代写ARC3001 illustrated reflective report 2024/25代写数据结构程序

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illustrated reflective report

Theory into Practice 2024/25

5% of ARC3001 final mark

The second summative assessment point in ARC3001 requires you to develop an illustrated reflective report - a 1000 word critical reflection on your design practice, illustrated primarily by your own design work and supported by concepts and theories encountered in your own reading and/or through your engagement with Studio and Critical Friends (see list below). This individual assignment offers a space to reflect on the theory, ideas, and methods that inform. your developing practices. It is marked by your design tutors.

Supporting activities: The development of the report is supported by an all-day workshop on  Monday 27 January 2025 (including seminars with Critical Friends 3pm/4pm) to locate texts and resources for your report, and another seminar at 3pm/4pm on Monday 10 February with Critical Friends on your draft. Your design tutors will also discuss your draft reports and give feedback & direction as part of a tutorial day before the submission. See Canvas for details.

Digital submission date: 12 noon 27 February 2025 via Canvas.


The assignment asks you to engage in a critical reflection of your design practice, illustrated primarily by your own work: Contextualise your work within wider architectural practice and related discourses. Identify and explain the key interests and core values of your current practice as explored in your graduation design project.

Key prompts you might consider for your reflections

(these are guides only – we don’t expect you to address all of them!)

•    How does you Studio frame your approach to architecture?

•    Which ideas and concepts from theory and beyond, including where relevant those introduced by Critical Friends in seminars and in the collective library, have been informing your design practice and methods?

•    How do you engage with architecture as a practice - reflect on your preferred methods and techniques for design

•    How does your positionality and what matters to you personally inform your design and the directions in which you develop your creative practice?


The format is open, but the assignment has a word-limit of 1000 words (10% approx. tolerance)  for the body of the text. The document should be illustrated primarily by your own work, but you can include others' work (e.g. work or ideas that are important references for your work) – these need to be clearly and properly referenced. The document should include:

•    Cover page: Title of your choice, Student name & Student number, Studio name

•    List of figures & Bibliography listed at the end of the document

NB Title, captions, text within graphics/tables/figures, footnotes/endnotes and bibliography do not count to the overall 1000 word limit.


The following marking criteria will be used to assess the work, contributing equally to the final mark.

Scope: Knowledge and understanding or relevant ideas and questions; Thoroughness and relevance of the literature and/or methods considered and referenced.

Critical Reflection & Argument: Consideration of how key ideas relate to own design practice; ability to explore and define this practice.

Visual Evidence (Representation & Communication): Use of a range of visual evidence (images, maps, drawings, statistics, footage, etc.) to support discussion and argument.

