代做CISC235 Winter 2024 Assignment 4代做Python语言

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Winter 2024

Assignment 4

Deadline: April 2, 2024,  11:59 PM


One Week (till April  9) for Emergency Grace Period,

Please use it responsibly (when needed!)

Graphs are frequently used to model communications networks, and in this context the length of the shortest paths between vertices is of great importance.

In this assignment we will be assuming that the time to transmit a message from vertex x to vertex y is determined completely by the number of edges in the shortest path between x andy.

Given a connected graph G, it is natural to ask what the maximum vertex-to-vertex message time is.  In other words ...

Assuming that all messages are sent by the shortest possible paths, what is the maximum time for a message to get from one vertex to another?

To formalize this question, we can define some terms:

Let distance(x,y) = the number of edges in a shortest path between vertex x and vertex y

distance(x,y) = infinity if there is no path between x andy (this will never happen if G is connected)

Distance (x, x) = 0

Let diameter(G) = max(distance(x,y)|all vertices x andy in V)

Our question is now simpler to state:  Given a connected graph G, what is diameter(G)?

This is relatively easy to compute.  Recall that the Breadth-First-Search (BFS) algorithm, when started at a vertex v, reaches each vertex y using a minimum number of edges – i.e. BFS(v) finds the shortest paths from v to all other vertices. To find the diameter of G we run BFS on each vertex in turn, and keep track of the maximum distance of any other vertex from the start vertex each time.  Hint: if we start the BFS at vertex v, then distance(v, y) = 1+distance(v, y's parent in the BFS tree)

Your assignment is to carry out some simple experiments on the relationship between the number of edges and the diameter of a randomly generated connected graph. Please check the appendix for how to create such graphs.

Part 1: Implement the algorithm described above for generating random connected graphs.

To demonstrate correctness, generate a random connected tree on 8 vertices, print the adjacency lists and print the diameter of the tree, then add (about) 8 more edges, print the new adjacency lists for the graph, and print the diameter of the graph.

Part 2: Conduct the following experiment.

# choose a sample size k – it should probably be 10 or more, but you may find that for the # larger graphs the computation of the diameter is quite time-consuming – if so, using a

# smaller sample is acceptable

For n = 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600

for test = 1 to k:

generate a tree on n vertices

compute and record the diameter of the tree

add n randomly selected edges (either approximately or exactly)

compute and record the diameter of the graph

compute the average tree diameter and average graph diameter for your graphs with n vertices

Create a table or chart relating n to the average tree diameter and average graph diameter.

Can you discern a relationship?  How do the average diameters appear to grow as a function of n?

Part 3: Depth-First-Search (DFS) vs. Breadth-First-Search (BFS).

Building on the foundation established in Part 2, where you have already developed a methodology for generating random connected graphs, this part requires you to implement Depth-First Search (DFS) in additional to your previously implemented BFS and compare the traversaledge sums generated by two approaches.

During the traversal of the graph with each algorithm, compute the sum of the lengths of all visited edges (each edge has a length of 1 in this assignment). Note, for DFS, you should count the backward edges you visited too. What we ask for is not spanning tree of DFS.

Specifically, the algorithm is as follows:

# choose a sample size k – it should probably be 10 or more, but you may find that for the # larger graphs the computation of the diameter is quite time-consuming – if so, using a

# smaller sample is acceptable

For n = 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600

for test = 1 to k:

generate a tree on n vertices

add n randomly selected edges (either approximately or exactly)

randomly pick one vertex v

compute a traversal edge sum by performing DFS from v, i.e., a

compute a traversal edge sum by performing BFS from v, i.e., b

calculate ratio = a/b

compute the average ratio for your graphs with n vertices

What could you conclude from the observed results by varying the n values in this experiment?


You may complete the programming part of this assignment in Python.

You should use the same Graph and Vertex class to implement three parts.

You must submit your source code, properly documented according to standards

established in CISC-121 and CISC-124.  You must also submit the evidence that your

implementation is correct and your analysis results. Your source code must contain the following statement: “I confirm that this submission is my own work and is consistent with the Queen's regulations on Academic Integrity.”

Combine your files into an Assigment4.zip file for uploading.

You are required to work individually on this assignment. You may discuss the problem in general terms with others and brainstorm ideas, but you may not share code.  This

includes letting others read your code or your written conclusions.

Submission will be through onQ Assignment 4 dropbox.

Appendix – Generating Random Connected Graphs

There are different ways to do this – here is a very simple method to generate a connected graph on n vertices:

1.         Generate a random tree on n vertices.

2.         Add randomly selected edges.

Of course, that just raises another problem: how to generate a random tree on n vertices.

Fortunately, that's very easy:

1.         Let the vertices be numbered 0,1, ..., n-1

2.         for i = 1 to n-1

Randomly choose p in the range [0,i-1]

make i and p neighbors

Adding randomly selected edges is also very easy. Suppose we want to add up to k edges: for i = 1 to k

Randomly choose v1 in the range [0,n-1]

Randomly choose v2 in the range [0,n-1]

if v1 != v2, and v1 and v2 are not already neighbors

make v1 and v2 neighbors

Note that this will not necessarily add exactly k edges. If you want to add exactly k edges, you can replace the for loop with a while loop that keeps going until k edges have been added.
