代写EECS 442 Practice Exam, Winter 2025调试SPSS
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Problem 1 Machine Learning Fundamentals (16 points)
(a) (4 points) List two methods to prevent underfitting and overfitting respectively.
(b) (4 points) How does increasing or decreasing a linear model’s regularization parameter (the λ term in L2 regularization) affect the learned model’s complexity?
(c) (4 points) Explain the roles of training, validation, and testing datasets in the machine learning workflow. Why is it important to separate these datasets?
(d) (4 points) Explain the purpose of cross-entropy loss in classification tasks. Why is it preferred over MSE (mean-squared-error) loss in classification?
Problem 2 Image Filtering (16 points)
Given the original 5 × 5 grayscale image matrix:
A noise spike is present at the center of the matrix (200). Your goal is to reduce this noise while preserving other details.
(a) (4 points) Median Filtering (3 × 3 filter window with zero padding) Apply a 3 × 3 median filter to the entire image using zero-padding to keep the output matrix the same size (5 × 5) as the input. Please provide the filtered output matrix.
(b) (4 points) Gaussian Filtering (3 × 3 filter window without padding) Apply a Gaussian filter with a 3 × 3 kernel using the following values (not normalized), without any padding, so that the output matrix size is reduced to 3 × 3:
After filtering, normalize by dividing each pixel value by 16. Please provide the resulting 3 × 3 output matrix.
(c) (2 points) Is the above Gaussian filter kernel separable? If so, pleased write the two 1D rectangular filter kernels that can be used to reconstruct the 3 × 3 Gaussian filter. If not, please give the reason.
(d) (4 points) Bilateral Filtering (3 × 3 filter window without padding) Apply a bilateral filter with a 3 × 3 window centered on each pixel. Use the Gaussian kernel from Question (b) for spatial weighting. For intensity weighting, we will use a simplified scheme that makes computation easier: we will use an intensity threshold of 30, which means that pixels with at most an intensity difference of 30 from the center pixel would contribute. For example, if the center pixel is 50, only neighboring pixels within the intensity range of [20 , 80] will contribute to the filtered results. More precisely, the equation for this simplified bilateral filter is as follows:
• Ifiltered(x) is the intensity of the filtered image at pixel x;
• N(x) is the spatial neighborhood of pixel x;
• I(x′) is the intensity of the neighboring pixel x′ ;
• Gσs is the spatial Gaussian kernel with spatial standard deviation σs. For simplification, we just use the Gaussian kernel from Question (b) as an approximation for Gσs;
• W(x) is the normalization factor:
• δ(I(x), I(x′ )) is the indicator function enforcing the intensity difference threshold:
This equation combines both spatial and intensity constraints for bilateral filtering, using the given Gaussian kernel and intensity threshold. Please provide the resulting 3 × 3 output matrix after applying this bilateral filtering using a 3 × 3 filter window without padding.
(e) (2 points) Compare the output matrices from the three filters. Discuss in a few sentences: which filter best reduced the noise spike while preserving details and explain why.
Problem 3 Fourier Transform. (16 points)
(a) (2 points) If we rotate an image clockwise by 90。, what effect does this have on its Fourier transform?
a) The Fourier transform rotates 90。 clockwise.
b) The Fourier transform rotates 90。 counter-clockwise.
c) The Fourier transform rotates 180。.
d) No general statement can be made about the Fourier transform.
(b) (2 points) If we scale an image by a factor of 2, doubling its size, what effect does this have on its Fourier transform?
a) The Fourier transform scales by a factor of 2.
b) The Fourier transform. scales by a factor of 2/1.
c) The Fourier transform is unaffected.
d) No general statement can be made about the Fourier transform.
(c) (12 points) Please match the following images to their respective Fourier transforms.
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Problem 4 Backpropagation (16 points)
Recall that a neural network can be represented as a computation graph, enabling us to systematically compute its gradients. For example, Figure 1 is an example of the equation f(x,y) = x + y. The corresponding code for the forward and backward of this diagram is also shown below.
Figure 1: Computation graph for f(x,y) = x + y
1 def f(x, y):
2 ###forward pass ###
3 L = x + y
5 ###backward pass ###
6 grad _L = 1
7 grad_x = 1 * grad_L
8 grad_y = 1 * grad_L
9 return L, (grad_x , grad_y)
Figure 2 is a computation graph for function f(a,b,c,d).
Figure 2: Computation graph
(a) (2 points) Please write down the mathematical formula for f(a,b,c,d).
(b) (4 points) Please implement the code for forward and backward pass of computation graph in (a).
(c) (7 points) Please draw the computation graph and implement the code for forward and backward pass of function
Note: Please use the following operations: +, × , − , +1, ×(−1),exp, x/1 .
(d) (3 points) Why might Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) be more effective than Batch Gradient Descent (BGD) when training neural networks?