代写IE 6113 Quality Control and Improvements Spring 2025调试Haskell程序
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[IE 6113] [Quality Control and Improvements]
[Spring 2025]
Course Pre-requisites.
Students need to have good concepts of probability and statistics.
Course Description
This course provides students with a foundation in quality control and improvement. The course will cover various topics from quality management, such as cost of quality, quality assurance, and quality management. Emphasis is on the essential quality control tools such as control charts and their use, acceptance sampling. A term project is required at the end of this course. The project must include a detailed analysis of materials covered during the semester.
Course Objectives
The course intends to prepare students for understanding and applying quality control methods and improvements techniques for both service and manufacturing industries. At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:
· Understanding the various philosophy and fundamentals of quality and being able to apply the concepts of total quality management, six sigma, and quality systems and standards.
· Understanding the general principles underlying the various types of control charts and, why it works, how to interpret results and how to decide which method to use in any case.
· Understand the sampling theory and the uses of sampling tables and define the right sampling plan for any area.
· Understand the principle of Reliability and it is various application and implication during product design.
· Understand the principles of design of experiments on improving product quality.
Course Structure
This course will be delivered via a series of lectures and discussions in quality control and improvements methods. The course focuses on both manufacturing and services industries. Students are responsible for reading the associated chapters and assigned cases and reviewing key concepts, terms, definitions, discussion questions, and topics. There will be a team project toward the end of the semester that focuses on the covered topics.
· COURSE MGT Announcements, notes, resources, assignments, schedules, and due dates will be posted to NYU Brightspace.
The required textbook for the course is:
1. “Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement,” 5th editions 2021, Amitava Mitra), 13: 978-1-119-69233-1
Reference textbooks: (Should be found in School Library)
1. “Statistical Quality Control” 7th edition, E. Grant, R. Leavenworth
ISBN: 0 – 07 – 043555 – 3
2. “Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement” 2nd edition, H. Wadsworth, K. Stephens, A. Godfrey), ISBN: 0 – 471 – 29973 – 1
3. “Introduction to Statistical Quality Control” 8th edition, Douglas C. Montgomery
ISBN: 978-1-118-98915-9 (PBK), ISBN: 978-1-119-39911-7 (EVALC)
4. “Design and Analysis of Experiments” 8th Edition, Douglas C. Montgomery ISBN: 978 – 1 – 118 – 14692 – 7
Additional Reading Sources and software: (database available through library)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) website
Minitab Software
IIE Transactions / Quality Journal
“Lean Six Sigma Pocket” (Tool Book) By; Michael L. George, David Rowlands, Mark Price, John Maxey
Course requirements
Course requirements All course materials are posted on the Brightspace course web page. Students are expected to read lecture materials before class
· Class attendance is mandatory
· HW will be assigned and submitted electronically
· HW should be submitted before the beginning of each class
· HW will not be grades it is part of participation and will be discussed inside the class
· Exams will consider all materials covered in lectures, which may not be in the textbook.
· Students are responsible for quantitative problems to the extent those problems are covered in class or homework
· Final Exam will be cumulative
All participants are expected to always handle themselves with professional conduct. Students are expected to adhere to all university policies and uphold academic integrity throughout the course.
· If a student with a disability is requesting accommodations, please contact New York University’s Moses Center for Students with Disabilities at 212-998-4980 or [email protected].You must be registered with CSD to receive accommodations. Information about the Moses Center can be found at www.nyu.edu/csd. The Moses Center is located at 726 Broadway on the 2nd floor.
· If you are experiencing an illness or any other situation that might affect your academic performance in a class, please email Deanna Rayment, Coordinator of Student Advocacy, Compliance and Student Affairs: [email protected]. Deanna can reach out to your instructors on your behalf when warranted.
The NYU Tandon School values an inclusive and equitable environment for all our students. I hope to foster a sense of community in this class and consider it a place where individuals of all backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, national origins, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious and political affiliations, and abilities will be treated with respect. It is my intent that all students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. If this standard is not being upheld, please feel free to speak with me.
The Department of Technology Management and Innovation does not permit remote attendance in any of its fully on-campus course sections.
If you encounter a situation that will prevent you from attending your classes in person for more than one session, you should reach out to your Academic Advisor as soon as possible to discuss the available options (Term Withdraw, Leave of Absence, etc.). If you are sick and unable to attend a single session, you should contact your classmates for any notes or materials that you may have missed. If you require an excused absence to make up an assignment, please contact the Office of Student Advocacy <[email protected]> to apply for one.
Please note that if it comes to the attention of the department that you have not been attending your classes, but have been submitting work remotely, you will be subject to total withdrawal from these classes with potential full tuition and fee liability.
· Discussion, participation, [15%]
· Attendance, [10%]
· Term Projects [05/09/2025], [15%]
· Midterm Exam [05/21/2025], [25%]
· Final Exam [05/14/2025], [35%]
Grade range:
Total |
50 |
65 |
70 |
75 |
80 |
85 |
90 |
95 |
Grade |
F |
C |
C+ |
B- |
B |
B+ |
A- |
A |
Part I: [Philosophies and Fundamentals]
[01/22/2025] Session 1 “Introduction and Overview to Quality.”
