代写MTH 360 – Project 1代写Java编程
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Personal finance, investing, and overall financial literacy are some of the most directly impactful applications of the topics in this course. Most notably, saving and investing for retirement is extremely important but often scary because of the uncertainty of the market. While this project aims to help alleviate some of the nervousness, it should be said that it can never be eliminated – the market is uncertain, and it always will be!
Whenever the “market” is referenced, there could be many possibilities, but usually is some broad index measure. An index is usually the (weighted) average of the stock price of some number of companies. For example, the S&P 500 (Standard and Poor’s 500 Index) is the weighted average of the largest 500 companies traded on an exchange (either the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System (NASDAQ), or Chicago Board of Exchange (CBoE)). Other indexes include the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the NASDAQ composite. The index itself is not and cannot be traded, though there are other funds (index funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), etc.) that mimic the indexes themselves as closely as possible and these funds can be traded. These indexes do change over time, both in composition and definition. For example, the S&P started as the S&P Composite, which contained only a few companies, then grew to 90 companies in 1926, and 500 companies in 1957, launching the S&P 500.
Another index is the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is not a traded index at all. This concept is completely different than a market index. The CPI is a measure of how expensive a basket of goods costs, for example, the price of vehicle fuel, food, and utilities. The CPI is a measure of inflation, showing how much things cost in relation to various points in history. The CPI helps us determine real dollars, which is the raw cost of something free of inflation, or, in other words, so that two dollar-figures in different eras can be compared equivalently. This helps us to determine whether the market returns are really what they calculate to be. For example, if the market returns 2% one year but inflation is 3%, the growth of the cost of goods exceeded the growth of the index that we’ve presumably invested in, which means we’ve actually lost purchasing power of our account. We will eventually study inflation, but not yet.
Lastly, the Trinity Study is a study of safe withdrawal rates. This study examined different portfolio mixes (different percentages of stocks and bonds) along with withdrawal rates and market return rates. The ultimate retirement conundrum is how much money you can withdraw from your retirement account before running out of money, yet, optimally, you want to spend as much of that money as possible. Considering both randomness of the market and in life experiences, the correct withdrawal amount is certainly quite the conundrum. The results of the study can be read here:
https://www.aaii.com/files/pdf/6794_retirement-savings-choosing-a-withdrawal- rate-that-is-sustainable.pdf
Once again, we will eventually study stocks and bonds, but not yet. For the purposes of this project, we only need the raw account values of some investment fund, not necessarily its composition.
As a study of the market and benchmarking, just how good are the returns of the market? Do you think you could do better? [Rhetorical questions only; do not answer in the project itself].
Problem 1
You are provided a link to a spreadsheet containing the S&P Composite values dating back to 1871:
• https://shillerdata.com/
o Scroll down and download the ie_data.xls data set
Use only the information contained in the Data tab
This contains monthly values of the index along with the dividends paid, earnings, and the consumer price index at the time, among other information. Right now, you will only concern yourself with the S&P Composite values.
1. Use only annual data from 1871 – 2020. Paste this information into the Shiller Data Dump sheet in the spreadsheet provided on D2L. You may copy this data into other sheets as needed. I recommend that the data dump sheet is unmodified in case you make a mistake somewhere and need the original data again, you don’t have to download or recopy anything from multiple files.
a. Use the information starting in January of each year. To filter out these
other months, you can use Excel’s filter tool, create an indicator variable for January of each year, use the ROW function, or some combination of these, among other options. That means your final row should be January 2020.
2. Calculate various return rates.
a. Calculate the 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, and 20-year moving geometric average annual return rates for all available period ranges.
i. For example, for a 5-year annual return rate, you will calculate the 5-year average annual effective return rate for the 5-year period starting in 1871 (e.g. the range 1871 – 1875), again for the period starting in 1872 (e.g. the range 1872 – 1876), et cetera, all the way to the period ending in 2019.
