代做PSY4003 Group Presentation代写留学生数据结构程序

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PSY4003 Group Presentation

Option A: Inter-rater reliability

Review an experimental study involving the test of inter-rater reliability of at least one variable, and then conduct a conceptual replication for just the inter-rater reliability testing part (if you, the experimenters, are rating participants’ performance/behaviour/expression, then at least two members of the group will act as raters on the data collection day to test students in other groups; if your participants are going to be raters of materials you prepared for them, such as videos/photos/patterns/words, then you will need a minimum of 4 students from other group as your participants).

Suggested Structure for PPT:

1. Background and review of the experimental study

- What were the research question, hypothesis, methods, key findings, strengths and weaknesses, etc.?

- Which variable(s) required inter-rater reliability test (e.g., creativity, attractiveness, writing ability)?

2. Methods and Results

- Did you make any changes when testing the chosen variable(s)? If yes, why?

- Sampling method

- Participants information, incl. demographic info

- Statistical Findings – the reliability score from your data analysis

3. Applications and Future Directions

- What can be done to enhance the inter-rater reliability?

- How may this measure be used in future research?

Option B: Reliability after Translation

Translate a psychological scale from English to Chinese, then test the internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) and split-half reliability (Spearman-Brown Coefficient) of the translated scale. Your chosen scale should have a minimum of 6 questions/items; please double-check to make sure there are currently no Chinese version of your chosen scale.

Suggested Structure for PPT:

1. Background of the chosen scale

- What does it measure?

- How/why it was developed?

- What did previous studies say about its reliability and validity?

- Why did you pick this scale/What is the value of investigating this construct?

2. Methods and Results

- Introduction of the translated scale

- Sampling method

- Participants information, incl. demographic info

- Statistical Findings – the two reliability scores from your data analysis

3. Applications and Future Directions

- How may the scale be used in practical settings?

- How may the scale be used in future research?

- What can you possibly do to improve the scale itself?   

*Maximum time Limit: 25 minutes (Excluding Q & A)

* Tables, figures, in-text citations and references included in the PPT should be in APA 7th format.

*Please email me your PPT at least 24 hours before your presentation, penalty for late submission: 1% reduction per hour

