代做RAF7037AD Design Management Specialist Investigation代写Java编程

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Module Title: Design Management Specialist Investigation

Module Code: RAF7037AD

Assignment Brief


This assignment requires you to implement the first part of the plan defined in the module ‘Final Project Plan’ .   You must manage your own process of independent research and evaluation in order to gather insight for your Final Project outcome. You are required to produce an academic report in response to a self-defined research  question or aim, informed by both the theoretical and professional context of your research area.

Your report is likely to include (word counts are for guidance and will differ depending on your project):

1.   introduction, project scope, and aims (500 words);

2.   a discussion of your proposed methodology/approach to research methods (500-600);

3.   a discussion of the conceptual and professional context drawing on a review of the literature (2000);

4.   conclusion, including an outline of implications for your Final Project outcome (300-400).

Whilst secondary research will be sufficient in many cases you may conduct primary research so long as the

appropriate plans have been approved by your specialist tutor. You must have an approved ethics application for the corresponding module, RAF7015AD. Your findings will be used in RAF7015AD as part of the development of your outcome. You needn’t discuss your primary research findings in the RAF7037 report.

You should also keep a reflective log and include this in the appendix. This log acts as evidence of your project development and critical thinking skills.

This assignment is due on Week 10, 5 September 2024 at 14:00 in TEAMS/Assignment

If there is anything that you do not understand about this assignment brief once you have read it fully, or you have any concerns about it, please contact the Module Leader immediately. Their name and contact  details are at the top of this brief.

Additional Information

This module although consistent with Specialist Investigation modules across the PG provision (apart from    MArch) will be led and mentored by specialist tutors. This is to ensure that the agreed outputs to this module are aligned with specialist focus and each student's discipline interests.

Module Learning Outcomes

Assessed in this assignment?


Manage a significant investigation into a creative theme or

opportunity and set out and implement an investigatory framework.



Effectively manage, record and keep a reflective account of a mix of desk-based and/or practical investigation/experimentation.



Critically, creatively and through discourse, translate findings into creative conclusions or a design brief.



Use written, visual and graphical techniques to concisely and academically communicate/discuss research activities and outcomes to academic standards.


Marking Process and Feedback

You will have the opportunity to receive verbal and written feedback through scheduled group tutorials. You are also encouraged to make use of peer feedback by discussing your ideas with your classmates. You will receive written feedback on your final submission in light of your success in meeting the Learning Outcomes. All final assignments are marked by the module leader and moderated by a second member of the postgraduate teaching team.


The ethical issues associated with this assignment brief will be covered during the module teaching and are overseen by the module staff team.

The work that you will carry out on this module does not require you to obtain individual ethical clearance for your individual project. However, during discussion with your module tutor, if it is felt that individual ethical authorization is needed, you will be advised of the process and the deadline for obtaining it.

If ethical authorization is not obtained by the deadline, you will not be able to proceed with the project. If you do so without clearance, the project will not be accepted for submission, will not be marked and you may face disciplinary penalties.

For full details of the College’s policy on ethics, please click RCHE Ethics Policy.docx.

Extensions and Mitigating Circumstances:

We want you to do your best in each assessment. However, we know that sometimes events happen that are either beyond your control or not easy to predict and which mean that you will not be able to submit your coursework by the deadline. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline according to our regulations.

If you need longer than the extension window, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period. You must apply for an extension or a deferral before the assignment deadline stated in this brief.

You may download the format Extensions and Mitigating Circumstances Form.pdf, and submit the completed form and evidence to:group-admin@raffles-college.edu.sgbefore the assignment deadline stated in this brief.

For information about the process and what is/is not considered to be an event beyond your control, please click RCHE Extension and Mitigating Circumstances Policy.docx.

Please note: under no circumstances are module staff allowed to give unofficial extensions.

Late or non-submission:

You must make every effort to submit the best work possible prior to the deadline. If your assignment is submitted online please do not leave it until the last minute to submit. Aim to several hours prior the deadline, or earlier, in case you have any problems submitting.

If you fail to submit work for the module or submit an assessed piece of work late without an agreed extension, you will receive a mark of 0% for that piece of work, even if it is only a few minutes late. You will however be eligible for a re-sit attempt at the next available assessment opportunity where, if you pass, your mark will be capped at 40%.

If you fail the resit assignment, or do not hand in any submission, you one further resit attempt at the assignment. After a second failed/non-submitted resit attempt you will have failed the module. This may have an impact on your ability to progress on your course and/or on your final marks for your degree.

If you fail this assignment on the first submission, the resit brief for the module can be found on the module’s Microsoft TEAMS Assignment. Read this brief carefully and book a tutorial with the Module Leader to ensure that you are clear about what you need to do to pass the module at the next resit opportunity.
