代写MGDI60012 Introducing IS in Organisations 2023/2024代写留学生数据结构程序

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Introducing IS in Organisations 2023/2024

ASSIGNMENT (100% of final mark) - DRAFT

Word Limit: 4000 words (+/-10%) (excluding references and appendices). The essay should be submitted ONLINE via Blackboard before 2pm on 16th May 2024.

Assignments  should  be  word  processed:   12pt  font  size,  with   1.5  or  double  line spacing

Information Systems Case Study

Identify a small information system problem (or opportunity) in an organisation you are familiar with OR that is described in a written case study, and carry out the

following tasks:

1.   Using appropriate modelling techniques, specify the scope of the problem, and provide an analysis of the current reality and any requirements for a solution.

2.   Using appropriate modelling techniques, design and specify a prototype database information system solution.

3.   Develop and document the prototype.

4.   Outline a set of realistic  implementation plans for the new information system. Discuss issues (organizational, human, technical, contextual) that might affect the successful implementation of the system.

Further Guidance

Use  the  following  guidelines  and  suggested  structure  to  guide  you  in  your allocation of time and effort within the assignment.   The  essay/report  should include:

Task 1: Identification and Analysis [30%]

•   Brief  introduction  including  a  brief  background  to  the  case  study  (a  short overview of the organisation including your relationship to the organisation, and the rationale and objectives for the information system).

•   Project    Identification     and     Analysis:    provide     a     definition     of    the problem/opportunity. Use a CATWOE checklist and Root Definition to identify the stakeholders, the problem, the rationale and any issues or constraints. A Rich Picture may also help to express the boundaries of the system, the soft issues at play  and  the  information  flow  at present.  Use  a  DFD  to  capture  the present situation and identify the problem areas. Include an analysis of the User Groups.

•   Project Assessment: provide some assessment of the feasibility and risk of the project, using at least one suitable method from the literature.

•    Suggest a suitable approach to develop the system (ie. What type of methodology would be appropriate, given the system size and complexity and the organisational context?).

Task 2: Design [20%]

•   Design 1: provide a conceptual process model for the new information system and designs of its information requirements, supported by relevant modelling tools and diagrams. Include data and information flow design, process/task design, input and output design, and data entity design.

•   Design 2: provide a suggested technical solution and design including database table design, some discussion of choice of hardware and software.

Task 3: Development [20%]

•   Prototype Development: design and develop a prototype of the database aspect of the system using MS Access. (NB: You are not required to implement a fully working  information  system.)  Include  as  appendices  in  your  assignment  any outputs from the database detailing data table definitions, query/report definitions, and so on. Also include details of sample data used and testing carried out (with outputs).

•   Prototype Documentation: discuss the purpose of the prototype (what kind of evaluation/testing it addresses) and any resulting design changes made.  Provide a brief functional overview of the developed prototype database system and a brief user manual on how to use the system.

Task 4: Implementation Issues [30%]

•   Implementation: include plans for obtaining the chosen hardware and software; for training; for installation of the new information  system; and for monitoring and evaluation of the new information system. To be realistic, the plans must include some kind of time-scale and details of who is responsible.

•   Challenges: discuss the human, organisational, technical and contextual issues and challenges that may affect the implementation of the system, and suggestions on how to address these. Include details of whether/how user participation may be accommodated.

Use of relevant references is highly recommended.

Note 1: Marks for this assignment will be divided across the four main elements as indicated above.   Your effort and, to some extent, the amount you write should be similarly divided equally.

Note 2: If you are unable to identify an organisation and information system, you should  identify  a  case  study  from  the  literature  of  an  organisational  information system that will allow you to answer the assignment.  You must take care to use your own words, or quotations, in order to avoid plagiarising the original case study.  You should also check carefully that the case allows you to answer all components of the assignment.

Note 3: Remember to relate to the literature whenever possible. This is particularly important for Tasks 1 and 4.
