代写Information Retrieval and Data Mining (COMP0084) Coursework 1代写留学生Java程序
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Coursework 1
Marking penalties specific to this coursework
Marking penalties are denoted with bold font through the specification of the coursework. The maximum amount of marks (= 20) that can be lost due to penalties is the sum of the following:
• 5 marks formalformed submission filenames and / or imposing a directory structure,
• 5 marks for a report that did not follow the formatting guidelines,
• 1 mark for having figures that are not in vector graphics,
• 5 marks for incorrectly formed output files (1 mark per output file), and
• 4 marks for very slow to execute source code files (1 mark per file).
Penalty marks are subtracted from your final mark. To avoid the majority of the aforementioned penalties, please follow the coursework’s guidelines as described below.
Task definition
An information retrieval model is an essential component for many applications such as search, question answering, and recommendation. In this coursework you are going to develop informa- tion retrieval models that solve the problem of passage retrieval,i.e. given a text query, we need to return a ranked list of short texts (passages). More specifically, in this assignment you are going to build a passage re-ranking system: given a candidate list of returned passages for a text query, you should re-rank these returned passages based on an information retrieval model.
qid pid query passage
523270 |
2818345 |
toyota of plano plano tx |
DART’s Red Line runs along North Central … |
527433 |
1537731 |
types of dysarthria from cerebral palsy |
In some cases, further testing will also be … |
1113437 |
5194230 |
what is physical description of spruce |
Source: *U.S. Rehab Aide Job Description … |
833860 |
5043973 |
what is the most popular food in switzerland |
The national currency in Switzerland is the … |
Figure 1: Sample rows from the candidate-passages-top1000 .tsv file.
Data can be downloaded from this online repository. The data set consists of 3 files:
• test-queries.tsv is a tab separated file, where each row contains a test query identifier (qid) and the actual query text.
• passage-collection .txt is a collection of passages, one per row.
• candidate-passages-top1000 .tsv is a tab separated file with an initial selection of at most 1000 passages for each of the queries in test-queries.tsv. The format of this file is
It is important that you do not change the above filenames, i.e. your source code must use the above filenames, otherwise we might not be able to assess your code automatically and a penalty of 5 marks will be applied.
Coursework tasks and deliverables
Please read carefully as all deliverables (D1 to D12) are described within the tasks. If adeliv- erable requests an answer in a specific format, follow these guidelines carefully as parts of the marking will be automated. Although we strongly suggest using Python, you could also use Java. Please make one consistent choice for this coursework. Do not submit your source code as a Jupyter Notebook or similar. All source code must be your own. You are not allowed to reuse any code that is available from someone or somewhere else. Do not use external functions or libraries that can solve (end-to-end) the tasks of building an inverted index, TF-IDF, the vector space model, BM25, or any of the query likelihood language models. You could use functions or libraries that enhance numeric operations, data storage, and retrieval when this does not violate the aforementioned conditions.
However, do make sure that your code is not very inefficient. Very inefficient submissions will be penalised. The expected completion time also depends on computing power. As an approximate rule of thumb, the maximum runtime per task should not exceed 30 to 40 minutes when using a modern laptop (e.g. a 2020 MacBook Pro with a first generation M1 processor). The equivalent runtime for very efficient implementations could be 5 minutes or less. If we are not able to timely run your source code on our machines (i.e. the code for a task is still running after about 30 to 40 minutes), a penalty of 1 mark for each task that is slow will be applied.
Use only unigram (1-gram) text representations to solve this coursework’s tasks. Write your report using the ACL LATEX template, and submit 1 PDF file named report.pdf. All plots/figures in your report must be in vector graphics format (e.g. PDF). If they are not, a penalty of 1 mark will be applied. Your report should not exceed 6 pages. If there are formatting issues (ACL LATEX template not used, reported exceeds 6 pages etc.) a penalty of 5 marks will be applied.
In total, your submission should be made of 4 source code files (and optionally a require- ments .txt file), 5 output CSV files, and 1 PDF file with the report. Do not deploy any internal directory structure in your submission, i.e. just submit the aforementioned 10 or 11 files. Do not compress (e.g. zip) your submission files. The data files should not be included in your submission. You should assume that the data files will be in the same directory as the source code (again no directory structure). If you impose a directory structure, then we will need to remove this by editing your source code to be able to assess your submission automatically. This will result in a 5 mark penalty. Your source code may generate intermediate files when it runs (e.g. to transfer an outcome of a previous step to the next one). These should be removed when submitting your solution.
Task 1 – Text statistics (30 marks). Use the data in passage-collection .txt for this task. Extract terms (1-grams) from the raw text. In doing so, you can also perform basic text preprocessing steps. However, you can also choose not to.
D1 Do not remove stop words in the first instance. Describe and justify any other text prepro- cessing choice(s), if any, and report the size of the identified indexof terms (vocabulary).
Then, implement a function (or a block of source code) that counts the number of occur- rences of terms in the provided data set, plot (Figure 1) their probability of occurrence (normalised frequency) against their frequency ranking, and qualitatively justify that these terms follow Zipf’s law.
