代写Group Design Project Assignment Brief 2023-24 调试Haskell程序

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Group Design Project

Assignment Brief 2023-24

The Group Design Project has three components of assessment:

1)  Multi-Disciplinary Report (40%)

2)  Building Services Design Report (50%)

3)  Group Presentation (10%)

(Note: the architectural drawings provided within the module area of AIBE moodle will form. a separate starting point for this component of the module)

All components are Group Assessment. Students are required to form a group of 4 - 5 students to complete this module.

Assignment 1:   Multi-Disciplinary Report (40%)

The University is seeking to further develop the Rose Bowl site through the construction of a Phase 2 building, to be located on the car park area to the rear of the existing building (adjacent to Woodhouse Lane). The new building must be able to be operated independently and requires  its own plant room area and building services systems. The intended start date on site is 2nd  February this year and the client wishes to occupy the building as soon as possible.

Your group represents the management team of a multi-disciplinary company, which is competing for the design and build contract of this building, which will be sustainable, yet cost-effective. You will design a building for the client that will   suit the current economic climate and meet the current and expected demands of the University.

MD Group  Report (Part  1):

Architectural Design  Review Outline design of proposed Rose Bowl Phase 2

This part of the Multidisciplinary Project will involve analysis of the existing building design and a proposal for alterations to the existing building  structure design  to accommodate the requirements below. You may follow the RIBA work stages 0 – 3 as a framework for this part of project design.

In addition to a plant room, appropriate toilet facilities, stairs, lifts and circulation routes, the Phase 2 building will be required to provide additional teaching space, offices and IT rooms:

one 60-seat tiered lecture theatre

one 100-seat tiered lecture theatre

four computer suites each housing 30 desktop computers

two x 4-person offices

two x 30-seat classrooms

one open plan office, with space for up to 80 administrative staff (minimum of 350 m2 floor area)

It is important to visualise the building, preferably a 3D model, such as Revit. Your revised design proposal will make specific reference to:

spatial and functional layout

external facades and fenestration

fire safety and means of egress

(Maximum 3,000 words; No limitation on drawings)

Submission date: 1st July 2024

MD  Group Report (Part 2):

Project  Management  – Produce  a Design and Construction programme for the retrofit of the M&E systems

This could be implemented in a Gantt chart with appropriate narratives. You may follow the  RIBA  work   stages  0  –  4   as   a  framework  for  this   part  of  project

design.  The programme must advise of key dates, show important milestones and critical points in the contract. Emphasis must be made on the critical path and all the critical activities on that path:

Provide design times and lead-in for each major sub-contract package

Include a work breakdown structure that shows how the packages of work are integrated

Make the programme is realistic – avoid being too optimistic with durations and production outputs

Show awareness of the seasons in which the subcontracting packages are being undertaken and the effect that they have on production, durations and working practice

Delay and Disruption

Many projects fail to operate within the construction programme and overrun the contract completion date

Clearly describe how the project would be managed so that change does not result in delay and disruption. During the discussion identify whether the Society of Construction Laws Delay and Disruption Protocol would be of any benefit

Produce a protocol for the management of change that deals with potential delay and disruption

Site Layout and Logistics

Develop and justify logistically sound proposals for the contractor's site layout / set-up throughout the contract, including site security

Use periodic site plans and layouts to show how the set-up changes as the nature of operations on site change. All plans must be professionally presented, understandable and workable

Explain  how  the  type  of  construction,  cranage,  plant  used  and  vehicular movements around, and the site will have an impact on your proposals and programme

Consider health, safety and welfare Environmental Considerations

The client requires that the Rose Bowl Phase 2 Building should be designed to take into account the Leeds Climate Change Strategy and achieve a minimum of 20% of its energy use from Renewable / LZC energy sources

Review the suitability of a range of Renewable / LZC energy options for the Rose Bowl Phase 2 Building

Proposed Building Services Distribution and Approximate Plant Room Sizing

Propose a suitable plant-room size and location for the Rose Bowl Phase 2 building

As a rule-of-thumb, 5 – 6% of the total floor area is usually sufficient for a plant room

Describe and illustrate the means available for the integration and distribution from the plant room and through the building of the mechanical, electrical and water services

Particular attention should be paid to the routing of systems via risers and voids

NB No specific services design is to be attempted at this stage

(Maximum 3,500 words; No limitation on drawings and supporting information)

Submission date: 22nd July 2024

Multi-disciplinary Group Report: Marking Scheme

This component constitutes 40% of the module mark

Mark Available


Part 1

Review of the Architectural Design of the Phase 2 Rose Bowl


Rationale for design and form. of the building

Justification for method or process

Part 2

Design and construction programme


Delay and disruption


Site layout and logistics


Environmental considerations


Proposed building services distribution and approximate plant room sizing



•    Structure of report, layout and presentation

•    Use of authoritative material to support argument




Assignment 2:   Building Services Design Report (50%)

As a group of Building Services Design Engineers, you are tasked by the Building Design Team, with preparing proposals for the design of HVAC systems for part of your University building as follows:

1)  The open plan office

2)  The lecture theatres

3)  I.T. laboratories

(Note: It is suggested that the design focuses on the third floor and roof, the remaining parts of the building need not be included in this project)

The M&E systems should consist of the following:




Electrical power and distribution

Lighting systems

Separate systems and controls are required for each application. A source of hot water from central boiler plant is available if required. Refrigeration plant must be specified to meet any cooling requirements. To accomplish the task the following criteria should be included (RIBA work stages 0 – 4 may be followed for this part of project design):

Estimate / calculate the fresh air ventilation requirements, heating and cooling loads for the selected areas of the building

Propose and justify suitable air conditioning systems for the selected areas of the building. You may assume the selected system will operate independently of the other systems in the building

Provide duct / pipework design & air / water distribution systems. Fan & pump load  calculations.  Detailed  calculations  should  be  allocated  in  a  separate appendix to the main report

Estimate /  calculate the  power  requirements for the  selected  areas of the building

Produce and justify an electrical power distribution system design

Estimate / calculate lighting requirements for the selected areas of the building

Produce and justify a lighting system for selected areas of the building

Select  suitable  equipment  from   manufacturer’s   literature  to   satisfy  the calculated electrical, lighting thermal loads, ventilation & air / water distribution requirements. Manufacturer’s information should be allocated in a separate appendix to the report

System Integration

Produce a proposal for the integration of the associated systems within the structure and fabric of the building. These should be illustrated on relevant plans and sections of your BSE group architectural drawings and using additional detail drawings and system schematics.

You may assume that all required services have been integrated into the existing building.

(Maximum 4,000 words report plus drawings & calculations)

Submission date: 5th August 2024


This component constitutes 50% of the module mark





Estimation/calculation of:

Lighting requirements

Electrical power

Heating and cooling loads

Ventilation requirements

Water requirements

Together with detail design calculations for the systems in the office area, IT Labs and lecture theatres


Production of systems designs for the lecture theatres, IT labs and for the open plan office and description of their operation


Energy efficiency and LZC considerations


Selection and justification of appropriate equipment from manufacturer’s data


Proposals and drawings showing services integration and distribution within the building fabric


Presentation and Academic Conventions Well-presented,

structured and correctly referenced report. Including contents page, page numbers, a bibliography and appropriate diagrams



