代做GEOG0093 Conservation and Environmental Management YEAR 2022-23帮做R语言
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GEOG0093 |
Conservation and Environmental Management |
Individual Grant Proposal - NERC |
1998 |
Investigating the interaction between Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcella brevirostris) and Fisheries in the Eastern Gulf Coast of Thailand
Project Summary
The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcella brevirostris) is a coastal and freshwater mammalian species found sparsely distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific (Jackson-Ricketts, 2016). Their “Endangered” classification on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red list (Minton et al., 2017) is largely from anthropogenic threats, particularly those relating to fisheries (Nelms et al., 2021). In Thai waters, over exploitation of fish stocks is an ongoing issue causing reductions in fishery production & biomass (Wongrak et al., 2021), all of which can impact fish-eating mammals such as the O.brevirostris. To date little research has been done to quantify resource overlap between O.brevirostris prey and fisheries. Across a one-year period, this study will evaluate prey resource and spatial overlap between O.brevirostris sub populations in the Trat Province of Thailand, and fisheries. The results of which could support ecosystem-based fishery management in the future, with the intention of improving O.brevirostris populations as well as fishery catch yields.
Case for support
Part 1 – Literature Review
O.brevirostris are a cetacean species sparsely distributed across coastal waters of the subtropical and tropical Indo-Pacific (Jackson-Ricketts, 2016; Tubbs et al., 2020). As with other cetaceans they are considered important top down controllers of their marine environment primarily by the function of predator-prey relationships (Jackson-Ricketts, 2016; Ricci et al., 2021). Moreover, they have a role in the modification of benthic habitats as well as nutrient recycling and are considered essential players in a marine ecosystem’s health and integrity (Bowen, 1997; Nelms et al., 2021). O.brevirostris marine populations are preferentially distributed within shallower coastal waters in close proximity to shores & river mouths (Minton et al., 2011; Minton et al., 2017). This association is thought to be driven by freshwater input and prey distributions (Minton et al., 2017).
Currently listed as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the close association of the O.brevirostris to the coast has left them vulnerable to a host of anthropogenic issues including but not limited to; bycatch, shipping vessel collisions, and prey overfishing (Jackson-Ricketts, 2016; Parsons et al., 2015). For example, Minton et al. (2011) in the Kuching region of Malaysia saw 50% of O.brevirostris sightings within less than 50 metres of fishing vessels, increasing their risk of direct interactions (Minton et al., 2011). Between January & February 2013, the death of fourteen O.brevirostris as a result of fishing gear entanglement near Trat province in the Gulf of Thailand (Hines et al., 2015) further highlights this issue. Overlap between cetaceans and fisheries is not globally problematic; but rather restricted to certain regions and species (Kaschner & Pauly, 2005). The Eastern Gulf coast of Thailand is a problematic area for sub-populations of O.brevirostris, however to date little research has been done on the relative overlap (Nelms et al., 2021).
According to the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organisation, Thailand’s Exclusive Economic zone (EEZ) comprises 41% of the marine catch within the Gulf of Thailand (FAO, 2013). Thailand’s fishing industry is commercially significant offering 2.4million tonnes to global fishery production and keeping almost 250,000 people employed annually (Kulanujaree et al., 2020). Commercially significant species include the Indo-Pacific mackerel (Rastrelliger spp.) which encompasses around 41% of catches; as well as anchovies (Encrasicholina spp. and Stolephorus spp.), round scads (Decapterus spp.) and ponyfishes (Leiognathus spp.) (FAO, 2013; Klangnurak & True, 2022). Over exploitation of fish stock within Thai waters is an ongoing issue. Due to overfishing, across a 10 year period Thailand saw a 39% reduction in fishery production (Wongrak et al., 2021). Although this change was partially stemmed by reductions in illegal fishing since 2015; evidence of over exploitation is still present, such as with the decreasing trends in Indo-Pacific mackerel length from 18cm to 15cm (FAO, 2013). Previous stomach content analysis of O.brevirostris subpopulations in the Eastern Gulf Coast of Thailand suggested their diet mainly piscivorous with a preference of ponyfishes, mackerel, and scad (Jackson-Ricketts, 2016). Although this is suggestive of resource overlap, few studies have quantified the relationship within this region and thus further research is warranted.