As a reminder, Zipf’s law for text sets s = 1 in the Zipfian distribution defined by
where f(·) denotes the normalised frequency of a term, k denotes the term’s frequency rank in our corpus (with k = 1 being the highest rank), N is the number of terms in our vocabulary, and s is a distribution parameter.
How does your empirical distribution compare to the actual Zipf’s law distribution? Use Eq. 1 to explain and to quantify where their difference is coming from, and also compare the two in a log-log plot (Figure 2).
How will the difference between the two distributions be affected if we also remove stop words? Justify your answer by depicting (Figure 3) and quantifying this difference.
D2 Submit your source code for Task 1 as a single Python or Java file titled task1 .py or task1.java, respectively.
Task 2 – Inverted index (15 marks). Use candidate-passages-top1000 .tsv for this task (unique instances of column pairs pid and passage). Using the vocabulary of terms identified in Task 1 (you will need to choose between removing or keeping stop words), build an inverted index for the collection so that you can retrieve passages in an efficient way.
D3 Provide a description of your approach to generating an inverted index, report the infor-
mation that you decided to store in it, and justify this choice. Hint: Implementing Tasks 3 and 4 should inform this choice.
D4 Submit the source code for Task 2 as a single Python or Java file titled task2.py or task2.java, respectively.
Task 3 – Retrieval models (35 marks). Use test-queries.tsv and candidate-passages- top1000 .tsv for this task. There is no need to describe your approach in the report. You will be marked based on your output only. If the output does not follow the description (see below), we will apply a penalty of 1 mark per problematic output file and attempt to fix minor issues manually (e.g. remove headers, correct spacing etc.). However, if the output file does not have the exact number of rows as requested (this means that there is a fundamental flow in your solution), you will receive 0 marks for that part of the coursework. We will not be able to re-arrange the order of rows that you have provided (again, please follow the instructions).
D5 Extract the TF-IDF vector representations of the passages using the inverted index you have constructed. Using the IDF representation from the corpus of the passages, extract the TF-IDF representation of the queries. Use a basic vector space model with TF-IDF and cosine similarity to retrieve at most 100 passages from within the 1000 candidate passages for each query (some queries have fewer candidate passages). Store the outcomes in a file named tfidf .csv. Each row of tfidf .csv must have the following format:
where qid denotes the query’s identifier, pid denotes the passage identifier, and score is their cosine similarity score. Note that there should be no spaces between commas. The output .csv files should not have headers. Strictly report the identifiers from the raw data (do not replace them with your own). qid,pid pairs should be ranked by similarity score in descending order,i.e. starting with the highest similarity score. You should first report the top qid,pid pairs for one qid, then move on to the next, following the same query order as in the text-queries.tsv file. The same file format should be used for reporting the outputs of all the retrieval or language models that you will implement as part of this coursework (i.e. this applies to Task 4 as well). The last column should report the corresponding similarity/relevance score of each model. Each output .csv file is expected to have exactly 19,290 rows.
D6 Use the inverted index to also implement BM25 while setting k1 = 1.2, k2 = 100, and b = 0.75. Retrieve at most 100 passages from within the 1000 candidate passages for each test query. Store the outcomes in a file named bm25 .csv.
D7 Submit the source code for Task 3 as a single Python or Java file titled task3.py or task3.java, respectively.
Task 4 – Query likelihood language models (20 marks). Use test-queries.tsv and candidate-passages-top1000 .tsv for this task. Implement the query likelihood language
model with (a) Laplace smoothing, (b) Lidstone correction with ϵ = 0.1, and (c) Dirichlet smoothing with µ = 50, and retrieve at most 100 passages from within the 1000 candidate pas- sages for each test query. There is no need to describe your approach in implementing these language models in the report; you will be marked based on your output only. However, please note that D11 needs to be answered in the report. Similarly to Task 3, if the output does not follow the description (see Task 3), we will apply a penalty of 1 mark per problematic output file and attempt to fix minor issues manually (e.g. remove headers, correct spacing etc.). However, if the output file does not have the exact number of rows as requested (this means that there is a fundamental flow in your solution), you will receive 0 marks for that part of the coursework. We will not be able to re-arrange the order of rows that you have provided (again, please follow the instructions).
D8-10 Store the respective outcomes in the files laplace.csv, lidstone.csv, and dirichlet .csv. In these files, the column score should report the natural logarithm of the probability scores.
D11 Which language model do you expect to work better? Give a few empirical examples based on your data and experiments. The examples need to be comprehensive to a reader of the report that does not have access to the data (i.e. do not refer to passage or query IDs).
Which language models are expected to be more similar and why? Give a few empirical examples based on your data and experiments.
Comment on the value of ϵ = 0.1 in the Lidstone correction. Is this a good choice (yes/no), would there be a better setting (if so, please provide a range of values), and why?
If we set μ = 5000 in Dirichlet smoothing, would this be a more appropriate value (yes/no), and why?
D12 Submit the source code for Task 4 as a single Python or Java file titled task4.py or task4.java, respectively.