代做COMP 3022: Algorithm Engineering Lab 5. Generating Random Data 2025代写Java程序

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COMP 3022: Algorithm Engineering

Lab 5. Generating Random Data


Generation of a random double

Generate a random double number in [0, 1)

1 double rand_d () {

2 return rand () / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0);

3 }

Generate a nonnegative inteer strictly smaller than bound.

1 int rand_range (int min , int max ) {

2 return rand () % ( max - min + 1) + min ;

3 }

4 int rand_bound (int bound ) {

5 return rand_range (0 , bound );

6 }

Generation of a random permutation

All permutations of [1..n] have the same probability to be generated.

The algorithm runs in O(n) time.

1 void random_perm (int perm [] , int n ) {

2 for ( i = 0; i < n ; i ++)

3 perm [ i ] = i +1; /* initialization */

4 for ( i = n - 1; i > 0; i - -) {

5 j = rand_bound ( i ); /* random index

6 int tmp = perm [ i ];

7 perm [ i ] = perm [ j ];

8 perm [ j ] = tmp ;

9 }

10 }

Random samples: k integers from [1..n]

1 void sample (int s [] , int n , int k ) {

2 for ( i = 0; i < k ; i ++)

3 s [ i ] = rand_bound ( n ) + 1;

4 }

What if duplicates not allowed?                           sampling with replacement

To generate a random permutation of length n, then take the first k values.

Better solutions.

1 void sample (int s [] , int n , int k ) {

2 for ( i = 0; i < k ; i ++)

3 s [ i ] = rand_bound ( n ) + 1;

4 }

What if duplicates not allowed?                      sampling with replacement

To generate a random permutation of length n, then take the first k values.

Better solutions.

Random samples: ordered reals

Generate k distinct random reals in [0, 1) in sorted order.

1 pick a value m1 in the range [0, 1);

2 pick a value m2 in the range [0,m1);

3 pick a value m3 in the range [0,m2);

4 ...

1 static int i = k ; // counter

2 static double m =1.; // top of range


4 double ordered_sample_reals () {

5 m = m * exp ( ln ( rand_d ()) / i - -);

6 return m ;

7 }

Nonuniform. random generator

1 if ( p > rand_d ())

2 generate ( A );

3 else

4 generate ( B );

Bernoulli process ()

Events occur independently.

The outcome of each event: A (with probability p) and B (with probability 1−p)

Example: coin toss; Erdős–Rényi graphs ()

1 X = - ln ( rand_d ()) / lambda ;

Poisson process ()

Events occur independently and at a constant average rate: λ events per s/m/h

Example: MTR arriving at a stop; packets arriving at a router

To generate the waiting time X for the next event:


Download random.c.

Test the random_perm function and record the result.

Finish function sample_d.

Add code in the main function to test sample and sample_d.

Optional tasks

Conduct experiments for n > 5. I used a simple trick in the main function, which cannot work for n = 6. You need to .

Conduct experiments on generating ordered real numbers.
