代做CMPUT 466/566 (Fall 2024) Syllabus Machine Learning Essentials调试Haskell程序

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CMPUT 466/566 (Fall 2024) Syllabus

Machine Learning Essentials

Course Format: The course is offered in person only. When the IT infrastructure allows, the lectures will be broadcasted and recorded. However, the instructor cannot guarantee that IT will work well, in which case pre-recorded videos will be released as a replacement. Exams will be based on in-person lectures.

Lecture time and classroom:

T, Th 12:30PM - 1:50PM, Sep 3 - Dec 9

●    No course activities during the reading week

Online lecture hall: https://meet.google.com/vqo-vkxv-osy

Dial-in: (US) +1 337-573-0059 PIN: 584 572 100#

Lab session (in-person only): Monday 5–7:50PM

   5-6PM: TA’s office hours (CCIS L1-140)

   6-7:50PM: Unattended. TAs will open appointment slots for QA.

Instructor/TA office hours:

With whom


Open door

By appointment


Lili Mou (instructor)



Thursday, 3-4PM


as appropriate


Zijun Wu










Monday, 5-6PM CCIS1-160

Tue (2-2:30 PM)

In-person: CSC3-26 Online: meeting link


Nicolas Rebstock



Thu (3-3:30 PM)

In-person: CSC3-26 Online: meeting link

Haruto Tanaka


Thu (10-10:30 AM)  Online: meeting link

Yu Wang


Mon (9-9:30 AM)

Online: meeting link

Tian Tian


Tue (2:50-3:20 PM)

Online: meeting link

●   Office hours start from the second week. No office hours on statutory holidays and during the reading week.

●    If a student wishes to make an appointment with a TA (10min each slot), they will send an email to the TA before the date.

   Office hour schedule may be changed depending on the need.

Students are encouraged to reach out to the instructor if TAs’ answer is not satisfactory.


The instructor and TAs will not answer assignment-related questions before the solution is released.


Course Description:

Machine learning teaches a machine to learn from previous experience and makes a

prediction for (possibly new) data. This course covers standard materials of a “ Machine Learning” course, such as linear regression, linear classification, as well as non-linear models. In the process, we will have a systematic discussion on issues such as training criteria, inference criteria, bias-variance tradeoff, etc. The goal of the course is to build a solid foundation of machine learning; so there would be intensive math derivations in lectures, assignments, and  exams.

Course Prerequisites:

Please fulfill the departmental requirements.

The department asks instructors normally not to waive prerequisites.

Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, the student will understand the foundations of machine learning and gain experience in machine learning applications.

Official textbook: Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.

The instructor will provide lecture notes, which may also suffice. If not, please use the above textbook. [survey on textbooks]

References: link

Tentative topic list:

Linear regression

●    Mean squared error (as heuristics)

   Closed-form. solution

   Gradient descent

●    Maximum likelihood estimation

●    Maximum a posteriori training

●    Bias-variance tradeoff

●   Train-validation-test framework

Linear classification

●    Discriminative model: Logistic regression

●    Multi-class softmax

●    Maximum a posteriori inference

●    Generative model: Naïve Bayes

●    Discriminant model: Linear SVM (bonus lecture)

Nonlinear models

●    Neural networks

●    Kernels methods: Non-linear SVMs (bonus lecture)
