- 首页 >> WebMAE 115
Week |
Subject |
Readings |
Problem Set |
(1) Jun 24 |
0.0 Introduction 1.0 Review 1.1 Thermodynamic Rules 1.2 Properties of Pure Substances 1.2.1 Pure Substances 1.2.2 Property Tables 1.2.3 Ideal Gas Equation of State 1.2.4. Computational Methods 1.3 Thermodynamic Equations 1.3.1 First Law for a Closed System 1.3.2 First Law for an Open System 1.3.3 Second Law 1.3.4 Entropy 1.4 Gas Mixtures 1.4.1 Mixture Composition 1.4.2 P-v-T Relationships 1.4.3 Thermodynamic Properties |
3.1 thru 3.4 3.5 3.6 thru 3.7
All of 4 All of 5 All of 6 All of 7 13.1 13.2 13.3 |
(2) Jul 1 |
2.0 Power Cycles 2.1 Gas Power Cycles 2.1.1 Otto Cycle 2.1.2 Diesel Cycles |
9.1 thru 9.4 9.5 9.6 |
#1 |
(3) Jul 8 |
2.1.3 Stirling & Ericsson Cycles 2.1.4 Brayton Cycle 2.1.5 Brayton Cycle with Regeneration 2.1.6 Brayton Cycle Variants 2.1.7 Brayton Cycle and Jet Propulsion |
9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 |
#2 |
(4) Jul 15 |
2.2 Vapor Power Cycles 2.2.1 Rankine Cycle: Simple 2.2.2 Rankine Cycle: Superheat 2.2.3 Rankine Cycle: Reheat 2.2.4 Rankine Cycle: Regenerative |
10.1 10.2 thru 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 |
#3 |
(5) Jul 22 |
2.3 Combined Cycles
*EXAM #1 Review [EXAM #1: Thursday, July 25, Lectures 1.0 – 2.2.4] |
10.9 |
#4 |
(6) Jul 29 |
3.0 Refrigeration Cycles 3.1 Refrigeration/Heat Pump 3.1.1 Vapor/Refrigeration 3.1.2 Refrigerant Properties 3.1.3 Heat Pump |
11.1 thru 11.2 11.3 thru 11.4 11.5 11.6 11,8 |
#5 |
(7) Aug 5 3.1.4 Unique Refrigeration Systems 11.7 #6
3.1.5 Gas Refrigeration Cycles 11.9
3.1.6 Absorption Chilling
3.2 Psychrometrics Chapter 14
4.0 Thermodynamic Properties 12.1 thru 12.2
4.1 Maxwell Relations 12.4
4.2 General Relations 12.5
4.3 Joule-Thomson Coefficient
(8) Aug 12 |
5.0 Reacting Systems 5.1 Fuels and Combustion 5.2 Conservation of Energy *EXAM #2 Review [EXAM #2: Thursday, August 15, Lectures 2.3 – 3.1.6] |
15.1 thru 15.3 |
#7 |
(9) Aug 19 |
5.3 Adiabatic Flame Temperature 5.4 Chemical Equilibrium |
15.4 15.5 16.1 thru 16.5 |
#8 |
(10) Aug 26 6.0 Renewable and Sustainable Generation #9
6.1 Solar
6.2 Wind
6.3 Nuclear
[EXAM #3: TBA, Lectures 4.0 – 6.0]
1. Instructors: Robert Flores:robertjf@uci.edu
Safiullah: safiull@uci.edu
2. Office Hours: Thurs: 11a,-12noon, EG4211
3. Discussion Sections: Tuesday, 11:00 – 11:50am, RH 108
4. Textbook: No textbook is required. Readings are taken from Cengel and Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006. Any 5th edition or newer can be used
as a class supplement.
5. Course Website:https://canvas.eee.uci.edu/courses/47304
6. Examinations: EXAM #1: Thursday, 9:30-10:20am, July 25, Lectures 1.0 – 2.2.4
EXAM #2: Thursday, 9:30-10:20am, August 15, Lectures 2.4 - 4.1.6 EXAM #3: Friday, Time TBD, Aug 26, Lectures 4.0 – 6.2
Open note, open book. Additional data provided on board upon request
7. Quizzes: Held periodically during lecture using the Canvas quiz feature. Unless previously cleared with the instructors, students must be in class to participate in the quiz.
8. Homework/Problem Set: Problem sets are to be turned into the appropriate Canvas website
dropbox by the Friday, 11:59pm on the week that it is assigned. Submit PDF documents only. Name each homework submission with the homework number and your ID number as follows: HW#_ID#.pdf. No late submissions accepted. Please limit file size to 5MB or smaller.
a. Homework Format: Follow the format in the handout & described in the Discussion
Section. Typed solutions or extremely neat & legible penmanship are required. Discuss each odd-numbered problem. Cut and paste, and discuss one news article on a topic
relevant to thermodynamics in every assignment
b. Homework Grading: Each attempted problem is worth one point. A single random problem will be selected for detailed grading and will be worth up to 10 points.
c. News Article: Find an article related to thermodynamics and topics discussed in class
9. |
Course Grading: |
Problem Sets Examination #1 Examination #2 |
15 25 25 |
Total 100
10. Course Objectives:
Thermodynamics: Problem Solving: Professional Qualities:
• Principles: First Law, Second Law • Presentation Quality •Communication
• Conceptual Understanding • Deductive, Intuitive Reasoning •Documentation
• Practical Engineering Systems • Accuracy (Units, Quality Control) •Ethics & Responsibility
11. Academic Honesty:
Students are required to review documents regarding academic honesty and ethics at
http://honesty.uci.edu/students.html. The instructor reserves the right to grant a score of zero (0) for any assignment that includes academic dishonesty and reserves the right to assign a failing course grade (F) and report the incident to Academic Affairs for punitive action