代做GGR111 Geography in the News #1代做留学生Matlab编程
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Assignment Instructions:
Choose one of the news articles provided. Read the article and then choose two concepts from class that you will use to analyze the news article.
Choose 2 concepts / theories from the following list:
· Power Geometry
· Agency
· Suburbanization
· New Urbanism
· Keynesianism
· Neoliberalism
· Terra Nullius
· White Settler Society
· NIMBYism
· Land as Property
· Land as Relation
· Place-making
· Socio-spatial polarization
Note: choosing appropriate concepts/theories for your analysis is part of what is being assessed here. Think carefully about what concepts help you analyze your article in a meaningful way.
Article Title: Write the title of the article you chose here.
Paragraph 1: Choose and define one course concept or theory from the list provided that you think will help you analyze this article (5 pts)
· Choose a concept or theory from the list provided that applies to this example.
· Identify and define the concept in your own words.
· Do not connect this to the material yet – just define it.
· (This paragraph can be only 1-2 sentences)
Paragraph 2: Choose and define a second course concept or theory relevant to your analysis (5 pts)
· Choose another concept or theory from the list provided that applies to this example.
· Identify and define the concept in your own words.
· Do not connect this to the material yet – just define it.
· (This paragraph can be only 1-2 sentences)
Paragraph 4: Analyze the article (55 pts: 10pts for appropriate use of each concept, 35 points for overall analysis)
· Succinctly analyze the news article you chose.
· Use both concepts to support your analysis.
· You can use a concept to offer further clarification of what the article is saying or as a means to critique what the article is saying.
· Remember - you are using the concepts to analyze the article rather than using parts of the article to describe the concepts.
· If there are parts of the article that contradict the main analysis you are making using your concepts, be sure to address this in some way.
· Make sure that your analysis is geographic - keep the importance of place, spatial relations, scalar analysis and/or networks in mind.
Paragraph 5: Reflect (15 pts)
· Critically reflect on the example and your concepts. Where do you see power at play?
· Possible questions to guide your reflection: What perspective was taken by the author of the article? What other perspectives might there be? Who would theses various perspectives benefit and/or exclude. What other questions could be asked or perspectives taken that would change the interpretation of this situation? What additional information would you need to craft a more informed understanding of the power relations related to this situation?
· Note: if you use questions in this section, be sure to include the thought process that led you to that question in order to gain more points.
Note: Late assignments will be subject to a late penalty of 10% per day (including weekends) of the total marks for the assignment. Assignments submitted five calendar days beyond the due date will be assigned a grade of zero.
Note: You have the option of completing this assignment with a partner – but ONLY if that partner is in your tutorial. If you do partner, BOTH people need to submit and BOTH people need to write each others’ name in the comments section of the assignment submission page.
Note on Citations: If you draw upon general ideas from class or put concepts in your own words, you do not need to cite them. However, if you draw on a specific phrase or a specific example from either the readings or the lecture videos, then you do need to cite them for reasons of academic integrity. A bibliography of the major sources used in the Readers is available at the end of each reader. I will accept any of the major citation styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.