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Integrated Optics Group Assignment and Lab
Imagine you have finished your Masters etc, and joined an integrated optics company earning megabucks. A customer offers the company unlimited riches if they can build a device to their specifications. Your CEO drops it on your group’s desk and your task is to design, build, and test a single mode Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for an instrumentation application. The customer requirements are listed below.
You need to complete the project and write it up as an Optics Express style journal paper (see https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/home.cfm for freely downloadable papers which you can look at as examples). You are to do this in Microsoft Word using the Optics Express style guide and template (download from https://opg.optica.org/content/author/portal/item/templates-default/ ). I would also recommend installing Endnote which is freely available to ANU staff and students to make your citation management much simpler! This is a non trivial task and so you need to start thinking about this immediately. The Lecture note slides for MZIs are included with this task, but you need to come prepared to your first tutorial on September 26th ready to talk about the plan and work break up you will use to complete this task and with a prototype “table of contents” for the paper.
The task is being deliberately left quite open to allow you scope to demonstrate your analytical thinking and ingenuity. However, this is a very real world task not atypical of the sort of design process required in the real world if you were employed in a company specialising in integrated optics. You will need to divide up the work required in a way that ensures everyone contributes meaningfully. The device will be fabricated and measured in the Lab practical session.
Customer Design Brief:
1) Device must be single mode across operating band of 1500-1600nm and designed to be polarisation independent
2) MZI to be built using Multimode Interference couplers (MMIs) as the beam splitting components
3) Free spectral range 0.04nm
4) Insertion loss: design for as low as possible consistent with other requirements
5) Minimum extinction ratio at each minimum across operating band of 35dB
6) You may assume any bends, tapers, and waveguides are lossless in your model but aim for
the shortest MMIs consistent with the requirements as chip real estate is expensive!
In reference to points 1), 2)and 3), the waveguide parameters that meet this requirement are given to you below.
The available material set to fabricate the device is as follows:
Top cladding: Ormocore from Microchem resists
Refractive index at 1550nm: 1.535
Data starting point: https://www.microresist.de/en/produkt/ormocore-and-ormoclad/

Core: SU-8-5 from Microchem resists
Refractive index at 1550nm: 1.575
Data starting point: https://www.microresist.de/en/produkt/su-8-series/
Underclad: Thermally Oxidised silicon
Refractive index at 1550nm: 1.444
Data starting point: https://www.filmetrics.com/refractive-index-database/SiO2/Fused-Silica-Silicon-Dioxide-Thermal-
Fabrication proceeds by spinning and photopatterning/curing.
Under these circumstances a suitable waveguide design is a core height of 3 m and a core width of 3.8 m which provides a zero birefringence waveguide that is single mode in the range required. You may assume the waveguide has a dispersionless group index of 1.5542.
To design the MMIs MATLAB code based on the approximate method of Hill et al. Journal of Lightwave Technology vol. 21 p. 2305, 2003 (file attachment) is provided with the assignment. Wider reading and research are definitely recommended! You will need to create MATLAB code to analyse the MZI performance for yourselves.
• What is required to achieve the required extinction ratio?
• Literature research to see what is known about high extinction MMI/MZIs
• Optimise design of MMIs using MATLAB model for MMI to Achieve required MMI
performance to meet MZI specifications
• Final MZI design and performance prediction
• Fabrication of MMIs and MZI in the lab (Demo)
• Testing of MMIs and MZIs in the lab (demo and hands on)
• Analysis of results
• Write up (start early on this and do it as you go!)
An Optics Express format paper presenting
• relevant background
• Simulation methodology
• your final design and its predicted performance
• your design choices

• fully documented reasons for these including comparison to other less optimal designs
• Description of fabrication
• Experimental results
• Interpretation of experimental results and comparison to projected performance
highlighting performance limiting issues
• References
What I expect to see at the Tutorials (tasks that should be well underway by time):
Tutorial Week 1
Read materials, made a start on extinction ratio calculation methodology for required imbalance to meet specifications, plus MMI model discussion if needed
Tutorial Week 2
Continuation of week 1 plus literature review research results and discussion
Tutorial Week 3
Methodology for optimised design of MMI and initial first try simulated MZI performance prediction
Tutorial Week 4
Anything you need to cover