1. This end will use the January 2020 data, but this is essentially the same as the end of December 2019.
2. Repeat this for all 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, and 20-year periods.
b. Graph each of the sequences of average annual return rates vs. time
(period) on separate bar graphs (e.g. all 1-year returns on one graph, all 5-year average annual returns on a different graph).
i. What do you notice within the graphs?
ii. What do you notice across the graphs?
c. Calculate the percentage of positive return rates for each of the moving geometric averages. For perspective, also calculate the percentage of non-positive return rates for each of the moving averages.
i. What do you notice about these percentages across the length of the averaging periods?
1. How does this relate to 2.b.i and 2.b.ii?
ii. In a forecasting perspective, these percentages can be viewed as probabilities. In other words, these figures project answers to the question “What is the probability that my account value will grow in the next x-years?”
1. Keep in mind that magnitude is important, not just these
binary results. If the returns are 0.1%, 0.2%, and -50%, the account has a 67% chance to grow, but the overall account value would be substantially less. However, this would be reflected as a negative annual average return rate over the three-year period, which is much more indicative of the growth of the account.
d. Create a five-number-summary, arithmetic and geometric means of the return rates, and histograms of return rates.
i. For each of the n-year periods above, calculate the five-number-
summary: minimum, 1st quartile, median (2nd quartile), 3rd quartile, and maximum.
1. The quartiles are each 25th percentile. For instance, the 1st quartile is the 25th percentile, the median (2nd quartile) is the 50th percentile, etc.
a. A percentile is the value for which p% of the data lies below. You may calculate these using the
PERCENTILE function.
2. Calculate the arithmetic mean and geometric mean of the returns for each set of return periods.
a. Compute the arithmetic mean of the return rates.
i. This is the “traditional” average:
b. Compute the geometric mean of the return rates.
i. This is the “compounded” average:
3. Make a histogram of the data using bins of 2% ranging from the minimum to the maximum value. Histograms show the percentage of values that fall within these ranges. This is, essentially, a distribution of the return rates, which is, furthermore, a set of probabilities of the return rates.
a. A bin is essentially a “bucket” that data are placed in. For instance, return rates of 4.3%, 1.5%, 4.9%, 1.2%, and 4.0% would have a 1% bin containing a count of 2, and a 4% bin containing a count of 3. Equivalently, the percent in each bin could also be displayed instead of the count, meaning that the 1% bin would have a 40% value, and the 4% bin would have a 60% value.
e. Exploratory (not graded)
i. Compare the histograms, bar graphs, etc. and draw your own
conclusions about returns over different investing periods. You may like to change the bin size, clamp the return rate region (e.g. have an underflow bin of ≤ 10% and / or an overflow bin of ≥ 15%), or even change the date range (for example, analyzing a more modern period of something like 1950+ or maybe the most recent two decades.).
Problem 2 - The 4% Rule and Sequencing Risk
The Trinity Study is one of the first, if not the first, studies to propose the 4% rule: withdrawing 4% of your initial portfolio value is a safe amount to withdraw during retirement (with the goal of not going into ruin). Of course, this is never 100% guaranteed, but it gives a place to start. For example, if a portfolio has $1,000,000, then, ignoring any other deposits or returns, withdrawing 4% ($40,000) each year would last 25 years on the principal alone, which is a long enough period for many people entering retirement, say, at age 65. Notice that this is a static withdrawal rate. Many suggest that a dynamic withdrawal rate is much better which could be either 1) withdrawing 4% of the current portfolio value, or 2) withdrawing lower or higher than 4% depending on market conditions.
1. You are provided with an Excel file on D2L containing sequences of return rates over a period of 25 years. There are three sequences – sequence one is a random order of return rates; sequence two contains the exact same values but in ascending order; sequence three is a constant sequence. For all sequences:
a. Compute the arithmetic mean of the return rates.
i. This is the “traditional” average:
b. Compute the geometric mean of the return rates.
i. This is the “compounded” average:
c. Assume that you have an account with $1,000,000 currently at time 0.
Compute the account values at the end of each year assuming interest is credited at the end of the year and withdrawals of 4% of the initial account value (e.g., $40,000) occur at year-end as well.
