COMP241辅导、讲解SQL程序、辅导Database Systems、SQL语言讲解
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COMP2411 – Database Systems
Term Project 2018
Due Date: 23:59pm, Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Each group with about 5-6 students will act as a consultant group to build up a tool for a client
company. The proposal should be able to provide enough functions/features to the company. Three
types of client companies:
1. Tourism platform
2. e-learning platform
3. Startup business
Basic Requirements
1. Welcome Page: the first page that users see when they visit the site. It should make clear
what the site’s purpose is and provide appropriate links to the main sections of your site.
2. Registration Page: for new users, allow them to register through a form that should have at
least the following fields: username, password, full name, age, and contact information.
3. Search Page: this page should contain an input box for basic keyword-based searches.
Users can submit keywords that for fetching correct and appropriate data.
4. Advanced search should be implemented so that users can use more parameters to select
5. The data after searching should sort out reasonably.
The following pages should be accessible to users after they login.
1. User Profile: a user should have a way to read/edit/update their personal information.
2. Read messages/news: a user can read the message if necessary
3. Read/search travel plan (tourism), schedule (education), and sale/purchase history
information (startup)
4. Users can view their travel plan (tourism),schedule (education), and bill payments(startup)
There are administrative users in the site who can manage user accounts. The administrator
would have the following functions:
1. Manage Users: an administrator can list all of the users and edit/update/delete their
2. Summary information: an administrator can have some basic statistics such as number of
visitors, active/non-active members, and the most popular items.
3. Update/Edit/Insert/Delete data to their business needs.
The project should be done with HTML, CSS and PHP. The backend database server should be
MySQL or Oracle. You are welcome to use any library as long as it is free and open source.
The requirements described above are the core part of the site no matter which topic you choose.
You should review the literature, propose, design and implement other functions for the site.
The HongKong Polytechnic University
Term project Page 2
Project Report
A project report should include all the information of this project, e.g. business background, system
and database design, considerations made, discussion, functions and simple user manual. You have
to hand in a softcopy of the project report.
This is a suggested list of items of your report.
1. Business/tourism/e-learning background
2. Database Design
At least six tables of the system
Draw the ERD and underline the primary key for each table
State out all the table schemas
3. Functional requirement
How to manipulate the data using SQL (the purpose of each query)
List 3 most complex SQL queries applied in the application
4. Non-functional requirement
Basic security Issue
Website layout and design
Usability and feasibility
5. Future development
6. References
1. Simple User Manual
2. Contributions of Team members
Refer to the slide of Project Team Formation posted to the Blackboard system
3. Checklist of implemented features in the system/prototype
4. URL of your system (including all source code and executable files) for online testing
5. An installation guide if necessary including 2 sample data outputs (reports) generated by
your application
Project Grading
The project is of 20% of the total subject assessment. There are 3 sets of deliverables throughout
the semester.
1. Mid-term report due on 26 October 2018 (5%)
Name of your project team and all your members info
Identify the possible roles of each member;
Select one of the 3 project topics;
Draft of the functional requirements and ERD design
2. Project Presentation (5%) will be scheduled in the last week of class
Demonstrate your database application
Prepare your presentation slides
3. Prototype development and reports (10%) due on 5 December 2018