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University of Toronto, Department of Computer ScienceCSC 485H/2501H: Computational Linguistics, Fall 2021Assignment 1Due

1.Teaching Method 1.1Case Study Roles There are two case study roles, which are the Head of Information Technology

COMP9414: Artificial IntelligenceAssignment 1: Fuzzy SchedulingDue Date: Week 5, Friday, July 3, 11:59 p.m.Value: 15%This

COMP9414: Artificial IntelligenceAssignment 1: Fuzzy SchedulingDue Date: Week 5, Friday, July 3, 11:59 p.m.Value: 15%This

1.Teaching Method 1.1Case Study Roles There are two case study roles, which are the Head of Information Technology

COMP9414: Artificial IntelligenceAssignment 1: Fuzzy SchedulingDue Date: Week 5, Friday, July 3, 11:59 p.m.Value: 15%This

COMP9414: Artificial IntelligenceAssignment 1: Fuzzy SchedulingDue Date: Week 5, Friday, July 3, 11:59 p.m.Value: 15%This

Statistics 138PROJECTWinter Quarter 2020This project is due at the time of the final exam. You are encouraged to form a

CO 353 - Homework assignment 4 Winter ’20 Page 1CO 353 - Winter ’20Homework assignment #4:Instructions:❼ You may use any

STAT 430 Homework 6(due Sunday March 15, by 11:59PM)This assignment will use the wbca data we have been using in class.
