AIM: To specify, design and implement a synthesiser module using a microcontroller
A modular synthesiser comprises a series of individual audio or control modules that are not hardwired together but which exchange information through a reconfigurable arrangement of patch cables.
Principally a keyboard provides the primary playing front-end. An output provides a voltage proportional to the key pressed corresponding to 1V/Octave and a ‘gate signal’ that indicates a key pressed.
Typical modules (and their requirements) include:
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
A signal generator with frequency controlled by an external voltage, varying at 1V/octave. The signal waveform. should be selectable. A modulation input (that effectively sums with the control voltage) should also be provided.
Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA)
An amplifier whose gain is set by an external voltage. Signal input and output is required along with a gain control voltage input
Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF)
A resonating low pass filter with frequency and resonance front panel controls and a control voltage input that sweeps the filter cutoff.
Envelope Generator (ADSR)
Generates a gain waveform, typically for the VCA and triggered by a gate input. Controls are required for Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release.
Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO)
A signal generator with manual frequency controlled. The signal waveform. should be selectable.
Other Modules
Noise Generator
Signal Mixer
Signal Splitter
Ring Modulator
To be submitted:
Project files (zipped) with fully commented source code should be uploaded to MyUni. Use the student ID of one of the team members as the filename and include the full names and student IDs of the team in the header of the main program (as comment). Maintain a modular file structure, i.e. keep all Timer related functions in source file timer.c with prototypes exported through timer.h, etc.
Include a word document or pdf showing your specification, system diagram and flowcharts, state diagram or pseudo code to document the algorithmic details of your program.