代做UWP 22 Paper 2 – Open Letter代做Statistics统计
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Paper 2 – Open Letter
Week 7 Tu: Introduce P2
Week 8 Tu: P2 Outline
Week 8 Th: P2 Peer Review
Week 9 Tu: P2 Rough Draft (I will read papers up to 3x per student)
Week 10 Tu: Conferences
Week 10 Th: P2 Final as part of your portfolio
Course Outcomes to Meet
ü Identify and apply writing strategies
o a) analyze a writing task to determine necessary knowledge and skills understanding not just the topic, but also the purpose/genre of a writing assignment
o b) self-evaluate writing according to assignment expectations
o c) organize ideas and structure writing according to conventions of genre
o d) translate feedback from peers and instructor into conscious action (revising using others' feedback and comments)
ü Use evidence to achieve purpose
o a) use source for specific purpose (to inform, explain, support)
o b) understand and apply knowledge of the underlying values and practices of one citation system (attributing sources correctly and consistently)
ü Use language to achieve purpose
o b) develop sentences that show awareness of purposeful moves in line with conventions of a genre
o d) write with detail and specificity
In 850-950 words:
Write a formal open-letter to UC Davis faculty, informing them about 1) the experience of multilingual freshmen, and 2) what professors are already doing well and/or what professors can do to better help freshmen. If you want to tailor the prompt to your interests, talk to me.
In 850-950 words:
Write a formal open-letter to UC Davis faculty, informing them about 1) the experience of multilingual freshmen, and 2) what professors are already doing well and/or what professors can do to better help freshmen. If you want to tailor the prompt to your interests, talk to me.
You are required to use at least two of our readings (P1R1, P1R2, P1R3, P2R1, P2R2, or P2R3).
This paper will be included in your portfolio, which is worth 30% total. You will get an advisory grade on your rough draft.
Extra Credit opportunity: If you submit your open letter to the California Aggie and it gets published, you will get 5 extra points added to your portfolio grade. [email protected]