
- 首页 >> Database作业

CS348 - Fall 2018 - Project 2


Due: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 11:59PM on Blackboard

(There will be a 10% penalty for each late calendar day. After five calendar days, the homework

will not be accepted.)

In this project, you are asked to complete 5 procedures with PL/SQL. PL/SQL is only covered in

the PSOs not in the class lectures.


1. The schema definition of database tables and sample test data are provided in tables.sql

and data.sql respectively. You need to use droptables.sql to clean your database before

you start this project because test data may be different from the data used in project 1.

2. You should finish all your work in answer.sql. Skeleton code for procedures is already

provided in answer.sql. Oracle will give error messages if you don’t finish all of them, so

you can comment the unfinished ones during development.

3. Please, don’t change the names of procedures in answer.sql.

4. You can assume that all possible input to procedures 1-4 will be legal input, but we will

test illegal input in procedure 5. So, the exception block is not required for testing

procedures 1-4. Please, refer to the requirement of procedure 5 for details.

5. Submit your answer via BlackBoard.

6. Hints: you may want to use the command “show errors;” to debug your procedures.

The detailed requirements of each procedure are listed below:

1. RetailerDetail

Create a procedure that shows the detailed information of a specific retailer, given the

RetailerId as input. The detailed information should include the following:

a. Retailer Name

b. Retailer Address

c. Retailer total orders in Orders table.

d. Most popular product and the amount sold in the Orders table. We define the most

popular product as the one having the highest number of items sold in the Orders

table. You can assume there is only one most popular product.

The output should be in the following format:

Retailer Name: Retailer A

Retailer Address: r_ddress1

Retailer Total Orders: 7

Most Popular Product: inferno

Total Sold: 115

2. MonthlyDelayReport

Create a procedure that can generate a simple report for the delayed orders of all months

in the database. For each month, you need to list the total number of delayed orders and

the retailers that have delayed orders in that month. Only display the months with delayed

orders. The ordering of months should be from the earliest to the lastest, while the ordering

of retailers should be by retailer’s name.

The output should be in the following format:

Delayed orders in 2018-1: 2

Retailers with delayed orders:

- Retailer A

Delayed orders in 2018-2: 2

Retailers with delayed orders:

- Retailer A

- Retailer B

Delayed orders in 2018-5: 1

Retailers with delayed orders:

- Retailer A

Delayed orders in 2018-6: 1

Retailers with delayed orders:

- Retailer B

3. LeastProfitProduct

Create a procedure that can generate a simple report for the products with least average

profit in each category. Here, we define the profit of a product as the average of

(Orders.UnitPrice - Products.ExfactoryPrice), given the product appears in different

orders. Notice that there may be more than one product with the same average profit.

Display all the products names and their profit for all categories.

The output should be in the following format:

Least Profit in electronics

- Pixel Book: 75

Least Profit in books

- Foundation of Crypto: 30

- da vinci code: 30

Least Profit in apparel

- Adidas cap: 11

Least Profit in text_books

- inferno: 30

4. RetailerProductCatergory

Create a table called RetailerCatergoryTable, with the most recent information about how

many orders of each retailer are for products in the categories: electronic, apparel and

books respectively.

The output after running “select * from RetailerCatergoryTable;” should look like:


---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

1 1 1 2

2 4 0 0

3 0 1 0

4 1 0 0

5 1 0 0

5. CustomerProductInfo

Given a customer id and a product id as input, list all order dates in which the customer

orders the product. You may need to use Exception in PL/SQL to prevent your procedure

from crashing if given an invalid customer id or an invalid product id.

The output of a valid input should be similar to:

Records of customer id 1 with product id 1:

OrderDate: 01-JAN-18

The output of invalid inputs should be similar to:

Records of customer id -1 with product id 1:

Invalid customer id or product id!

Records of customer id 1 with product id -1:

Invalid customer id or product id!

Records of customer id 100 with product id 100:

Invalid customer id or product id!

(If there is no customer id 100 or product id 100 in database)
