代写COMMRC 0300: Communication & Society代做留学生SQL语言
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(Individual) Case Study Assignments
Submit the electronic copy to Canvas as a Microsoft Word document by the deadlines listed below:
• Case Study 1: Monday, February 17 by 11:59 PM
• Case Study 2: Thursday, March 20 by 11:59 PM
1. What are we talking about? Provide a brief introduction to the company and product being discussed.
2. What happened? Provide any background information that is helpful to understand about the company, stakeholders, the advertisement itself, and the advertisement’s reception.
3. What is the problem? What is a key issue in the advertisement that could be changed for future versions of this ad campaign?
• These might be problems in ad design or related to cultural sensitivity, audience, etc.
• You may wish to cite information from the advertisement or its reception — external research is optional but can be helpful in strengthening your case.
4. What’s the fix and why? What is a potential solution that addresses the key issue you have identified, and why would it be effective?
• Pick one solution as a final set of recommendations and consider why your solution would be effective. Include a single sentence on space for further research.
• This should be the most detailedportion ofyour case analysis.
5. How does this relate to class? You are to apply 3 concepts from the course in your case study and put the name of the concepts in bold.
• How might you apply the concepts mentioned in lecture to the advertisement you are to analyze?
• This can be done at various stages of the case study, as course concepts may influence how you view problems or help you think through potential solutions.
Formatting: The paper should have an original title and must be stapled so please do not use report covers or other binding materials. The document itself must be single-spaced andformatted using size 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Also, be sure to include all the required information at the top of the document: course number and name, recitation instructor’s name, the name ofthe assignment, andyour name. For your convenience, I have created a Microsoft Word .docx template and uploaded to Canvas to help facilitate proper formatting.