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Borrowers may reserve books currently out on loan. The date and time on which the reserve was placed is recorded. A given book may be reserved by several borrowers, the book is made available based on the order in which the reserve was placed by the borrower.

When a borrower returns a book, they may if they wish renew their loan and take the book out for a further loan period provided the borrower has not been flagged to prevent further borrowings and the book has not been reserved by another borrower.

A special borrower's status flag is maintained - borrowers who hold overdue books or who have reached their loan limit or who have an unpaid fine, are flagged to prevent further borrowings.

In designing the database, you need to ensure as a minimum that the following operational requirements of the library are met:

Allow the catalogue to be searched based on authors, subject category, title, etc

Ensure the accuracy on the status of its catalogue, eg which items are on loan,

which books are available, is there any lost items (overdue for more than 3


Manage the loan operations of items in its catalogue, eg who borrowed an item?

Has the item being returned? Is there any fine to be issued due to an overdue loan?

Manage the information about its members, eg what is the address of a member? Is

there any fine owed by a member?

Manage the information about the branches and their manager.

Report usage patterns, such as

i. what items are popular?

ii. what is the average number of items borrowed by a member for a given

time period?

iii. what subject/topic is popular?

iv. which branch has the highest loan activity?

Using LucidChart, prepare an conceptual model (Entity Relationship Diagram) for Monash Library (MonLib).

○  For this conceptual model, include what you see as identifiers (keys) for each entity and the other attributes required for that entity to support the operational activities of the database.

○  Surrogate keys must not be added to this model. Participation and connectivity for all relationships must be shown on the diagram .

It is quite acceptable that your stage 2 and 3 tasks result in changes to this conceptual model (in fact we would expect that they will). In this situation, you need to update your initial conceptual model to reflect that changes you may have made after completing task 2 and 3.

You are required to maintain a history of your models development on the Google Drive share you have been assigned. At regular intervals during the development generate a PDF file of the current version of your diagram. Include the date when you generate the PDF in the filename, eg 2018-24-03-er.pdf. You must have minimum of three PDF files that clearly show your project development.

You need to upload the first PDF file of your conceptual model by 5 PM Monday 9th April 2018 (week 6) to the FIT9132 Google drive share you have been provided. Failure to complete this requirement will mean that your assignment will not be assessed .

For the final submission on Moodle, you need to submit only one PDF file of the conceptual model, which is the final version that you want us to mark.
