- 首页 >> Database作业 Week 24 Coursework – Assembling MIPS
Chalarampos Rotsos, Ibrahim Aref, Angie Chandler
The Task
• Implement a MIPS Assembler Emulator
1. Translating assembler programs to bytecode (Week 20 – not marked).
2. Execute the code in an emulator (Week 21/22/24 – C Coursework).
• Similar to the MARS emulator without the UI.
• Implement a limited set of instructions.
• Use supplied template to implement your code.
• A half-written emulator with basic functionality.
• Read input file, store it in memory.
• Convert MIPS code into bytecode.
Why this Task?
• It covers all aspects of 150
ü Development is on Linux
ü We need to understand machine architectures
ü We use assembler
ü We use c
• Should show how all elements of SCC150 connect
• ... and, it is fun (hopefully)!
Generating Bytecode
Bytecode 0x02128020
Week 20 Practical –
Week 24 Coursework
Week 20
Week 24
Test Code:
0: fields: .word 88 77 0
0: lui $t0 0x1001
1: lw $a0 0($t0)
2: lw $a1 4($t0)
3: add $v0 $zero $zero
4: addi $t2 $zero 1
5: loop: andi $t1 $a0 1
6: bne $t1 $t2 skipadd
7: add $v0 $v0 $a1
8: skipadd: srl $a0 $a0 1
9: sll $a1 $a1 1
10: bne $a0 $zero loop
11: sw $v0 8($t0)
0x00400000 0x3c081001
0x00400004 0x8d040000
0x00400008 0x8d050004
0x0040000c 0x00001020
0x00400010 0x200a0001
0x00400014 0x30890001
0x00400018 0x152a0001
0x0040001c 0x00451020
0x00400020 0x00042042
0x00400024 0x00052840
0x00400028 0x1480fffa
0x0040002c 0xad020008
Week 2
Execution :
executing 0x00400000 0x3c081001
executing 0x00400004 0x8d040000
executing 0x00400008 0x8d050004
executing 0x0040000c 0x00001020 …
Week 24
Template main()
int main(){
if (load_program(filename)<0)
if (make_bytecode()<0)
if (exec_bytecode()<0)
Week 20
Week 24
Emulator Template
• A template is provided • emulator_w24_template.zip
• You do not have to start from scratch
• Basic functionality is provided
• Implement a MIPS CPU emulator
• Input assumptions • You code must use .data and .text directives to annotate code
• The program supports only .word data declarations.
• Program file contains an instruction on each line . • A line may include in addition a label (within the line).
MIPS ASSEMBLER – Instructions
• The emulator should support the following instructions
• NOP - no operation
• ADD - addition
• ADDI - addition immediate
• ANDI - bitwise immediate and
• LUI - load upper immediate
• SRL - shift right logical
• SLL - shift left logical • BNE - branch on not equal
• LW - Load word
• SW - Store word
• LHU - Load half-word unsigned
• SH - Store half-word
• Any SCC150 Assembler operation is based on these instructions, the 32 register names, labels and immediate values.
Instruction Set (I)
• Basic concept
• lowering of the compiler to the hardware level
• not raising of hardware to the software level (as with CISC)
• MIPS is a 32-bit architecture. This defines
• the range of values in basic arithmetic
• the number of addressable bytes
• the width of a standard register
• Simple set of instructions
• All instructions have the same 32-bit format
• Instructions operate on 32 32-bit registers
• Designed to run in a single clock cycle
Instruction Set (II)
• 3 basic types of MIPS instructions
• Register type (R-type)
• Immediate type (I-type)
• Jump type (J-type)
• What do we need to specify in an instruction?
add $s1,$s1,$t0
the registers the operation
32 possible registers; 2^5 = 32
i.e. five bits needed to specify each register
• The elements of an R-Type instruction
op rs rt rd shamt funct
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits
source registers
destination register
shift amount
misc. function code
operation (“op”) code
R-Type Example (1)
0x00 rs rt rd 0x00 0x20
add $s1,$s1,$t0
Example instruction: addition with overflow
000000 10001 01000 10001 00000 100000
op rs rt rd shamt funct
P&H fig. 2.14
R-Type Example (2)
add $s1,$s1,$t0
000000 10001 01000 10001 00000 100000
op rs rt rd shamt funct
The elements of an I-Type instruction
op rs rt constant or address
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 16 bits
source register destination register
operation (“op”) code meaning depends on opcode, e.g.:
lw/sw: address offset
addi: signed number
andi: literal value
Code Structure
• Makefile: The build file.