2. Financial advisors often charge a fee for their services in managed accounts.
These are seemingly small(ish) fees, usually around 1-2% of the return, though, as you’d imagine, over 20+ years, these fees certainly add (compound) up.
a. For the random sequence of returns, apply a 1% additive reduction to the return rates and compare the account values to those without the reduction. [An additive reduction of 1% is called a reduction of 100 basis points to avoid confusion with a 1% multiplicative reduction, that is, a 99% multiplier: Ex: (1+0.05 – 0.01) vs. (1+0.05*0.99)]
i. Calculate the ratio of account values for comparison. For example, if one account has $1000 and the managed account (with the fee) has $900, then the managed account has 90% of the account without the fee. Alternatively, this is a 10% reduction in the account value.
b. Repeat with the ordered sequence.
c. Repeat with the constant sequence.
d. Exploratory (not graded): Change the annual effective interest rate and
the fee and see the effects of the fee. Try extending the investing period (e.g. change 25 years to 40 years, etc.). The interaction of the parameters can be quite surprising. For example, a return rate of 1% will allow the account to grow, and compound interest will allow a lot of growth over a long period of time. After 20 years, the account should have grown by more than 20% (it would be 20% using simple interest, so compound interest should be more). If the management fee is 1%, then the net growth of the account is 0%, and any fee larger than 1% will reduce the amount in the account. The same “intuitive” figures would hold for, say, a 5% return rate – the account should have at least doubled after 20 years (5% × 20 years = 100% increase), and much more than that for compound interest, so how much would this have been reduced by introducing a fee of various values? The opposite scenario is also true – suppose that a manager takes a 1% fee but realizes an extra 2% over what you would do by yourself, then you are up that extra 1%, not down 1%. Typically, people do better with investing advisors than on their own, but this shows you just how much better the advisors need to do to be
“worth it.”
e. For reference, calculate two lump sum figures: (1. 10)25 , and (1.09)25 and compare their ratios.
i. Exploratory: Change the interest rate amounts so you can see the disparity of the difference effect. For instance, a principal of
$100,000 at 6% produces an accumulated value of about
$430,000. A 4% rate produces about $267,000, which is about a 40% reduction in account value.
f. For the constant sequence, check the account value at time 25 by using
standard actuarial figures / annuity figures such as
i. Note: This means that the prior calculations in parts (a) – (e)
should be done without these formulas (reminder: see the Grading Comments below).
3. Exploratory (not graded)
a. Visit this website here:
i. https://engaging-data.com/early-retirement-calculators-and-tools/
b. This website contains a few financial calculators with great graphs. My
personal favorite is the one that incorporates mortality into the analysis and projection, but this material is more for STT 455 / 456. You will notice a lot of similarities in these graphs and this project, though this project is more focused on the pure mathematics of it all and demystifying how the above website creates these graphs and analyses.
Problem 3 - Your Own Investment and Timing the Market
One standard piece of investing advice is that it is not about timing the market, it’s about time in the market. Studies have shown that missing only a small fraction of the best trading days over a 20-year period can reduce a final portfolio value by over FIFTY percent. Roughly speaking, there are approximately 250 trading days in a year, which is 5000 trading days in 20 years, and missing as something as small as the 10 best trading days out of the 5000 can result in this 50% portfolio value reduction.
You have a pretend $10,000 to invest in the stock market. You may invest this money in the market however you choose, but it must be a traded stock on the exchange. An easy way to search for companies is obviously through any search engine, but also something like YahooFinance where you can search for companies by sector (e.g. technology, medicine, etc.) and see the ticker to track (e.g. Microsoft is MSFT, Apple is AAPL (yes, two As and not Ps)).
This problem is semester-long and is for you to track on a weekly basis, so I would recommend keeping this simple, but here are a few guidelines:
1. Your performance does not affect your grade. This is simply for fun, but also to increase your competency and mastery of portfolio values, return rates, buying / selling, etc.
