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Department of European & International Studies

Undergraduate / Postgraduate Assessment

Semester 2  (2022-23) - arrangements for the submission of Assessment 2

You should submit your piece of coursework online through KEATS by 3 p.m. on 5th of May 2023. The maximum length is 3,000 words and penalties will be imposed on work which does  not conform. to the length criteria (see below). Your mark is also likely to be affected if your work falls significantly short of the word limit. This limit includes footnotes and quotations, but not bibliography.

All assessed coursework is examined anonymously.

Please remember to:

On the SSPP coversheet (in your KEAT’S module assessment area):

•     Clearly identify the question number you have answered.

•     Your Candidate number egAB12345 (two letters followed by five digits, find this on your Student Record)

General information:

•     Observe theWORD LIMITprescribed. Marks will be deducted on a sliding scale if you do not: for 5-50% over, 2 marks will normally be deducted per 5%; after 50%, 3 marks will   normally be deducted per 5%. Put your word-count at the end of your coursework.

•     Backup your work and allow enough time to deal with any computer, browser or internet malfunction.

•     Attribute all quotations and borrowings (to avoid the charge of plagiarism).

•     Number each page of your work.

•     Make and keep a copy of your work.

•     Ensure that the files submitted at the time of the deadline are final and complete. No amendments or additions will be permitted after the submission deadline.

•     Ensure that electronic files are submitted in one of the acceptable formats and are not corrupted.

Further advice on presentation and online submission will be found at   in  the  EIS  student handbook Please follow the links from that webpage and note also the advice onplagiarism.

Late submission:

•    Coursework submitted exactly at 3pm will be considered late.  Therefore, please ensure that you submit your assessment well in advance of the deadline.

•    Work submitted late but within 24 hours after the submission will be marked but capped at the pass mark – amark of 40 for undergraduates and a mark of 50 for postgraduates.  (NB This policy may change this year with a sliding scale of marks deducted for each hour of late submission).

•    Work submitted more than 24 hours after the submission deadline will not be marked, and a mark of zero will be given.

College regulations stipulate that only in exceptional circumstances (such as bereavement or illness) can a student request permission to submit work after the deadline. You can apply for an extension by submitting a request for an extension or deferral via the Mitigating

Circumstances process accessed on your Student Record Further information on mitigating circumstances requests can be found here





Please write a 3,000 word essay answering ONE of the following questions:

1.   What are the effects of financial globalisation on state power, and more specifically American state power?

2.   Half a century ago, Raymond Vernon argued that multinational corporations were a benevolent force potentially allowing us to transcend the evils of the inter-state system. Has his position been vindicated?

3.  What are the conditions of workers in the contemporary transnational division of labour?

4.   What is ‘The Washington Consensus’ and is it alive and well?

5.   Is trade multilateralismin trouble? If so, why? If not, why not?

6.   Is energy provision in the global economy sustainable? Can it be changed?

7.   Can global governance manage the global environmental crisis?

8.  What does migration tellus about (the limits to) globalisation?

9.  What roles do political economy variables play for security in contemporary world (dis-)order?