• emulator.h, main.c: source code file with main and preprocessor
• emulator.c: This is the only source code file you need to modify.
• ip_csm.asm, simple_add.asm, eth_mult.asm, simple_loop.asm:
sample MIPS assembly code. These files should work with the MARS
emulator and should use them in order to test your code.
How to start
• This is a practical that aims to exercise your knowledge of C
programming as well as your understanding of the MIPS ISA
• Read carefully the code to understand what is going on.
• Watch the video presentation of the code.
• Revise slides from week 18 on MIPS instruction serialization.
• Understand the example code and check the output of the MARS
What to do
• Write a loop to read one-by-one the instruction using the pc variable.
• Extract opcode and funct (if R-type) to figure out the instruction type.
• Implement code to extract the fields of an instruction.
• Perform appropriate changes on the registers for each instruction.
• Manipulate correctly the pc for branch operations.
• Ensure the right memory bytes are updated by sw/lw/lhu/sh.
• Use a method to terminate the program (e.g. nop).
• Comment code and use functions to improve the readability of your
Week 24
Template Walkthrough (1)
/* function to execute bytecode */
int exec_bytecode() {
printf("EXECUTING PROGRAM ...\n");
pc = ADDR_TEXT; // set program counter to the start of our program
// here goes the code to run the byte code
print_registers(); // print out the state of registers at the end of execution
print_memory(ADDR_DATA, 0x40);
printf("... DONE!\n");
return (0);
Week 24
Template walkthrough (2)
• Constants
/* These arrays should store the content of the text and data sections of the program *
after the make_bytecode function. */
unsigned int data[MAX_PROG_LEN] = {0}; // the text memory with our instructions
unsigned int text[MAX_PROG_LEN] = {0}; // the text memory with our instructions
/* Elements for running the emulator. */
unsigned int registers[MAX_REGISTER] = {0}; // the registers
unsigned int pc = 0; // the program counter
Week 24
Template walkthrough (3)
#define ADDR_TEXT 0x00400000 //where the .text area starts in which the program lives
#define ADDR_DATA 0x10010000 //where the .text area starts in which the program lives
#define TEXT_POS(a) ((a==ADDR_TEXT)?(0):(a - ADDR_TEXT)/4) //can be used to access text[]
#define TEXT_ADDR_POS(j) (j*4 + ADDR_TEXT) //convert text index to address
#define DATA_POS(a) ((a==ADDR_DATA)?(0):(a - ADDR_DATA)/4) //can be used to access data_str[]
#define DATA_ADDR_POS(j) (j*4 + ADDR_DATA) //convert data index to address
Week 24
Template walkthrough (4)
• Helper function to print registers and pc
int print_registers(){
int i;
for(i=0;iprintf(" %d: %d\n", i, registers[i]);
printf(" Program Counter: 0x%08x\n", pc);
return 0;
Week 24
Template walkthrough (4)
• Helper function to memory content
/* a function to print the state of the machine */
int print_memory(int start, int len) {
int i, end = start + len;
printf("Memory region (0x%08x):\n\t\t", start);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("\tValue(+%02x)", (i*4));
for (; start < end; start += 0x20) {
printf("0x%08x\t", start);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("\t0x%08x", ntohl(data[DATA_POS(start + i*4)])); printf("\n");
return (0);
Week 24
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0x10010001 0x10010002 0x10010003
1 word = 32 bits = 4 bytes
8 bits
most significant bit (MSB) of data word
“big endian” least significant bit (LSB) of data word
Word and byte addressing
Week 24
Processor Endianness Week 24
• MIPS is big-endian, Intel CPUs are little endianness.
