代写MA 164 2O2 Calculus II Spring 2025, Term 2代做迭代
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Course Title: Calculus II
Course and Section Number: MA 164 2O2
Term and Year: Spring 2025, Term 2
Course Description: Topics include: Integration evaluation techniques, improper integrals, applications of integration, infinite sequences and series, parametric equations, polar coordinates.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Evaluate integrals using u-substitution, back-substitution, partial fractions, integration by parts, trig identities, and trig substitution.
2. Investigate the convergence of improper integrals.
3. Use definite integrals to evaluate areas, volumes (shells, washers, slices), arc length, and surface area.
4. Investigate the convergence of sequences and infinite series; utilize convergence tests and series representations of functions, including Taylor and Maclaurin series.
5. Parameterize equations of one variable and use definite integrals of parameterized equations to evaluate areas and arc length.
6. Convert between rectangular and polar coordinates, graph polar functions, find areas enclosed by polar curves, and compute arc lengths along polar curves.
Prerequisites: “C” or better in MA 134 Calculus I.
Required Text: This course utilizes OER (Open Educational Resources) materials at no cost to learners. All required reading is available in the online course room.
Other Materials: You will need a calculator.
Course Requirements: Learners are expected engage with all learning materials, participate in activities, and submit all assessments.
Attendance/Participation: All students are expected to login to their courses regularly throughout the week to receive instruction, materials, and updates from the instructor. It is your responsibility to check in and submit your assignments, complete your discussion board postings, and finish quizzes and exams by the due dates.
If you do not participate in the course, you will be counted absent. Simply logging in is not enough; you must submit/complete an assignment, post to a discussion board, or other similar assignment tasks to avoid being counted absent. Instructors are required to submit attendance the Monday following each week of class.
This attendance is reported to the Financial Aid Department and may result in the loss of any financial aid refund you are expecting if you have not been participating in your courses. In addition, you will be administratively dropped from the course if you are reported absent a total of three weeks.
Completing the following actions will not count as present for this class:
• Logging into Moodle
• Reviewing Course Materials
• Any email or phone contact with the instructor
• Submitting work early. One assignment must be submitted during each week to be counted present.
The undergraduate course grading scale is as follows:
90-100% A
85-89% B+
80-84% B
75-79% C+
70-74% C
65-69% D+
60-64% D
59% and below F
Grades will be calculated with discussion forums, homework assignments, quizzes, tests and the final exam. Please see the discussion forum rubric found on the “Start Here” page in the course for grading criteria and expectations.
This is a breakdown of the percentages of each category:
Discussion Forums: 20%
Homework Assignments: 20%
Quizzes: 20%
Tests: 20%
Final Exam: 20%
Discussion Forum posts have two due dates. Your initial posts are due on Wednesdays at 11:59PM EST. Two replies to two different peers are due on Saturdays at 11:59PM EST.
Be sure to read the Netiquette Guidelines in our course, under the Student Resources page for guidance on my expectations for your behavior in the discussion forums.
All other assignments are due on Saturdays at 11:59PM EST, except during the final week.