代做MGMT3004 (Entrepreneurship) Assessment 3 Brief Semester 1 2024帮做Python语言程序

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MGMT3004 (Entrepreneurship)

Assessment 3 Brief Semester 1 2024

Assessment 3: Reflective Report [35%]

Unit Learning Outcomes:

Analyze how entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, how they network and how they create wealth within the real world (ULO3).

Explain how entrepreneurs sustain business growth (ULO4).


The purpose of this assessment is to understand how much you have learned across the entire unit and how you reflect on your learning in relation to the world of entrepreneurship. This assessment builds on the ‘rich club’ mapping that you   have undertaken in Assessments 1 and 2, so by now you should have the basic elements to create a structure for your written report.

Assignment Task

You are to write a 3,000-word report on the ideas, concepts, theories and practices emergent from a reading of the literature, the lectures and seminars and your interview with the entrepreneur. The report needs to be written in academic English and in narrative form. – avoid bullet/dot points and too many diagrams.

Firstly, set out why you are interested in entrepreneurship. Are you interested in entrepreneurship so that you can become an entrepreneur (‘for’ entrepreneurship)? Are you planning on doing further study and research to understand entrepreneurship further to shape policy or critique (‘about’ entrepreneurship)? Or are you interested in entrepreneurship so that you can apply it to the workplace as an employee (‘through’ entrepreneurship)?

Then explain how the various concepts, theories and actions have informed your interpretation and observation of entrepreneurship. Consider each stage of the entrepreneurial journey to success or failure and the key theories that come into play to explain what is going on in the lived experience of being entrepreneurial. You should also include both ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ perspectives, writing beyond just the individual by considering the social, cultural and economic shaping of the field. We would also expect to see some critical reflection (highlighting some of the key debates or issues) within entrepreneurship. What is wrong with entrepreneurship? How might the ‘dark side’ of entrepreneurship change your thinking in the future?

Think of the assignment task as the opportunity for you to show your depth and breadth of understanding of the field of entrepreneurship and written in a scholarly (although accessible way). Imagine you are writing an extended think- piece on Medium or LinkedIn (with academic referencing) of course. Use your  ‘rich club’ summaries as the bases of any theories or concepts you introduce.

Submission Format:

3,000-word (+/- 10%) document,submitted via Turnitin with the following typeface specification:

Times New Roman 12pt (body copy), with 1.5-line spacing.  You may include diagrams correctly referenced.

Due Date:

Please check the Unit Outline for the assignment due date and time.
