代写ITMD 534: Human Computer Interaction, HW2, Spring 2025帮做R语言

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ITMD 534: Human Computer Interaction, HW2, Spring 2025

Due March 3rd, 2025, Midnight

Please submit a PDF copy of your homework to Black Board

Below are a list of products/interfaces. Each student could pick a device from this list or any other interface of their choice. You will use your selected device or interface to decide on a goal to attain through it for Contextual Inquiry. The task for attaining the goal needs to be fairly complex to at least have about 5 steps.

You will then select 2 users and get them to perform. the task that you planned – one at a time. Choose 1 user familiar with the product, 1 user unfamiliar with the product. Describe the task and ask the user to accomplish the goal. Do not help the user. Record every aspect of the user’s actions and mannerisms in your documentation. This documentation needs to be recorded in a dialogue format as shown in the example in class. Ask the user to be verbal about what they are doing in every step.

Prepare a report with a brief description of the product/interface, provide the initial interview questions and the specific instructions for accomplishing the goal. Describe the performance of each user including the troubles they faced – what they did wrong and what they did right. Record also a brief persona of each user you have chosen. The persona needs to cover significant details of the user.

When you ask the users to perform. the task – describe only the goal and not the steps. Let the user figure out the steps while you note their actions.

Draw out a flow diagram (Flow Model as discussed in class) of the interaction, as part of your report.

Your report needs to include:

1. A clear description of the product and the interface you are evaluating.

2. Initial queries to the user.

3. Test script. that you shared with the user.

4. Interview transcript. in a dialog format – remember to include line numbers.

5. Analysis including diagrams and problems identified.

6. Persona of the two users (like explained in class).

For the suggested items below – choose only the ones where you may find some kind of digital control interface preferably with display.

1. Any desktop or web interface that has at least 30 controls, not counting web links. For web pages, it should have at least 10 pages (including product description pages). For desktop applications, it should have at least 5 different screens or dialog boxes.

2. Desk phone with speed dial

3. Answering machine with selective playing, deleting of recorded calls

4. Copy machine with 2-sided copying

5. Cell phone for placing calls using an address book

6. Cell phone for doing SMS using an address book

7. Cell phone address book management (add, remove, update addresses)

8. VCR or DVD/R: basic setup (which channels, clock, input source, record speed, etc.)

9. VCR or DVD/R: setting timed recordings (record in the future)

10. Cable TV or DishNetwork configuration and control interfaces

11. Data Projector configuration user interface (pick source, brightness, keystoning, etc.)

12. Conventional television with contrast, brightness, channels, input sources

13. High definition television with various wide-screen modes

14. Digital camera including taking pictures, specifying different resolutions, turning on and off the flash, etc.

15. Digital Picture Frame

16. Camcorder

17. Digital Watch

18. Microwave with cooking, defrost, set current time, timed cooking, etc.

19. Wall Oven, with bake, broil, self-clean, timer for timed cooking, etc.

20. Washing machine, with parameters for water temperature, different cycles, etc.

21. Dryer with parameters for different cycles, heat, cool down, etc.

22. Programmable Coffee maker

23. Digital refrigerator (?)

24. Robotic vacuum cleaner (speed, obstacle avoidance)

25. Conventional vacuum with digital controls

26. Digital video recorder (schedule recordings) (e.g., TIVO)

27. Digital music player (e.g., iPod)

28. Digital FM radio with presets

29. Universal remote control (programmable)

30. PC Music player with play-lists (e.g., Windows Media Player)

31. Augmented calculator (e.g., ability to see past computations, etc.)

32. Complex Alarm clock (set time, set alarm, multiple alarms, snooze)

33. Audiobook player (select book, navigate chapters)

34. Programmable Massage chair

35. Programmable light (brightness, weekly on/off schedule)

36. Programming lawn watering system, with timers and sensors

37. Voice recorder (play, delete, record, rewind)

38. Printer configuration (orientation, sides, color, scale)

39. Multi-function printer (print/fax/copy)

40. Wireless network chooser (select, security settings, on/off)

41. Movie schedule mobile web application (by movie, by location)

42. Stand-alone air purifier

43. Home heating and air conditioning (HVAC) controls (programmable)

44. Automobile heating and air conditioning (HVAC) controls

45. Automobile HD Radio

46. Stand-alone HD Radio

47. Automobile Satellite radio

48. Stand-alone Satellite radio

49. Automobile navigation system

50. Hand-held navigation system

51. Any digital medical device

52. ATM

53. Airport Ticket kiosk

54. Play/Movie Ticket kiosk

55. Photo printing kiosks

56. Vending machine for movies (like outside the Giant Eagle in Squirrel Hill)

57. Self-checkout system for supermarket (like at Target)

58. Programmable exercise equipment

59. PA lottery touch screen machine

60. Wireless Network Router setup (set up security, etc.)