Endianness conversion
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
• The htonl() function converts the unsigned integer hostlong from little
endianness to big endianness.
• Use it before storing to memory.
• The ntohl() function converts the unsigned integer netlong from big endianness to little endianness.
• Use it once you read from memory.
• What happens when you read half-words (16-bits/2 bytes)?
Week 24
Marking details
• Submission deadline: Friday, 19 May 2023, 16:00.
• Please contact the teaching office
(scc-teaching-office@lancaster.ac.uk) if you need an extension.
• You must submit:
• emulator.c – the template file containing your code update.
• Mark explanation – a document (docx, pdf) explaining your expected
mark for functionality and code elegance/clarity/organization.
Week 24
Getting support
• You have three labs until week 24 (week 21, 22, 24).
• Ask TA/Academics any questions.
• Be careful to not share code or solution on the chat.
• Additional sessions:
• Thursday 15:00-16:00, weeks 21-25, teams-online.
• Write you own MIPS programs to test your code..
• One instruction per-line: [label:]instr $op1 $op2 $op3/imm
• Use MARS to verify emulator correctness.
• Does your registers output match MARS registers when running the same code?
Week 24
Testing code
• Provided Makefile can help you to build code automatically.
• In a Linux system type: make
• Generate binary file emulator with debug information
• Run the program using: ./emulator –i filename.asm
• Assembles file filename.asm
• Three sample asm files:
• simple_add.asm: MIPS add program.
• simple_loop.asm: MIPS loop program.
• eth_mult.asm: MIPS Ethiopian multiplication (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00zjz5f).
• ip_csm.asm: A checksum generation for IP headers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_checksum).
• Start from simple instruction.
• Adding support for add, addi, andi, will give a significant number of marks.
• Leave memory operations for last; they will be the most complex element.
• Be careful of signedness.
• If an instruction accepts signed immediate, you will have to make sure that
16-bit signedness is not lost during translation.
• Be careful of endianness.
• Memory in template code is big-endian, memory on your CPU is little endianness.
• Use ntohl to read from memory with the correct signedness.
• Use htonl before storing in memory.
Chalarampos Rotsos, Ibrahim Aref, Angie Chandler
The Task
• Implement a MIPS Assembler Emulator
1. Translating assembler programs to bytecode (Week 20 – not marked).
2. Execute the code in an emulator (Week 21/22/24 – C Coursework).
• Similar to the MARS emulator without the UI.
• Implement a limited set of instructions.
• Use supplied template to implement your code.
• A half-written emulator with basic functionality.
• Read input file, store it in memory.
• Convert MIPS code into bytecode.
Why this Task?
• It covers all aspects of 150
ü Development is on Linux
ü We need to understand machine architectures
ü We use assembler
ü We use c
• Should show how all elements of SCC150 connect
• ... and, it is fun (hopefully)!
Generating Bytecode
Bytecode 0x02128020
Week 20 Practical –
Week 24 Coursework
Week 20
Week 24
Test Code:
0: fields: .word 88 77 0
0: lui $t0 0x1001
1: lw $a0 0($t0)
2: lw $a1 4($t0)
3: add $v0 $zero $zero
4: addi $t2 $zero 1
5: loop: andi $t1 $a0 1
6: bne $t1 $t2 skipadd
7: add $v0 $v0 $a1
8: skipadd: srl $a0 $a0 1
9: sll $a1 $a1 1
10: bne $a0 $zero loop
11: sw $v0 8($t0)
0x00400000 0x3c081001
0x00400004 0x8d040000
0x00400008 0x8d050004
0x0040000c 0x00001020
0x00400010 0x200a0001
0x00400014 0x30890001
0x00400018 0x152a0001
0x0040001c 0x00451020
0x00400020 0x00042042
0x00400024 0x00052840
0x00400028 0x1480fffa
0x0040002c 0xad020008
Week 2
Execution :
executing 0x00400000 0x3c081001
executing 0x00400004 0x8d040000
executing 0x00400008 0x8d050004
executing 0x0040000c 0x00001020 …
Week 24
Template main()
int main(){
if (load_program(filename)<0)
if (make_bytecode()<0)
if (exec_bytecode()<0)
Week 20
Week 24
Emulator Template
• A template is provided • emulator_w24_template.zip
• You do not have to start from scratch
• Basic functionality is provided
• Implement a MIPS CPU emulator
• Input assumptions • You code must use .data and .text directives to annotate code
• The program supports only .word data declarations.
