- 首页 >> Algorithm 算法IS6126/IS6146/IS6156
Databases for Management
Information Systems
Assignment 1
Assignment Type: Individual Report
Percentage of Module Mark: 70%
Due Date: on or before 6th of March 2023, 3pm
(Upload to Canvas, PDF only)
Title: The Role of Structured and Unstructured Data within a Modern-Day Healthcare Organisation
Within a modern-day healthcare organisation, it is not uncommon to process data from multiple
sources both in structured and unstructured data formats to assist with operational activities and/or
organisational assessment. Prepare a report for an organisation of your choice, advising on how it can
respond to the data management requirements to meet its organisations objectives. Give extra
attention to the different data sources i.e., structured and unstructured data. Note it may be too broad
to focus on all the ICT solutions within an organisation, therefore, it may help to focus on one or two
departments/operations within an organisation e.g., Marketing, Customer Support, HR, Sales
Operations etc.
1) Introduction (state your organisation and provide a clear set organisation objective(s)) [5%]
2) General background research into different ICT platforms to process structured and
unstructured datasets [15%]
3) Organisation specific structured data (provide sample data and outline what type of ICT
Platforms may be used to process this data) [15%]
4) Organisation specific unstructured data (provide sample data and outline what type of ICT
Platforms may be used to process this data) [15%]
5) Outline an ICT infrastructure to support structured and unstructured Data (provide a systems
diagram) [15%]
6) Organisation Specific advantages of structured and unstructured data [10%]
7) Organisation Specific disadvantages of structured and unstructured Data [10%]
8) Conclusion [15%]
- Maximum 2,800 words excluding references and cover page
- All external sources of information must be referenced (Harvard referencing style)
- Font- Times New Roman size 12
- Spacing- 1.15
- Table of Contents
- Min 15 concept relevant references (websites are accepted)
- PDF file format only
Cover page to include the following:
Report Title
Student Name
Student Number
Course Code (MIMAS, DDDB, ISBP)
Module Code (IS6126/IS6146/IS6156)
Lecturer Name
Databases for Management
Information Systems
Assignment 1
Guide Description
Fail Very poor, clearly inadequate coverage of material, badly prepared, poor quality and
confusing report. Lack of understanding of basic structured and unstructured data
platforms and very limited supporting data or references.
Pass A subject and associated Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data platforms have been
clearly identified and defined. However, no critical analysis of the semi-structured and
unstructured data platforms is provided. Provided a basic coverage of the subject area
with a limited set of supporting references.
3H A subject and structured and unstructured data platforms have been identified and
clearly explained in the report. Some analysis of the particular problems posed by the
domain and/or of the strengths and weaknesses of the notation provided. Subject area is
covered, but limited critical thinking and supporting references.
2H2 Subject and structured and unstructured data platforms have been clearly explained.
Reasonable analysis of the problems posed by the domain and of the strengths and
weaknesses of the platforms. However, some issues may have been left unaddressed.
2H1 Excellent coverage. Clear exposition of domain and structured and unstructured data
platforms. Issues around data management problems and the strengths and weaknesses
of the structured and unstructured data platforms have been thoroughly reviewed.
Report is of high standard. Very strong set of supporting references and good critical
1H Outstanding. Thorough coverage of subject and structured and unstructured data
platforms. Perceptive analysis and assessment accompanied by interesting/original ideas
or new perspectives. Excellent report.