2. You must participate. This means you cannot simply hold $10,000 and do nothing with it.
a. Yes, holding cash is a valid strategy, but we’re trying to do some math on the topic, and zero trading volume doesn’t lend itself well to computation.
b. You can hold some cash as part of a trading strategy (e.g. you want some cash to be able to purchase something at a better price), but not all $10,000.
3. No cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens, crowd-funded funds, real estate, art, or anything that isn’t basically a stock.
a. Yes, these are valid forms of investment, but we’re trying to keep it simple. Your tasks are:
1. Record the date and fund value on that date. Keep the frequency regular, such as recording the fund value every Saturday when the market is closed and prices have settled.
2. Your fund value can be composed of different assets, so if you choose to mix
assets, you’ll have to record the amount of shares that you buy, sell, or otherwise trade, and the amount of cash you’re holding. You may trade fractional shares.
3. Calculate the weekly return rates of your total portfolio.
a. Remember that any cash is also part of the portfolio value.
4. Plot the weekly portfolio values and return rates versus time on separate graphs. Additionally:
1. Record the value of the S&P 500 (^SPX) and calculate the weekly return rates.
a. Optionally, you may like to calculate the total return (the cumulative return) to compare how your portfolio is doing against this benchmark. We will eventually do this comparison in Project 4 when we have much more data, so this is not necessary at this moment. The columns are:
• Date – The date you record your prices and calculate your values. These should be exactly weekly periodic (e.g. every Saturday).
• Ticker – The “abbreviation” or “code” for the security.
• Buy / Sell / Hold – Enter what you are doing this week. If buying a new security, enter “Buy.” If you are selling, enter “Sell.” If you are doing nothing, enter “ Hold.”
• Price per Share – The current trading price of the security.
• # Shares – How many shares of the security you are trading or currently own.
• Cost – The total cost of the purchase (or negative if sold). This will be 0 if you have no activity.
• Cash – How much leftover cash you are holding.
• Portfolio Value – This is the value of your assets, equal to the current price per share times the number of shares (for every security) plus any leftover cash. If you have multiple securities, you should have an additional entry for the total portfolio value: the sum of the values of your securities and cash.
• Return Rate – This is the weekly return rate of your securities. Ultimately, I am interested in the return rate of your total portfolio (which can be one single security), but you may like to keep track of how each security is individually performing.
One other item you may find useful is the weight of each security in your portfolio, which would be the percentage value contribution of the security to the entire portfolio. For instance, you may initially buy two securities that compose 50% of the portfolio each (say, you spend $5000 on two securities, but perhaps at different prices and / or amount of shares), but, after some time, one security may be worth $8000 and another worth $4000, and then your portfolio has a 67%/33% split. This can lead to sensitivity in your portfolio with having too much importance on one single security. You may decide to rebalance, go all-in, or do nothing, but it may be of interest to you to know. This is not necessary, but you may use the column and include it if you so choose. As you will come to learn in this class, calculating the total portfolio return can be calculated directly from the total portfolio value or it can be reconstituted by using the individual asset returns with the respective weights.
You may find tools such as
• https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/and
• https://www.etfrc.com/
Grading Comments
This project is to be completed using an electronic spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice. I have included an electronic version of the required spreadsheet on D2L with designated sheets for the problems. When completing the problems, cell referencing is important, but you may copy / paste any values from other sheets as convenient.
The problems should be completed using very little “shortcut” formulas that we know from the course material and should be more by a term-by-term calculation, unless otherwise instructed. As a general statement, pretend that you don’t know any shortcut formulas and must calculate the values term-by-term using basic arithmetic. You may like to check your answer using the shortcut formulas, but do not use them to compute the actual values for the problem (again, unless otherwise instructed).
To be submitted
You will submit your spreadsheet file to D2L. Please format the file name as:
Last_name, First_name - MTH 360 - Project 1
Please include your group members’ names somewhere in the file, whether it be in the file name, in some of the cells on the problem sheet, or in a note in your upload on D2L.