代写Assignment 1 (M365)代写数据结构语言程序
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Problem 1. Suppose Ω is an infinite set and Ω ∩ N = ∅, where N = {1, 2, . . .}. Prove that Ω ∪ N has the same cardinality as Ω.
Problem 2. Having the following definition for a fixed non-empty set X ⊂ R
” inf{x : x ∈ X} = a if
[∀x ∈ X x ≥ a] and [∀y > a ∃x ∈ X : x < y] ”,
formulate the formal statement that a ≠ inf{x : x ∈ X} using only the words ”and”, ”or”, and mathematical symbols like ∀, ∃, ∈, . . ..
Problem 3. (i) Give an example of two fields F1 and F2 over the same universal set Ω such that F1 ∪ F2 is not a field.
(ii) Let Ω = {1, 2, 3} and construct the minimal field containing the subset {1, 2}. Is this field also a σ-field? Justify your answer.
Problem 4. (i) Prove that if F is a σ-field (as defined on the lectures) and A1, A2, . . . ∈ F, then An ∈ F.
(ii) Prove that any σ-field is a monotone class.
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• the work you are submitting is your own and you have not commissioned production of the work from a third party or used artificial intelligence software in an unacceptable manner to generate the work*,
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*software applications include, but are not limited to, ChatGPT, Bing Chat, DALL.E, Bard.