essay questions from paper presentations.  (30%)

You choose 2 from a list of potential questions.  Note: there will be questions from both the Auckland and  Palmerston North classes. While you can answer any, you are encouraged to choose those from those presented in your class.

For each question you choose, you are limited to 500 words of writing.  Plan your answer (for about 10-15   minutes). THEN, begin answering (for about 15-20 minutes). Note: the 500 words is a maximum, not a minimum.

You must use correct English, so that I can understand what you are saying, but you are encouraged to use bullet points, whenever that might be appropriate.

B: 4 Technical/Practical Questions (40%)

You must answer all questions.

Some of these will use data. See the Mock Test for example files.

You are encouraged to “show work” in the associated excel file, but your final answers MUST be in the provided Word file.

Note: you are required to have a desktop version of Microsoft Excel to complete this section. A web- based online vision will not work.

C: 5 Short Answer Questions (30%)

You pick from a list of possible theoretical questions (from papers not presented, BMC, lecture, and textbook.)

It is important to write concise answers. Verbosity will count against you. Do NOT embellish with extra  words. If you can provide all information in two short sentences, please do so. If not, please write a short paragraph only.

Material Overview

You should be very familiar with all the article presentations.

You should have a good understanding of the key elements of the other papers in the reading list.

You should be very familiar with all the material in the lectures notes and the material discussed in class.

Test Format

Time allowed: THREE (3) hours


Recommended time (Minutes)

Section A – 2 essay questions from presentations



Section B – 4 technical/practical questions



Section C – 5 Short answer                                                  30%                                  45

100%                                  2:45

This test counts as 40% of your total course grade.

Note; the above recommended times are just for your benefit, so you can estimate your time use during the test.

Make sure to follow instructions regarding loading and saving files from/to the computer.

Some clarifications about the test:

Plagiarism on a test or exam is still plagiarism.

How I ‘grade’ essay questions (Part A):

When grading answers to essay questions, I read through your work, assessing each point made as either:

A: ‘directly addresses the question’;

B: ‘ useful background info’;

BLANK: ‘true but irrelevant’;

X: ‘incorrect.’

Itally all the A’sand B’s,deduct X’s, and ignore BLANKs.  I then “sum” on the usual 0-10 scale we’ve used all semester (subjective scaling, based on difficulty of question and how other students have answered this and other questions).

What I would ideally see is some BLANKS, several B’s, and a few A’s.

What I typically see is a lot of BLANKS, some B’s and maybe an A (and possibly some X’s).

As noted in the instructions for Part A, plan your answer before you begin writing.  Avoid information that will get a BLANK - that wastes your time and mine, uses up space, and does not help your grade. It also risks you saying something that will earn an X.

Pay close attention to the question. You’ve heard it many times before, but (especially in a test) when asked aquestion, “answer the question that was asked.”  It often happens a student will give a “good” answer to  some other question, and earn 0 marks.

Formulas on the formula sheet:

The formulas on that sheet are general finance formulas – they are mostly the same ones I have used in undergrad Corporate and Investments (125.330 & 125.340). You won't necessarily need all of those, and they may not be in the exact form. you are accustomed to. The exact formulas that will be provided on the test are posted on Stream.
