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Module Code: FC021 Class/Group: A Module Title: Physical Sciences Assessment Title: Lap 

Exam: Database Systems (INFO20003_2023_SM1) Section 1: Relational Database Modelling + Implementation (25 Marks)

Week 6 additional questions 1. Consider a delegation game between Paul (the 

Management School – Undergraduate Coursework Specification 2022-23 Module Code: MGT253 Coursework Codes:

MATH39512 Survival Analysis for Actuarial Science: example sheet 1 *=easy, **=intermediate, ***=difficult *

CISC102 Winter 2024 Discrete Math Portfolio Due Date: Monday April 15th 11:59pm EST (Kingston

BSB151 Business Law and Governance Semester 1, 2024 ETHICS CASE STUDY INDIVIDUAL REPORT (Weighting

Course Project INT2067/INT5051 Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving 2023--2024 Semester 2

MECH5125 Electric and Hybrid Drivetrain Engineering Academic Year 2023-24 Title: Single gear

MATH38032 Time Series Analysis Examples sheet 2 1.  Consider a 