Part 2 - Description of the Proposed Research
Despite O.brevirostris being legally protected (Partnership, 2010); their population is still on the decline having moved from “Vulnerable” to “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List (Minton et al., 2017) suggesting current conservation approaches are insufficient at stemming it. The death of only 4.2 individuals a year across a period of 60 years (3 generations) would result in a further 50% decline in population size (Moore, 2015). With sub populations generally ranging from 10 – 100 in size; mass mortality events as a result of fishery interactions such as the aforementioned death of fourteen O.brevirostris in the Trat Province of Thailand (Hines et al., 2015) far exceed this protectory. Furthermore, decrease in the biomass of fish stocks due to overfishing not only affects commercial fisheries but sub-optimal prey could affect O.brevirostris growth and reproduction further exacerbating their decline (Minton et al., 2011). Therefore, it is essential a proactive data led conservation stance is taken to avoid this species extinction.
Data scarcity has thus far limited ecosystem-based fishery management approaches (Cheng et al., 2022). In other marine ecosystems; increases in marine mammal populations when not monitored alongside the continuing growth in commercial fisheries has led to further damage of fish stocks (Jusufovski et al., 2019). In order for effective conservation to take place; it is essential to have a better understanding of the overlap between fisheries and the O.brevirostris. With projects currently underway by the UN Environment Programme that look to integrate conservation in to fishery management through the creation of “Regional System of Fishers Refugia in the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand” (Siriraksophon, 2022), now is the time to ensure sufficient data is available to guide these projects.
Research objectives and outcomes
1. To analyse the O.brevirostris prey consumption rate and prey composition within the Trat
Province, Thailand, by stomach content analysis of stranded animals
2. To establish resource overlap by comparison of the O.brevirostris prey consumption rate
to fisheries catch rate
3. To compare the spatial overlap between O.brevirostris habitat (through use of electronic
tags) to local fishing grounds, by tracking fishing vessels in the area
Methodology and approach
The Gulf of Thailand is a continental shelf bordering Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia & Vietnam (between latitudes 5。00’ and 13。30’ N and longitudes 99。00’ and 106。00’ E) (Jackson-Ricketts, 2016). This research will focus on previously sighted (Ponnampalam et al., 2013) O.brevirostris populations in the Trat Province, an area within Thailand’s EEZ (see figure 1).
Figure 1: Map highlighting the Trat Province (in yellow) within the Gulf of Thailand. Adapted from
Hines et al. (2015).
To understand the composition of the O.brevirostris prey, the stomach content of stranded animals will be collected and analysed. Stranded dolphins will be located through use of the Phuket Marine Biological Centres (PMBC) stranding network. Any deceased dolphins will have their stomach removed and frozen for laboratory analysis. Once thawed stomach contents will be sieved to separate hard and soft tissues. Fish bone & otoliths will be dried; whilst cephalopod beaks will be stored in ethanol. Identification will be done using published guides (Giménez et al., 2017). The relative importance of each prey type to the Irrawaddy will be quantified using equations in established in Giménez et al. (2017) based on proportion of prey and prey type against the total number of prey found within the stomach. Prey weight will be reconstructed by standard regressions. Overall annual consumption rate will be calculated using methods established by Santoset al. (2014) where O.brevirostris population size will be estimated based on an averages of the area found in Hines et al. (2015).