· to define quality as it relates to the manufacturing and service sector,
· to introduce the terminology related to quality
· to set up a framework for the design and implementation of quality
· discuss total quality management, six sigma, and quality systems and standards
· discuss the three functions: quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control and improvement
· Reading Chapters 1
o pp. 2 to pp.45
Part II: [Statistical Foundations and Methods for Quality Improvement]
[01/29/2025] Session 2 “Statistical concepts and techniques in quality control and Improvement.”
· to review different statistical concepts and techniques
· to learn how to use descriptive statistics based on collected data in quality.
· to learn how to use inferential statistics to conclude a product or a process parameters performance through statistical analysis
· to review some important probability distribution and their assumptions
· be able to select an appropriate probability distribution for use in specific applications
· use an approximation for some probability distributions
· Reading Chapter 4
o pp. 153 – pp. 214
[02/05/2025] Session 3 “Data Analysis and Sampling.”
· to expand on the various descriptive and inferential statistical procedures
· learn how to analyze empirical data graphically since they provide comprehensive information and are a viable tool for analysis of product and process data
· to test and identified a distributional assumption
· to present a method for testing the validity of a distributional assumption
· to discuss some transformations to achieve normality for variables that are nonnormal
· Learn how to handle issues of determination of sample size is of paramount importance in quality
· Identify Deming’s kp rule that minimizes average total cost of inspection is presented
· Reading Chapter 5
o pp. 233 – pp. 244
o pp. 260 – pp. 268
o pp.270 – pp. 274
Part III: [Statistical Process Control]
[02/12/2025] Session 4 “Statistical process control using control charts.”
· To provides the necessary background for understanding statistical process control through control charts
· to introduce the principles on which control charts are based.
· what are the basic features of the control charts, along with the possible inferential errors and how they may be reduced, are presented
· To understand the various types of out-of-control patterns
· Reading Chapter 6
o pp. 287 – pp. 307
[02/19/2025] Session 5 “Control Charts for Variables.”
· to introduce the principles on which variable control charts are based
· to define the basic features of variable control charts, along with the possible inferential errors
· to understand the statistical basis of variable control charts and design it
· to learn how to set up variable control charts and interpret patterns
· to define the different types of variable control charts
· to learn how to set up and use control charts for individual measurements
· to understand the rational subgroup concept for variables, control charts
· Advantages and disadvantages of variable chats
· Reading Chapter 7
o pp. 311 – pp. 341
[02/26/2025] Session 6 “Special Control Charts Topics.”
· know how to set up and use the CUSUM control charts
· design CUSUM control charts for the mean to monitor the process
· know how to set up and use EWMA control charts
· design EWMA control charts for the mean
· understand the performance advantages of CUSUM and EWMA
· set up and use control charts for a short production run
· set up and use control charts for a short production run
· Reading Chapter 7
o pp. 342 – pp. 357
[03/05/2025] Session 7 Mid Term Exam
[03/12/2025] Session 8 “Control Charts for Attributes.”
· to understand the statistical basis of attribute control charts and design it
· to learn the different attribute control charts (p-chart, np-chart, c- charts, and u- charts) and set up the correct control chart for defects and nonconforming
· to learn how to interpret patterns on attribute control charts
· Advantages and disadvantages of attributes chats
· Reading Chapter 8
o pp. 405 – pp. 448
[03/19/2025] Session 9 “Process Capability Analysis I.”
· to present and learn how analyze whether a process or product or service meets the specifications required by the customer
· to define measures that indicate the ability of the process to meet specifications; these are, in some sense, measures of process performance
· to present some of the commonly used process capability measures, demonstrate procedures for their computation, interpret them, and discuss any associated assumptions.
· to discuss methods for discrete variables satisfying the binomial or Poisson distribution, capability measures are also discussed
· Reading Chapter 9
o pp. 469 – pp. 498
[03/26/2025] No Classes Spring Break
[04/02/2025] Session 10 “Process Capability Analysis II.”
· to learn methods to how to handle the measuring instrument,
· to be able to set measures of precision of the instrument as well as the impact of various operators who use the instrument are also of interest, and appropriate measures are presented.
· learn how to conduct Reproducibility and Repeatability analysis (Gage R&R)
· Reading Chapter 9
o pp. 499 – pp. 510
[04/09/2025] Session 11 “Reliability.”
· to expose reliability calculations of systems, with a variety of components,
· understand the different systems configurations
· to understand the concept of standby components and their impact on system reliability
· to demonstrate the use of reliability and life testing plans and develop parameter estimates through sampling plans
· Reading Chapter 10
o pp. 527– pp. 551
[04/16/2025] Session 12 “Quality Assurance Methods”
· Handout
[04/23/2025] Session 13 “DOE – ANOVA and Factorial Design.”
· to understand how designed experiments can be used to improve product design and improve process performance
· to be able to analyze and estimate the main effect and interactions of factors
· to understand the factorial design concept and how to use ANOVA to analyze data from factorial designs
· how DOE is used to reduce the cycle time required to develop new products and processes
· to be able to construct and interpret contour plots and response surface plots.
· Reading Chapter 11
o pp. 595 – pp. 622
[04/30/2025] Session 14 “Project Presentations and Course Review.”
[05/14/2025] Session 15 “Final Exam.”