代写INU1111 Quantitative Methods Assignment Part B: Data Analysis Report代写留学生Matlab语言程序

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International Year One in Business


Quantitative Methods Summative Assignment

Assignment Part B: Data Analysis Report (75% of final mark)

Distribution and Submission Details

Due Date:   Assignment Part B: - Due Monday 31st March 2025 (9.00am UK time)

Submission through Turnitin.

Please Note:

Ø Late or plagiarised assignments will be penalised, marks will be deducted for late submission.

Assignment guidelines:

· Using the Assignment Part B guidance on Canvas continue with the data analysis of your sample of data. Your written work in Assignment Part A forms part of your final Assignment Part B report.

· Maximum report size 16 sides of A4, maximum word count 3000 words. This includes your graphs, but excludes the front page, contents page, reference list and appendix.

Assignment Part B: 75% of the module mark.

In the second larger part of the assignment, you will analyse your data in depth using a variety of methods. This analysis must include the following sections.

1.0 Introduction

Use the introduction you wrote for Assignment Part A as the basis for this section. Make any amendments that were mentioned in the feedback for Part A.

2.0 Sample Method

Provided a detailed explanation of your sample method. Use the sample method you wrote for Assignment Part A as the basis for this section. Include any adjustments you have made (for example, if you have since added to or changed your data based on feedback from Part A).

As a reminder, your sample method should discuss.

· The sampling methodology you have used.

· Your sample sizes per group.

· How you have controlled your sample (e.g., only used certain locations or video types)

· Any limitations in the data that may influence the results.

3.0 Initial analysis of your data

· This is the first part of your analysis. The purpose of this section is to look at your two numerical variables individually.

· Use the descriptive statistics and graph that you created for ‘The Number of Views’ in Assignment Part A as a starting point. Then repeat this process by creating a second set of descriptive statistics and graph for your other numerical variable.

· Include a comparison between two groups (for example, comparing locations or video types).

4.0 Regression and Correlation Analysis

· Use simple linear regression and correlation analysis with accompanying graphs to analyse the relationship between your key variables. Discuss your regression equation.

· Test your regression equation and interpret the results.  

· Explain whether your independent variable is a good predictor for your dependent variable. Consider the correlation (r) and the coefficient of determination (the R-square value). If the independent variable does not explain 100% of the variation in the dependent variable suggest reasons why this could be the case.

Important Guidance: use a simple regression model in this section, do not use a Multiple Regression Model. The aim here is to investigate a relationship between two variables whilst identifying and discussing the problems, it is not to find the best model.

5.0 Further Analysis

Carry out the hypothesis test assigned to you in Semester 2 Week 7.

6.0 Conclusion

· Summarise your findings from each of the three analysis sections (Initial Analysis, Regression and Further Analysis)

7.0 References

Include a range of references. These should be in the Harvard Reference format. Each reference should feature in the report as a citation and each citation must have an accompanying reference.

8.0 Appendix

Include a copy of your raw data as a table in an appendix at the end of the report.

Marking Breakdown for the Assignment Sections

· Introduction to the topic and explaining the sample selection process in detail (10 marks)

· Initial analysis of your data using summary statistics and graphs (30 marks)

· Calculating the regression equation and correlation coefficient. Discussing the regression equation. Making appropriate comments about the regression and correlation results. Testing the equation and discussing the validity of the regression equation (30 marks).

· Hypothesis test (25 marks).

· Conclusion discussion (5 marks)

Please refer to the Quantitative Methods module handbook for a breakdown of the grade descriptors (what is required to reach each marking band).  