• Program file contains an instruction on each line . • A line may include in addition a label (within the line).
MIPS ASSEMBLER – Instructions
• The emulator should support the following instructions
• NOP - no operation
• ADD - addition
• ADDI - addition immediate
• ANDI - bitwise immediate and
• LUI - load upper immediate
• SRL - shift right logical
• SLL - shift left logical • BNE - branch on not equal
• LW - Load word
• SW - Store word
• LHU - Load half-word unsigned
• SH - Store half-word
• Any SCC150 Assembler operation is based on these instructions, the 32 register names, labels and immediate values.
Instruction Set (I)
• Basic concept
• lowering of the compiler to the hardware level
• not raising of hardware to the software level (as with CISC)
• MIPS is a 32-bit architecture. This defines
• the range of values in basic arithmetic
• the number of addressable bytes
• the width of a standard register
• Simple set of instructions
• All instructions have the same 32-bit format
• Instructions operate on 32 32-bit registers
• Designed to run in a single clock cycle
Instruction Set (II)
• 3 basic types of MIPS instructions
• Register type (R-type)
• Immediate type (I-type)
• Jump type (J-type)
• What do we need to specify in an instruction?
add $s1,$s1,$t0
the registers the operation
32 possible registers; 2^5 = 32
i.e. five bits needed to specify each register
• The elements of an R-Type instruction
op rs rt rd shamt funct
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits
source registers
destination register
shift amount
misc. function code
operation (“op”) code
R-Type Example (1)
0x00 rs rt rd 0x00 0x20
add $s1,$s1,$t0
Example instruction: addition with overflow
000000 10001 01000 10001 00000 100000
op rs rt rd shamt funct
P&H fig. 2.14
R-Type Example (2)
add $s1,$s1,$t0
000000 10001 01000 10001 00000 100000
op rs rt rd shamt funct
The elements of an I-Type instruction
op rs rt constant or address
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 16 bits
source register destination register
operation (“op”) code meaning depends on opcode, e.g.:
lw/sw: address offset
addi: signed number
andi: literal value
Code Structure
• Makefile: The build file.
• emulator.h, main.c: source code file with main and preprocessor
• emulator.c: This is the only source code file you need to modify.
• ip_csm.asm, simple_add.asm, eth_mult.asm, simple_loop.asm:
sample MIPS assembly code. These files should work with the MARS
emulator and should use them in order to test your code.
How to start
• This is a practical that aims to exercise your knowledge of C
programming as well as your understanding of the MIPS ISA
• Read carefully the code to understand what is going on.
• Watch the video presentation of the code.
• Revise slides from week 18 on MIPS instruction serialization.
• Understand the example code and check the output of the MARS
What to do
• Write a loop to read one-by-one the instruction using the pc variable.
• Extract opcode and funct (if R-type) to figure out the instruction type.
• Implement code to extract the fields of an instruction.
• Perform appropriate changes on the registers for each instruction.
• Manipulate correctly the pc for branch operations.
• Ensure the right memory bytes are updated by sw/lw/lhu/sh.
• Use a method to terminate the program (e.g. nop).