To established the geographical range of the O.brevirostris bio-tagging will be administered by modified methods from Wells et al. (2021). In brief, personnel and boat resources from PMBC will assist in the tagging process. Capture sites will be within shallow depths (less that 3m). Once spotted, O.brevirostris would be captured by encirclement using seine nets before being transferred to boats. Staff will be nominated to monitor in case of any entanglements; and to ensure they are kept wet with sponges once on the boats. A veterinarian will be present to continuously monitor captured animals. SPLASH10 tags will be attached to dorsal fins by a single pin to transmit location data via satellite. As fishing is carried out both during the day and night in this region (Noranarttragoon, 2014) it is essential a full day is covered so tags will be programmed to transmit Global Positioning System (GPS) data every 15 minutes (Hayset al., 2021). Data would be collected using the Argos Data Collection and Location System. For sample size to be a significant representative of the population in this region 10 individuals will be tagged in each deployment biannually.
By Thai law commercial fishing vessels must register with Department of Fisheries (DOF) (Kulanujaree et al., 2020). To establish the geographical range and movements of fishing vessels in the Trat region geographical data will be collected from the Marine Fisheries Research and Development Division within the DOF (Tepparos et al., 2022). For Vessels ≥30 GT that must be fitted with a vessel monitoring system (VMS), this will take the form. of hourly timecoded coordinates transmitted to the DOF (Tepparos et al., 2022). Vessels between 10 to <30 GT it will be in the form. of log books; and for artisanal and commercial fishing vessels less that 10 GT data it will be from DOF during field surveys (Tepparosetal., 2022). Catch composition would be estimated via monthly on-board observations across the aforementioned fishing vessel categories; as well as via observations of landing sites (represented by fish weight in kg) (Noegroho et al., 2020). In order to establish relationships in annual catch rate with the O.brevirostris, Catch per unit effort (CPUE) will be calculated using equations as per Noegroho et al. (2020).
To analyse resource overlap, fisheries annual catch rate will be compared to O.brevirostris annual consumption rate via a t-test. Irrawaddy prey composition and fisheries catch composition of each species will be compared via ANOVA. Post Hoc tests will be run to show where significance overlaps lie between fish species. To analysis spatial overlap, O.brevirostris and Fisheries positioning data will be mapped using ArcMap10.0 with the R-ArcGIS Bridge for statistical analysis using R.
Risks and mitigation strategies
If no dolphins are stranded during the research period, data from previously analysed O.brevirostris stomachs will be used as logged within the PMBCs stranding network. However; data from the research period will be preferential as it is based on current predator-prey relationships.
SPLASH10 tags have been known to fail. The largest cause of transmission loss is from battery failure (seen with 87% of cases) with a steep reduction in transmission rates following 200 days (Hays et al., 2021). As O.brevirostris have shown seasonal variance in movements (Tubbs et al.,
2020); tags will be deployed biannually to ensure data is collected across all season over a year helping abate this risk.
Programme of research
• January 2023 - April 2023: Application for permits from the Foreign Researcher Management
Section of the National Research Council of Thailand
• April 2023 - April 2024: Data collected from both dolphins and fisheries. SPLASH10 tags will
be fitted in April 2023 and October 2023
• May 2024 - December 2024: Data analysed and paper prepared
Management of the project and resources
This project will be supported by Department of Marine and Coastal Resources with specific support from the PMBC. Research Assistant from the communities in the Trat province will be essential to ensuring the success of the project. They will be trained to take catch measurements and assist in tagging procedures.
Impact Summary
This paper, published in Marine Mammal Science, will serve to give a better understanding of how O.brevirostris and fisheries interact. If a significant overlap is found both in territory and prey-type this paper will aid ecosystem-based fisheries management. This will not only benefit fisheries through improving catch yields and curbing decline in fish biomass; it will also lead conservation strategies that will prevent further decline of O.brevirostris populations. A greater understanding of the spatial distribution of O.brevirostris in this territory could be used in conservation of other marine sub-populations in similar habitats. Furthermore, improvements could indirectly lead to economic growth via dolphin-watching tourism.