1902/159.360MTUI DISDEXAMINATION FOR159.360 Programming for Computer GraphicsSemester Two 2019Time Allowed: THREE (3)
- C/C++编程MTE4590 – S2 2020Major assignment: Modelling materials phenomenon using a physics-based modelYour major assignment for MTE4
- C/C++编程Compsci 120 The University of AucklandAssignment 4Due: Friday, October 30th, by 23.59pm Semester 2, 2020There are four
Homework 4- There is a picture that includes several chickens (chicken clean.png), and there is a picture ofa bug (bug.jpg).
- C/C++编程EE6435 Homework 3Points: 80.Out: Oct. 15, 2020 (Thursday)Due: 11:59PM, Oct. 28, 2020 (Wed.). No late homework will be
- C/C++编程CSCI-UA.0101-005: Project 1Part 1: Warmup 40 pointsIn this first part you will extend the “game of life” code to support
1902/159.360MTUI DISDEXAMINATION FOR159.360 Programming for Computer GraphicsSemester Two 2019Time Allowed: THREE (3)
MTE4590 – S2 2020Major assignment: Modelling materials phenomenon using a physics-based modelYour major assignment for MTE4
Compsci 120 The University of AucklandAssignment 4Due: Friday, October 30th, by 23.59pm Semester 2, 2020There are four
Homework 4- There is a picture that includes several chickens (chicken clean.png), and there is a picture ofa bug (bug.jpg).