• Comment code and use functions to improve the readability of your
Week 24
Template Walkthrough (1)
/* function to execute bytecode */
int exec_bytecode() {
printf("EXECUTING PROGRAM ...\n");
pc = ADDR_TEXT; // set program counter to the start of our program
// here goes the code to run the byte code
print_registers(); // print out the state of registers at the end of execution
print_memory(ADDR_DATA, 0x40);
printf("... DONE!\n");
return (0);
Week 24
Template walkthrough (2)
• Constants
/* These arrays should store the content of the text and data sections of the program *
after the make_bytecode function. */
unsigned int data[MAX_PROG_LEN] = {0}; // the text memory with our instructions
unsigned int text[MAX_PROG_LEN] = {0}; // the text memory with our instructions
/* Elements for running the emulator. */
unsigned int registers[MAX_REGISTER] = {0}; // the registers
unsigned int pc = 0; // the program counter
Week 24
Template walkthrough (3)
#define ADDR_TEXT 0x00400000 //where the .text area starts in which the program lives
#define ADDR_DATA 0x10010000 //where the .text area starts in which the program lives
#define TEXT_POS(a) ((a==ADDR_TEXT)?(0):(a - ADDR_TEXT)/4) //can be used to access text[]
#define TEXT_ADDR_POS(j) (j*4 + ADDR_TEXT) //convert text index to address
#define DATA_POS(a) ((a==ADDR_DATA)?(0):(a - ADDR_DATA)/4) //can be used to access data_str[]
#define DATA_ADDR_POS(j) (j*4 + ADDR_DATA) //convert data index to address
Week 24
Template walkthrough (4)
• Helper function to print registers and pc
int print_registers(){
int i;
printf(" Program Counter: 0x%08x\n", pc);
return 0;
Week 24
Template walkthrough (4)
• Helper function to memory content
/* a function to print the state of the machine */
int print_memory(int start, int len) {
int i, end = start + len;
printf("Memory region (0x%08x):\n\t\t", start);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("\tValue(+%02x)", (i*4));
for (; start < end; start += 0x20) {
printf("0x%08x\t", start);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("\t0x%08x", ntohl(data[DATA_POS(start + i*4)])); printf("\n");
return (0);
Week 24
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0x10010001 0x10010002 0x10010003
1 word = 32 bits = 4 bytes
8 bits
most significant bit (MSB) of data word
“big endian” least significant bit (LSB) of data word
Word and byte addressing
Week 24
Processor Endianness Week 24
• MIPS is big-endian, Intel CPUs are little endianness.
Endianness conversion
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
• The htonl() function converts the unsigned integer hostlong from little
endianness to big endianness.
• Use it before storing to memory.
• The ntohl() function converts the unsigned integer netlong from big endianness to little endianness.
• Use it once you read from memory.
• What happens when you read half-words (16-bits/2 bytes)?
Week 24
Marking details
• Submission deadline: Friday, 19 May 2023, 16:00.
• Please contact the teaching office
(scc-teaching-office@lancaster.ac.uk) if you need an extension.
• You must submit:
• emulator.c – the template file containing your code update.
• Mark explanation – a document (docx, pdf) explaining your expected
mark for functionality and code elegance/clarity/organization.
Week 24
Getting support
• You have three labs until week 24 (week 21, 22, 24).
• Ask TA/Academics any questions.
• Be careful to not share code or solution on the chat.
• Additional sessions:
• Thursday 15:00-16:00, weeks 21-25, teams-online.
• Write you own MIPS programs to test your code..
• One instruction per-line: [label:]instr $op1 $op2 $op3/imm
• Use MARS to verify emulator correctness.
• Does your registers output match MARS registers when running the same code?
Week 24
Testing code
• Provided Makefile can help you to build code automatically.
• In a Linux system type: make
• Generate binary file emulator with debug information
• Run the program using: ./emulator –i filename.asm
• Assembles file filename.asm
• Three sample asm files:
• simple_add.asm: MIPS add program.
• simple_loop.asm: MIPS loop program.
• eth_mult.asm: MIPS Ethiopian multiplication (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00zjz5f).
• ip_csm.asm: A checksum generation for IP headers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_checksum).
• Start from simple instruction.
• Adding support for add, addi, andi, will give a significant number of marks.
• Leave memory operations for last; they will be the most complex element.
• Be careful of signedness.
• If an instruction accepts signed immediate, you will have to make sure that
16-bit signedness is not lost during translation.
• Be careful of endianness.
• Memory in template code is big-endian, memory on your CPU is little endianness.
• Use ntohl to read from memory with the correct signedness.
• Use htonl before storing in memory.