代写KQK 7003 Analysis and Study of a Thermal System

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KQK 7003 – 15% Due date 12 January

Analysis and Study of a Thermal System

This is a group project involving 5 students. Each student is required to contribute to the analysis and study of a thermal system. You can choose either Project 1 or Project 2. The report should follow the Table of Contents (TOC) provided below. The cover page must include the title of the project as well as the names, matric numbers, and contribution percentages of each group member (see below).

i. Student name 1 : Matrik number : Contribution percentage (%)

ii. Student name 2 : Matrik number : Contribution percentage (%)

iii. Student name 3 : Matrik number : Contribution percentage (%)

iv. Student name 4 : Matrik number : Contribution percentage (%)

v. Student name 5: Matrik number : Contribution percentage (%)


PROJECT 1 : Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Vapor Chambers as an Advanced Thermal System

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Overview of Thermal Management Systems

1.2 Introduction to Vapor Chambers

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Scope and Limitations

2.0 Fundamentals of Vapor Chamber Technology

2.1 Working Principle of Vapor Chambers

2.2 Phase Change Heat Transfer

2.3 Comparison with Other Thermal Management Systems

2.3.1 Heat Pipes

2.3.2 Heat Sinks

2.4 Factors Influencing Vapor Chamber Performance

3.0 Design Considerations

3.1 Geometric Design and Material Selection

3.2 Working Fluid and Capillary Wick Structure

3.3 Heat Input Distribution and Heat Spreading

3.4 Effect of Orientation and Gravity

4.0 Heat Transfer Mechanisms in Vapor Chambers

4.1 Evaporation and Condensation Process

4.2 Capillary Action and Wick Functionality

4.3 Temperature Distribution and Steady-State Conditions

5.0 Performance Analysis

5.1 Thermal Resistance and Conductivity

5.2 Heat Spreading Ratio

5.3 Temperature Gradient Analysis

5.4 Comparison with Other Heat Dissipation Methods

5.4.1 Heat Pipes

5.4.2 Traditional Heat Sinks

5.5 Factors Affecting Thermal Performance

6.0 Applications of Vapor Chambers

6.1 Electronic Cooling Systems

6.2 High-Performance Computing

6.3 Spacecraft and Aerospace Applications

6.4 Power Electronics and Renewable Energy

6.5 Emerging Applications and Future Trends

7.0 Experimental Analysis (Optional)

7.1 Experimental Setup and Methodology

7.2 Data Collection and Analysis

7.3 Results and Discussion

7.4 Limitations and Accuracy of Results

8.0 Conclusion

8.1 Summary of Key Findings

8.2 Limitations of Vapor Chambers

8.3 Future Research Directions

8.4 Conclusion on the Role of Vapor Chambers in Thermal Management

References (Recent and min 25 references)


PROJECT 2 : Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Jet Impingement as an Advanced Thermal System

1. 0 Introduction

1.1 Overview of Thermal Management Systems

1.2 Introduction to Jet Impingement Cooling

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Scope and Limitations

2.0 Fundamentals of Jet Impingement Cooling

2.1 Working Principle of Jet Impingement Cooling

2.2 Heat Transfer Mechanism in Jet Impingement

2.3 Factors Affecting Heat Transfer Efficiency

2.4 Comparison with Other Cooling Techniques

3.0 Design Considerations

3.1 Nozzle Geometry and Jet Characteristics

3.2 Effect of Jet Velocity and Flow Rate

3.3 Surface and Heat Source Configuration

3.4 Choice of Fluid for Cooling

4.0 Heat Transfer in Jet Impingement

4.1 Nusselt Number and Thermal Performance

4.2 Temperature Distribution and Wall Effects

4.3 Enhancement Techniques for Jet Impingement Cooling

4.4 Scaling Effects and Application Challenges

5.0 Performance Analysis

5.1 Analytical Models for Jet Impingement Cooling

5.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations from references

5.3 Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer Performance

5.4 Influence of Operational Parameters on Cooling Efficiency

6.0 Applications of Jet Impingement Cooling

6.1 Electronics and Semiconductor Cooling

6.2 Power Electronics and High-Performance Systems

6.3 Aerospace and Turbomachinery Applications

6.4 Emerging Applications in Renewable Energy and Automotive Industries

7.0 Experimental Analysis (Optional)

7.1 Experimental Setup and Methodology

7.2 Data Collection and Analysis

7.3 Results and Discussion

7.4 Limitations and Accuracy of Experimental Results

8.0 Conclusion

8.1 Summary of Key Findings

8.2 Challenges in Jet Impingement Cooling

8.3 Future Research Directions

8.4 Conclusion on the Role of Jet Impingement in Thermal Systems

References (Recent and min 25 references)
